Friday, March 18, 2011

Day at the beach,

Amy, Cynthia, Brenda and Doreen went to the beach together, because the weather reports promised a temperature of 30 degrees Celsius. Amy stood up early that morning, because she had to clean her room before she was allowed to go to go to the beach. "Darn, I should go and live on my own. I don't mind the dust on the floor, there are to many books and clothes over them to be annoying". She sighed and went down for breakfast. At breakfast she ate 5 slices of bread, drank 2 cups of tee and some orange juice and about a litre of water. Then she went to the bathroom, took a leak and showered. After showering she walked with only a towel around her body to her bedroom. She put on her bathingsuit and over it her shorts and a T-shirt. Then she proceeded to clean her room, like her mom told her to do. After she had cleaned for about half an hour she found her sneakers, so she put them on as well. Her mom came in with some tee and cookies, and started to help her. "I don't want you to be late at the beach and make you mad at me, so I'll help". "Thanks mom!" After another hour they finished their work, so they went down to go to the toilet. At the moment mom went in, somebody rang the doorbell. "I'm sorry mem, but the waterline has broken, so there is no water. Please don't use any water while we're fixing it!" "Ok, we'll do that" She closed the door and went to her mother, who was coming out of the bathroom "I've heard it, I didn't go. If you need to go, just do it, you're friends will be here in ten minutes." Amy decided not to go but to wait till they were at the beach because she hated taking off all her clothes to take her bathingsuit of just to go to the toilet. She went to the fridge to get her bottles of water out of the fridge she put in there yesterday. Her mother came to her and put the bottles back in the fridge. "We'll be needing those deer, I don't know when we'll have water again and when your fathers boss comes I need to make some coffee or else he'll never get that job he wants so badly" and with that she closed the door. "But mom, what do I drink then? If I don't have any water I'll dry out! And you told me I couldn't bring money to the beach because I got drunk last time" "Promise you wont buy alcohol this time?" her mother asked. Amy said yes and her mother gave her fifty dollars. "Drink and eat what you want, and buy your friends something to. As long as it isn't alcohol, ok?" "Thanks mom!" Amy kissed her mother on the cheek and ran off. She had her friend's car come to a hold in the street. Cynthia stood by the car when Amy ran to her. "Hi, where are the others?" "The water pipe broke and half the town has been closed down. I had to pike you up firs, or else I had to come all the way back for you! Lets go" The picked up Brenda and Doreen and went to the beach.
About half an hour later Amy wished she had used the bathroom when she could, and told her friends. Brenda and Doreen had to go to, because the water at their homes had been shut down as well. Cynthia did feel the need to, but decided that if they stopped to take a leak all the good places at the beach would be taken. The other girls agreed and the drove on to the beach. When they arrived they took their stuff out of the car and sought out a place that seemed nice. Cynthia took a big windshield and they set it up quickly. Amy had told the other girls that she didn't have any water but she had fifty dollars and the others had decided that she could use their water and after that was up Amy could by cola and other drinks. The windshield was set up in such a way that they looked out over the ocean, the sun would shine over theme all day and now one cold look at theme unless he would purposely walk to the opening of the shield. They had done this so that young boys wouldn't stair at there boobs al day (something that happened always due to the size of their cups) they took of there clothes and lay down on the towels they brought with theme.
After they lay for a wile Amy announced that she really needed to use the little girl's room now and asked who would join her. The other girls all needed to go to but could hold on for a while and Doreen told her that she wasn't going to get out of the sun until she really had to. "Besides the lines at the toilets are so long you won't make it any way" Cynthia told her. "What then?" Amy asked a bit uncomfortable. Brenda who hadn't said a word now spoke "look at me Amy. Do you really need to go?" "Yes, if I don't go fast I'll piss myself!" Brenda turned to Amy and then stood up "I'll go with you if you need to go that bad." Amy stood up and took three passes until she stood still and banded over in agony. She had misjudged and couldn't set a step. She had so much pain that she couldn't make a step. A tear rolled down her cheek because she had so much pain and she felt so humiliated. "Amy, if it hurts that much, pee you swimsuit! It's not worth the pain," Doreen said. "No, I won't! I'm no little girl anymore." Amy managed to moan. "Amy, just do it. This is supposed to be a nice day out on the beach, not a day of torture!" Cynthia wrapped her arm around Amy while se said it. "No!" Amy cried while she said it, "I won't, I have never seen anybody do it, so I won't either." She tried to make an other step but stopped again and held her stomach tight and pressed her hand between her legs. Brenda couldn't stand it anymore, took Amy's head in her hand and lifted her face to make her look between her legs. She spread her legs and started to pee. Amy saw from a distance of about ten centimetres the crotch of Brenda's bikini panty get a stain, get wet and starting to drip. Not for long Cynthia and Doreen new what Brenda was doing because they could hear the hissing sound Brenda made pissing. Amy was as surprised as Doreen and Cynthia were. "Now you've seen it, just do it!" Amy straightened her back and spread her legs while she was pissing. She was immediately wet to her bellybutton but she felt greed. For one reason because the pain was over, for an other reason for Brenda showing how much she was willing to do for her. After she finished pissing her swimsuit she gave Brenda a kiss on her cheek. "Thank you! I really needed that." Amy said to her. Brenda and Amy lay down again, while Doreen and Cynthia were still looking at Brenda in full amazement. "What?" Brenda looked back at them and repeated "what?". Doreen spoke for both her and Cynthia "Why did you do that. Amy had no choice, but you had. You didn't have to do it." "I did, Amy wouldn't do it because she never saw anybody else do it. She needed to let go though, so I had to do it, simple enough. Besides it's not that bad, it feels like you went in the ocean but not to deep and we don't need to get in the line for the toilets anymore. We can just let go on our towels and not worry about it. You on the other hand need to go soon. You have seen and heard us urinate and that will make you need to go to!!" Cynthia could only agree to that. She had had to go for some time now, and seeing Brenda and Amy do it didn't make it any easier to hold on. "I'm not planning on leaving the sun jet, so please stop talking about taking a leak or I'll have to go" Doreen suddenly said. "Doreen, I need to go now, want to go with me, or go on your own when I'm back?" "Neither, please Cynthia, can you hold on for an other half hour? Then I'll have to go, and we can go together" Cynthia sighed and lay down on the towel. Amy and Brenda giggled about their friends predicament and looked at them. Amy then gave Brenda a bottle of water and took one herself. She quickly finished it of and took the bottle from Brenda back who had done the same. After half an hour Doreen got up and told she wanted to go now. The other three girl go up as well. Cynthia to go to the toilet with Doreen and Brenda and Amy to go to the toilet there. The just spread their legs slightly and simultaneously started to piss. That was to much for Cynthia who needed to go real bad by then. She crossed her legs and pressed one hand in her crotch. Her hands became wet immediately, as she was pissing herself all over already. When she noticed that it was to late, she spread her legs and just let go as well. Doreen looked in amazement, "if you needed to go that bad, you could have said it then. I would have come with you if I knew how bad you needed to go." "Well, you didn't want to go then, and I could have made it if those two hadn't pissed all over theme again. Then I would have made it to the toilets!" Amy and Brenda just laughed and laughed, Cynthia looked a bit overwhelmed and Doreen still needed to go. She called Brenda and Amy a bunch of baby's and walked away to the toilets. After about ten minutes she came back and without saying a word lye down on her towel. Amy saw something was wrong so she asked Doreen what was wrong. She told theme that she never saw such filthy toilets in her life and that she felt she could have got a decease on those filthy things. Next time she was going to the toilets was going to be at home! "But we'll stay for at least an other seven hours. It's only ten o' clock!" "I know, but there was shit on the floor and on the wall's as well. It smelled so horrible there. I had to go, so I went but I was glad I was done and could get out. Really they were filthy. Some of theme were even taped shut by the police! There was a sign from the mayors office that tomorrow new toilets were coming, but that till then we had to do with these!" "But how are you going to make it home without using the bathrooms till then? How are we going to do it for that matter" Amy asked. "We'll have to do what I said I think," Brenda said, "we'll have to do it in our swimsuits till then" Doreen silently started to cry, but Amy noticed "What's wrong Doreen?" "My mother will kill me when she finds out I have pissed myself" "She will never know if you don't tell her, cause we will never ever tell it to anyone, won't we girls?" The others immediately agreed, and Brenda said "if we tell you did it, we also tell we did it. And do you think we are that stupid?" "No, that's not it. When I come home I'll have to take my swimsuit of immediately and give it to my mother so she can wash it. She'll smell the urine when I peed trough it! Then she'll know it and I wont be allowed to go to the beach with you anymore." "Hey, say what, I've got an idea. You come all with me, and we'll eat at my place, then we'll wash all our suits there and your mother will never know!" "But how will your mother know we are going to eat with you? She'll never have enough food at home" Amy thought for a while and stated that she would go and call her mother. She would explain everything and her mother would help them out. Doreen and Amy went to the phone boot together and when Amy's mother heard what was the matter she promised to have something to eat when the came home and to arrange everything with the other mothers, as if it was her idea to surprise the girls with a meal to make up to Amy for taking her water. When they came out of the phone boot Doreen took Amy's hand, squeezed it and thanked her for arranging everything. As soon as they came back to the other girls Doreen peed without spreading her legs. The urine flowed from her crotch , via her legs to the sand. "I suppose this means that your mother agreed to it?" Cynthia asked. Amy naught her head and sight amazed when she saw what Doreen was doing. "You have done that before, haven't you?" "Yes, until two years ago I always peed like this when I was wearing my swimsuit, until my mother discovered it. Since then I have to give it to her after swimming because she wants to check that I didn't do it again." "Why did you do it? I don't understand," Brenda asked "You said it yourself, it doesn't feel that bad. I even think it feels nice. And it is much easier than pulling you suit all the way down, with the risk there are holes in the toilets where boys watch trough to see you nude. That is how I started, I think about the age my breasts began to grow. One day I discovered that my younger brother watched me on the beach. I ran crying to my mother who punished my brother severely, but I didn't dare to go to the toilet again. After a few hours I had to go but still didn't dare. Then I knew what to do, so I went to the toilet, sat down and held the crotch out of the way and I started to pee, all over my hand. I was grossed out! The next time I went in, I just sat down and peed without bothering to get my crotch out of the way. I went like that for a couple of years, but then stopped going to the toilet. I just peed walking to it, washed my hands and came back. Then finally I stopped going all together. I just peed, watching over the ocean, walking to the beach form the car, waiting in line for an ice-cream and everywhere I thought nobody would notice. One day I did it in the garden, lying on my tummy while I was tanning. I didn't notice my mother coming, but she saw me peeing on the grass. She got furious, beat the living shit out of me and since then she always checks my swimsuit when I have worn it." All the girls felt really bad for her, and decided to do it like her the next time they had to go.
After an hour of sunbathing and drinking Amy had to pee again and so did Cynthia. They both stood up and wanted to start peeing, legs closed when Doreen stopped theme. "I need to go a bit to, though not bad and I Think Brenda does to. Lets get an ice-cream and pee all at once waiting in line for theme!" Cynthia thought she would never be able to pee in a place where everybody could see her, but since the others seemed keen to try it, she agreed but told she didn't know if she could do it. After they came to the ice-cream stand they looked at the list with ice-creams and Doreen started to piss immediately. She looked at the others who the new what she was doing. The other girls pressed to and Brenda farted, witch made the other girls laugh and pee themselves to. They all felt wonderful and bought there ice-creams. On the way back to there shelter a girl walked past theme and suddenly shouted "those girls pissed themselves! Look mommy the pissed them..". The girls mother slapped her child and looked at the girls in disgust. "Don't use such words Kristen! Those girls most probably did and they should be wearing diapers instead of swimsuits and bikinis, but those are not the words of a little lady! Understood?" The girl said yes and her mother took her away from Amy and her friends with an other look of disgust. Silently they walked back to there shelter, now literally a shelter because everybody was stairing at them in disgust. When they were lying on there towels again they started to laugh nervously and Doreen started to tell them this never happened to her before, that she was very sorry and that she hoped the others could forgive her. "Don't worry about it! I liked the feeling of the peeing and to be honest it even aroused me a little bit when that girl saw what we did and started to shout it all out over the beach. I really liked it!" They all looked at Cynthia in disbelieve, aroused? Sure, they felt aroused to, al lot even, but to say it up aloud? They never expected that from Cynthia. "Me to," Doreen told the others, "but I think you already expected that after my story." "No I Didn't suspect it after your story, but I do feel aroused to" Amy announced. "I'm aroused to, and I'm going in to the ocean to masturbate myself, anyone want to join me?" Brenda stood up and looked at the others. They were looking at Brenda and at each other. Brenda was about to leave for the ocean alone, when suddenly the other tree girls got up to and ran to the ocean to do it. They came out of the ocean half an hour later and very relieved. They lay down on there towels and fell asleep at once. When they came back to reality it was around three o'clock and they felt great. Whispering to each other the told how the felt and how many they orgasms had had. The rest of the day was spend sunning, drinking, pissing in public and masturbating in the water.

Thus the foundation of the public pissers and private masturbation club.

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