Thursday, October 27, 2011

Presented for Entertainment Purposes only.


From Jeff, Victoria:

I would like to share with you how I first became interested in
wetting my pants, and girls who wet their pants also. Unlike
some wetting enthusiasts I never had a bed wetting problem when I
was young. I stopped wetting the bed when I was four years old,
and apart from a couple of isolated incidents never wet again at
night. Much of my interest stemmed from my mother and sister.
Julie, who was two years older than I, was occasionally wetting
her bed, even when she was in high school. I would get
incredibly excited looking at the yellow stains on her sheets
and panties in the mornings after she had wet her bed, and would
masturbate while thinking about her lying in bed at night weeing
through her panties and all over the sheets. I often asked her
how it felt waking up wet in the mornings, and she replied that
it was nice and warm and really comfortable, although she never
admitted to wetting the bed on purpose.

I also came to realize that Julie and my mother both regularly
wet their pants during the day. I would always check their
panties in the laundry basket, and if they were wet (which they
usually were), I would take them into the toilet and put them
on, feeling a joy of almost insane ecstasy as the wet material
of the gusset touched against me. I much preferred my sister's
panties for these sessions, as since she usually got home from
school, and later university, before I did, her panties were
often still warm when I got home. If they were dry, or only
slightly wet, I would wee in the gusset before putting them on
and masturbating.

One problem with my sister was that she rarely wore white
panties, so there wasn't usually a tell tale stain if her
panties had dried significantly, although the smell was always a
giveaway. This is where Mum came to the rescue! My mother was
(and still is) a nurse and an avid tennis player. Therefore she
was almost always wearing white panties. Also, work and tennis
seemed to be the times she would most likely wet her pants. When
she played tennis, there would usually be a beautiful pair of
thick absorbent tennis panties complete with a wet and yellow
cotton or toweling gusset waiting for me when I got home.
Usually her panties from work the night before would display
multiple stains, coming to at least a third of the way up to the
waistband in the front, and well up past the gusset in the back.
There was no doubt that coming home was the best part of the

The most memorable occasion however was after walking home one
day with my sister in the middle of winter, on a bitterly cold
day that absolutely bucketed down with rain. We were both soaked
when we got home and Mum decided that we had best get in the
shower straight away to prevent catching colds. She put a bucket
of hot water in the bathroom, and told us to put our clothes in
it and then returned to the kitchen to cook dinner.

I was getting undressed, and was so wet from the rain that even
my socks and underpants were sodden. I looked at Julie as she
was pulling her dress over her head when my eyes became glued on
her panties. Like mine her pants were totally soaked, but
although they were white at the top, they faded down to a
prominent yellow as they curved down to her crotch. I said 'So
you wet your pants on the way home', to which she replied that
she wanted to go, and that since she was so wet anyway it surely
wouldn't matter. I agreed that of course it didn't matter, and
asked her how it felt as she walked home. She said that it was a
really nice feeling, as the wee warmed her bottom and front as
it soaked into her panties, and gave her a tingling sensation as
it ran down the insides of her legs, a feeling which was
amplified due to the difference in temperature of the rain and
her pee. She even said that she could notice it slightly warming
her shoes as it reached her socks.

I then told her I had noticed that she had often wet her pants
by the time she got home and asked her why. She replied by
smiling and flicking her index finger along my now semi erect
penis and saying in a baby like voice 'You're all sealed up.'
Then she put her finger down to her crotch and slowly lifted it
up over her mound and across her wet panties, adding 'We leak!'
She admitted too that wetting her pants while walking home gave
her a nice feeling, and that since she was wearing a skirt no
one could tell anyway.

This seemed to back up a theory I'd always had. I'd noticed much
earlier that it was far more likely that Mum or Julie would wet
their pants if they were wearing a dress or skirt than if they
were wearing pants. So I started trying to look up girls' skirts
at every available opportunity. My most vivid fantasy involves
looking at a girl sitting on steps or the ground in a miniskirt,
legs slightly apart showing her white panties that have a yellow
stain slowly spreading out from between her legs as she releases
little spurts of wee. Another is to sleep with a grown woman,
and wake up to the warm feeling and hissing sound of her wetting
the bed in her sleep.

I regularly wet my own pants whenever I can, but since I am
sharing, this is not very often. It also prevents me from
enjoying the beautiful feeling of doing a long slow wee as I
drift off to sleep.

From Karen, Sydney:

I'm a 22 year old female who finds wearing and wetting nappies,
especially disposable ones, very erotic. When I was younger my
mother made me wear nappies as a punishment for being naughty
and wetting my bed. Although I experienced some momentary
humiliation while having my nappy put on, it was nothing
compared to the sheer pleasure of romping around in it later
that night.

The first time I knew I wasn't alone in my fetish was when I met
Jessica, a girl who I worked with at a clothes shop on weekends.
We were both in our late teens, when Jessy came to stay with me
while my parents were on holiday. We had shared many lengthy
conversations on boys and sex, but we had never discussed our
personal fantasies. I first suspected that Jessy might be an
adult baby when I noticed her squirming and smiling during an
advert for nappies on TV. I deliberately made eye contact with
her, but she only blushed and said she had just thought of
something funny.

The next night, as we were getting ready to go out, I borrowed
some of Jessy's make-up, only to discover in with her lipsticks
and perfumes, several large nappy pins. It was at this point I
knew that Jessy just had to be into wetting! With the nappy pins
in my hand I confronted Jessy about being an adult baby, but it
wasn't until I revealed my mutual desire to be treated as a
little girl, that she was able to relax and share her fantasies
with me. That night we wasted no time in discussing everything
from staging accidents in public to secretly hiding nappies and
plastic pants from our parents. The relief of knowing I was not
alone in my love for being put in a nappy, and having someone so
close to me to share it with, was almost more than I could

Jessy suggested that we should both change into our thicker,
more absorbent attire, just in case one of us should have an
unexpected accident. So that night I got to borrow not just her
make-up, but also her pink frilly plastic pants and super thick
night nappy which she helped put me into. Oh how good it felt to
have someone else tighten a nappy over my sex and to slide a
pair of plastic pants up to the top of my thighs, over my nappy,
and then snap the elastic firmly in place around my waist. As
you can guess we both had accidents in our pants later that
evening, which gave me the pleasure of watching Jessy's face as
she wet her nappy. This was an expression of hers I knew I would
get to see a lot more of in the near future.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Leena and the Doctor..(Part II)..

Posted by dejay on November 27, 1998 at 16:01

Before Leena left Dr. Jamissons office he had also explained to her that because of the nature of her problem there would always be the possibility of
accidents during the therapy and that she should
always bring a change of clothes with her. He did not tell her however that during her hypnosis, he
had given her a post hypnotic suggestion. He had
left the instructions in her subconscious that she should avoid urinating at any time on the day of,
and prior to her appointments with him. Leena had ignited something new within Dr. Jamisson,
something he had never experienced before, and his growing excitement made him want to explore this
new interest using all the tools of his trade.
Leena was agreeable to anything Dr. Jamisson
suggested. Living always with the fear of wetting her pants in public places was making life very
difficult for her. Her outside activities had to
be limited to short stays even though she was
capable by now of holding for long periods. The
trouble was that the longer she held, the larger
the accident would be if it happened. Dr.
Jamisson had now given her optimistic hope of
overcoming this burdening problem and had come
highly recommended so she had full confidence in
him. Even now after leaving his office for the
very first time, she felt a sense of relief, as
though a heavy load had been lifted from her. She had not planned to return to work that day and
wore a smile of optimism all the way home. She
also wore her wet panties all the way home and the irony of her situation was that although she was
horrified of having an accident in public,
privately, she was turned on by wetting herself at home. She frequently peed during masturbation and had been touching herself through her wet panties in the car during her drive home when there were
no other cars around her. By the time she arrived at her apartment she was fully aroused and headed
straight for her bedroom. After removing all her
clothes except for her wet panties, she took out a large plastic bag and a towel from her closet and
laid them out on the bed. Placing herself
carefully on the towel she began stroking her
pussy through her panties. Little shivers were
going through her body and her breathing was
getting faster as she let what ever pee she had
left in her bladder flow into her panties and with her hand, rubbed it firmly over her pussy. Now
the panties were no longer needed and she raised
her hips up and slid them down her legs, pulling
them off her feet and discarding them onto the
floor. She lay naked on the bed and wet towel
quivering with erotic excitement, her nipples hard and erect atop her firm mid sized breasts and
being stimulated with the fingers of one hand
while the fingers of her other hand glided over
her trim, soft mound of pubic hair and into the
slit of her pussy. One at a time her fingers
penetrated inside her collecting the lubricating
fluid from inside and blending it with her pee on
the outside. With each stroke her fingers they
slid over her clit until it was as moist as her
vulva and her fingers stroked it harder and
harder. Now even her hips and pelvis were getting into the action pitching up and down rhythmically, her head pressed back into the pillows and her
eyes closed, every breath was becoming audible
with small sighs and moans. Her orgasm came with
a surge of erotic energy that caused her entire
body to stiffen rigidly for a few moments then she sunk into total relaxation and fell asleep.
The next week wet by fast for Leena. Only once
did she wet herself on the way home from work, it
was the only day she was unable to accompany a
co-worker to the ladies room. She had thought a
lot about Dr. Jamisson that week and looked
forward to her next appointment. He was very
attractive and had a kind of sex appeal about him. He made Leena feel very comfortable with him and
she found herself strangely attracted to him. She even found herself thinking about him during
masturbation. She didn't know if he was married
or not but she was beginning to hope that he
wasn't. At least she felt comfortable discussing
her problem with him and would not be overly
embarrassed if on occasions, she should wet
herself in his office.
Leena arrived a few minutes early for her second
appointment. Again it was set for 2:00 pm but she had taken the entire afternoon off from work. At
noon she had gone home for lunch and changed into
a pair of snug fitting lite grey pants and a pink
blouse loosely open at the top allowing her sexy
lace bra and breasts to be revealed whenever she
bent over. As per Dr. Jamissons instructions she
had brought along her gym bag containing her purse and a change of clothes. As she sat in the
waiting room looking at a magazine it was only
then that she became aware the discomfort in her
abdomen and realized she had not used the bathroom all day. She couldn't understand how she could
have overlooked this when she was home but there
was nothing she could do about it now except to
keep her legs tight together and squeeze her
pelvic muscles and wait. It was not a long wait
however for soon she heard a buzz and the
receptionist answer the interphone saying "OK".
She was then invited into the doctors office.
Once inside, instead of sitting on the couch, Dr.
Jamisson instructed her to sit in a padded, vinal
covered chair near his desk. They engaged in a
little small talk and Leena described how her week had gone with respect to her problem, the whole
time fidgeting and crossing her legs only to
uncross them and then cross them again the other
way. Finally she got up the nerve to ask "Dr.,
would you mind if I used your bathroom before we
go any further?". Dr. Jamissons reply, being well aware of Leenas desperation was "DEEP SLEEP!".
Another post hypnotic suggestion he had planted in her which put her immediately into a deep trance. Leenas eyes closed and she fell limp in the chair. With her head drooping and her upper body leaning slightly forward, Jamisson had a clear view of
Leenas succulent breasts resting in her lace bra
through the open top of her blouse. He too had
found Leena quite attractive and the sight now
before him aroused him so that he put all his
professional ethics in his bottom desk drawer and
turned the key in the lock. Jamisson was not
married and lived alone and had thought a lot
about Leena wetting herself last week in his
office. This thought had been in his head and had provoked numerous masturbations of his own over
the past week. He stared down Leenas blouse at
her partially revealed breasts and began getting
an erection. The view was not enough though and
he could not stop himself from rolling his chair
away from under his desk and over to just in front of Leena as she sat unconscious in the chair. He
gently put his hands on her shoulders and pushed
her against the back of the chair. His hands then went to the buttons on her blouse and one by one
unbuttoned them until he could open the blouse and slide it over her shoulders allowing full view of
her breasts concealed only by the lace of her bra.
He then began to speak to her. "Leena, can you
hear me?". Leena replied "yes, I hear you". "I
want you to keep your eyes closed and stand up"
the doctor said. Leena complied and stood in
front of the chair. "Now Leena, when I tell you
to open your eyes you will find yourself in front
of a public ladies room door. There will be no other people anywhere around and you need to use the bathroom very badly. OK now Leena, open your
eyes". Leena opened her eyes and imediately
pressed her legs tightly together as Dr. Jamisson
sat in front of her watching her every move. She
crossed her knees and bent slightly at the waist
with her arms crossed in front of her, her hands
pressing on her hips. She gave out a moan as she
wiggled from side to side and then pressed her
right hand into her crotch. She stood up straight and put her head back thrusting her hips forward
and back and now both hands were pressing hard
into her crotch. She swayed from side to side and danced from foot to foot, even hopped up and down
on both feet while gritting her teeth but in her
mind she could not bring herself to open that
door. Jamissons attention had moved from her
breasts now and down to her crotch where her hands were still holding tight. He unzipped his pants
and took hold of his stiff member and began
stroking it as he watched. Then the moment he had waited all week for came when Leena sighed and the lite grey color of her pants began turning dark
grey from under her hands. The wetness expanded
rapidly in all directions and ran down the insides of both of her legs forming a growing puddle on
the hardwood floor. It filled up inside her
panties and seeped out through the leg holes
causing her panty lines to show through her pants
before the whole front and back became soaked with her pee. Jamisson grabbed a tissue from a box on
his desk just as his cum squirted into his hand.
Leena stopped peeing and took her hands away from
her wet crotch, Jamisson asked her to sit back down in the chair and go back to sleep. She sat down and closed her eyes.
As soon as he got his little mess cleaned up and
put his tool away he pulled Leenas blouse back in
place and rebuttoned it back up. Then he took a
towel from his bathroom and dried the puddle on
the floor. Finally he sat back down at his desk
and after leaving another suggestion in Leenas
subconscious to be assured that she would be in
proper condition for their next meeting, he
brought her out of the trance. As she woke up she imediately noticed her pants were soaking and said to Dr. Jamisson in blushing tones "Oh dear, I've
had another accident". But Dr. Jamisson reassured her with "that is why I asked you to bring spare
clothes with you because until we get this problem solved there will always be a possibility that
this will happen. We have made some real progress here today Leena and I feel your cure will come in a very short period of time." Leena replied "I
hope you're right" but inside she knew that as
soon as she was cured she would no longer have a
need to see Dr. Jamisson and she was in no hurry
for that day to come. "May I use your bathroom to clean up and change?" Leena asked. "Of coarse you may Leena, go right ahead" the doctor replied. As Leena came out of the bathroom she thanked Dr.
Jamisson on her way to the office door and
Jamisson reminded her to make an appointment with
the receptionist for the following week.
More to come...

The English Sessionsbydererzahlernc©

Stacy had always struggled with English class when she was in high school. Now she was stuck taking English 110 with Mr. Hanes at the community college. He was rumored to be the toughest English professor on campus with high expectations of his students. No matter what, she was determined to leave his class with high scores (or at least a passing grade).

"Excuses won't cut it," Mr. Hanes said on the first day of class. "If your work is not in on time, barring you being in a hospital or dead, I will mark it as 'incomplete'."

Here they were into the second week of class and Stacy still had no idea what she needed to be doing. The syllabus listed all sorts of timelines for when work was to be submitted. She didn't struggle with the timelines at all. It was "what" she was supposed to be doing that she struggled with. This was a writing class, and she had no idea what kind of topics to be researching.

Shrugging off her fears, she approached Mr. Hanes for some help. She was amazed to find he was not as difficult as rumored and was more than happy to assist her. He looked over his calendar and scheduled time for her later that evening after his last class.

"How old are you, Stacy?" Mr. Hanes asked when she arrived later.

"I'm 18, Mr. Hanes..." she said smiling, "actually just turned 18 in August."

"So this is your first semester here, then?" he asked.

"Yes, sir, it is. I just graduated last spring." She quickly replied.

"Ok, well, Stacy..." he began, "there is nothing wrong with seeking help. It is better that you come for help, than try to figure it all out on your own. Now, what exactly are you struggling with?"

That is how it began. Stacy would stop by his class twice a week for a small tutoring session after his last class of the evening. Over the next month and a half her writing skills did nothing but flourish as Mr. Hanes taught her everything he knew about writing. She absorbed everything he had to teach her, and each session she grew more confident in her abilities.

By the time the mid-term arrived the sessions with him had gone from 30 minutes a day, to an hour a day and finally to close to 2 hours. Although each session began discussing English, their time together was no longer just about English and her writing skills. She learned more about him and he learned more about her.

Mr. Hanes was easily twice her age, married and the father of two teenage twin girls. But she never felt closer to another person in her life. She talked about her goals, her aspirations and her dreams. He listened unlike anyone before, and she grew closer and closer to him.

"What is your final paper going to be about?" he asked her as the semester progressed.

"First time experiences in college." She replied confidently.

"Oh? Interesting, any specific experiences in mind?" he asked patiently.

"Yes..." she said and blushed slightly when she realized they were standing closer together than usual. She could smell his cologne radiating from his skin, and felt drawn to his masculine demeanor unlike any other time.

"Mr. Hanes..." she said softly.

"Yes, Stacy..." he said just as softly.

"Kiss me... please..." she whispered.

The gap between them closed almost instantly as he pulled her into his arms. He gently tilted her head up and placed his lips against hers. Their lips pressed together and tongues intertwined as he explored her young mouth with his tongue.

She felt his strong hands grip her ass as he pulled her against his body. His hard cock pressing against her felt wonderful and she wondered (not for the first time) what it was like. She had never seen a man's erect cock in person before, let alone felt one pressed so closely against her.

They kissed for what seemed to her to be an eternity. It was a hot, passionate kiss that she never wanted to end. His hands traveled over her body exploring her soft curves over her clothes, while his tongue explored her mouth and the soft spots on her neck.

When his hand went to her sweatshirt, she didn't even fight him. She wanted this as much as he did, if not more. His strong hands slid over her stomach, pushing her sweat shirt up until her black bra was revealed to his gazing eyes.

He caressed her soft breasts over her bra tickling her nipples and making them grow stiff from the stimulation. She moaned softly as he pinched her nipples through the fabric and pulled on them. Until now she was the only one that had ever done that and it felt so much different when he did it.

She leaned back slightly as he pushed her bra to the side, exposing her tit and hard nipples. His finger traced over her nipple sending sparks like lightning over her body. The feeling was intense as he slowly circled her hard nipples with his finger. She thought she was going to faint, when he bent over to pull them into his mouth.

He suckled on her nipples, teasing them with his lips, tongue and teeth. She took his hand in hers and pushed it down her body, guiding it into the waist band of her sweatpants. He didn't need any other encouragement, as his hand slipped into her pants and panties.

She sucked in a sharp intake of air when she felt his fingers slide over her pubic mound and down between her legs. When his fingers found her pussy lips she began to openly moan and started grinding herself on his strong hand. His fingers felt so good against her sex and she bit down hard on her lip as the first digit slipped into her wet opening.

Stacy felt his tongue and lips against her hard nipples while his fingers slowly, gently explored her young pussy. This was a round of firsts that she definitely hadn't expected, but was in no rush to see it end. It didn't take long for her juices to begin flowing openly over his probing fingers. Her breathing was becoming more labored as a sensation she was not familiar with sprang up in her loins.

When his fingers found her stiff little nub, it was as if a flood gate were opened. She moaned loudly and buried her head in his neck as wave upon wave of pleasure exploded over her body. He continued stroking her sensitive clitoris and sucking on her nipples while she whimpered from the intense pleasure.

As it began to pass, she felt a growing hunger for him. Her hands found his pants and she fumbled with his belt buckle in a rush. She growled in frustration when she couldn't get his pants undone and he pulled his fingers free from her pussy long enough to help her.

Mr. Hanes pushed his pants and underwear to the floor. For the first time, Stacy was confronted with a large erect cock. A look of fear crossed her face as she wondered how it would ever fit in her. Her hand slid down and she tentatively took his cock in her soft hands.

"Yes..." she heard him sigh, "that's it..."

Stacy traced her finger over his thick cockhead, and stroked him lightly as her hands explored his hard shaft and hairy balls. She nearly pulled back when she felt wetness begin oozing from the tip of his cock, but decided it must be normal.

Wanting a closer look, she slid down his body. It was a wonderful work of art, so hard, yet so soft at the same time. She continued stroking him lightly, loving the sound of his soft moans and sighs. As more fluid began to seep from his cockhead, she stuck her tongue out and tentatively licked it. The taste was unusual, more salty than sweet and definitely alluring.

"Yes, Stacy, lick me..." he began to moan.

Stacy remembered what she heard girlfriends say about men and what they liked. She parted her lips and pulled his cockhead into her young mouth. She continued to lick him as she pulled him deeper into her mouth. When it slipped to far in, she began to gag a bit, but quickly adjusted to allow him to slow fuck her mouth, when she realized that he liked that the most.

He slowly rocked his hips back and forth, holding onto her head. She savored the feeling of his hard shaft sliding between her lips. The fluid was now leaking even more from the tip of his cock and coating her tongue. "If this is what cum tastes like it isn't as bad as I thought." She thought, smiling around his hard cock.

"That's it... Stacy..." he moaned "Suck my cock."

She bobbed her head back and forth faster. He flinched and jumped when her teeth grazed his cockhead accidentally a few times. She quickly found the rhythm, sucking on his cock while stroking him hard and fast.

Mr. Hanes moaned loudly and his cock began to swell between her lips. When she slid down his shaft pulling him deep into her mouth, she heard a loud yell. That was the only warning she received as his cockhead exploded in her mouth. Jets of fluid shot into her mouth and down her throat.

Out of pure reflex, she began to gag as his thick fluid rushed down her throat. But she quickly began swallowing, taking all of his cum into her mouth and down his throat. He filled her mouth completely, with drops of cum seeping out of the side of her lips around his shaft.

"Holy shit!" he cried, "Damn girl! Swallow it all..."

She did as he asked, swallowing every bit of cum that spurt into her young mouth. As the pulsating cock began to subside in her mouth, she pulled her head back and watched as it twitched before her eyes. She continued stroking his semi-erect cock, licking the head with just the tip of her tongue until it once again felt hard in her soft hands.

He pulled her to her feet roughly as his hands found her waist. He turned her around and bent her over his desk. She nearly jumped when his hands grabbed her pants and panties. With one quick pull, he had them down around her knees.

She just stayed there, her bare ass and puffy pussy lips exposed to him. Suddenly he was behind her, his thick cockhead pressed against her pussy lips. Before she could say anything, he pressed his cockhead between her pussy lips and penetrated her moist canal.

Stacy felt his cock sliding into her, and she moaned loudly as her pussy lips stretched and accepted his girth. Tears sprang up in her eyes as she felt a tearing in her pussy, and then a sharp pain as he broke through her inner barrier. He continued to push into her, completely unaware of her discomfort.

She felt stretched and completely full as he completely entered her. His hairy balls pressed against her body and she could have sworn that she felt his cockhead pressing against her insides. She moaned loudly as he began thrusting slowly in and out of her.

Soon the initial pain began to subside and the more he thrust, the more pleasurable it became. Before long he was thrusting hard and fast into her tight pussy. All she could hear was him saying over and over how tight and good she felt around his cock.

Once again she began to feel that special heat forming in her loins and the desire to find that release quickly overcame her senses. She began thrusting back hard to meet his forward thrusts. Her breasts swayed, her overly sensitive nipples tickled by the lace bra brushing against them. The feeling was the most intense she had ever felt.

She began to moan loudly, thrashing her head back and forth while he pummeled her young pussy with his hard shaft. He began behaving erratically, thrusting hard, then slowing and repeating the pattern. As he began thrusting hard again, she felt that barrier within break as she began to orgasm around his hard shaft.

Mr. Hanes moaned loudly as her young pussy gripped him tightly. It sent him over the edge and he pulled out of her tight confines and began spraying her ass with his hot cum. She must have looked like a wanton slut, but she didn't mind.

When their mutual orgasms subsided, he wiped her ass off with some tissue. Afterwards he cleaned himself off and quickly pulled his pants up. She righted her clothing and kissed him briefly on the lips. Then picking up her book bag, she made her way to the classroom door.

As he hand hit the door she heard him say in a worried tone, "Uh... Stacy... you aren't planning on writing about this are you?"

She just looked over her shoulder, smiled and pushed through the door...
bydererzahlernc© 0 comments/ 9705 views/ 1 favorites

Monday, October 17, 2011

The Art of Watersports

We know that Forum readers have open minds and healthy sexual
appetites. We also know that the human imagination seems to have
hardly any limits when it comes to interesting sexual variations -
this is, of course, borne out by your letters. If, however, we had
to compile a Top Ten of readers' favourite things, we are pretty
sure that damp delights, non-accidental accidents - in short, good
old knicker-wetting -  would be fairly high up on the list. The
appeal of knicker-wetting is not that hard to understand. The
delicious naughtiness, the sexy shock value of breaking this
taboo, which is the first and foremost instilled in us by our
parents, can be tremendously thrilling. Also, the physical
sensations can be fun as well: the warmth; the wetness; the
slippery, sticky feeling of sopping fabric against the skin.

However, to the mundane world, this is still something strange,
something secret, something pretty sick, even. In reality, it's no
stranger than anything else. The romantics who want sex to be all
pink clouds and rainbows forget that even the straightest of
missionary sex involves sweat, strange sounds and, unless you. are
using condoms, a damp patch or two on the sheets. Still, as quite
a lot of people still find this a difficult subject to - er -
launch into, as it were, we have prepared this guide to the
practicalities of piddling for pleasure. The first difficulty that
some people, particularly women, have been known to encounter is
the widdle that won't -having agreed with their partners that they
would like to at least experiment with watersports, they find, at
the crucial moment, that their bladders simply will not oblige.
Toilet training is, after all, a deep-seated reflex, and the
conditioning can be very strong. Usually, breaking the taboo for
the first time means that subsequent occasions will be easier.
It's probably best to try your first time somewhere private, and
easy to clean - like your own bathroom. Wear old clothes, or ones
that are very easily washed. Relax, and give yourself plenty of
time- perhaps indulging in a little foreplay while the urge to
urinate gets stronger. When you really feel as if you are
bursting, go to the bathroom and stand in the bath. Plenty of
encouragement from an enthusiastic partner will help, and
eventually, nature will take its course.

Alternatively, you could follow the example of the lady who told
me this splashing story. "I'd been going out with Peter for about
three months, and I knew he was a Forum reader, and very broad-
minded - I'm pretty broadminded myself, and I often used to read
his copies of the magazine. What I did notice after a while,
though, was that the mags always seemed to fall open at pages with
letters about weeing yourself! I mentioned it to him, and he
admitted that he'd always been really turned on by the idea of a
woman wetting her knickers - the upshot of it all was that he
asked me if I'd do it and let him watch. Well, we tried several
times, but no matter what, I just couldn't seem to let go. Peter
was very nice about it, and told me not to worry, but I felt a bit
mean, spoiling his fun - and I have to admit, I was starting to
like the idea of doing something so naughty. So, one Saturday
evening, when I was going to meet him in the pub and then stay the
night at his flat, I put on my old, very tight jeans, which had a
bootlace in place of the zip. Carefully, I knotted the bootlace so
nothing on earth would get it undone again, tucked a clean pair of
knickers into my bag and set off. Pete had stopped mentioning
knicker wetting at all by now, so I reckoned I'd give him a really
good surprise.

"We had a couple of pints apiece, and a game of pool, and then it
was time to go home. I actually nipped into the ladies', suddenly
thinking I didn't have the nerve to go through with my plan, but
I'd tied up that knot even more tightly than I thought - nothing
short of scissors would get me out of those jeans. I wanted to wee
quite badly, so I hurried back to Pete and asked if we could leave
straight away. Once we'd got out of the pub, and were setting off
through the park, I confessed my predicament to him.

'"I can't get my jeans undone - and even if I could bhe rest of the way home!" I
wailed. Pete was sympathetic, and said we'd walk as quickly as
possible, but he had this funny, excited kind of look in his eyes
as we hurried down the hill, and I knew he was hoping I'd wet

"Well, I held on until we got to the bottom of the hill, by which
time I was keeping my thighs so tightly pressed together that I
was taking little shuffling steps like a geisha girl. Peter
stopped, turned round, and looked at me. '"There's no-one around,"
he said. "If I were you, I'd do it - you'll never make it home. Go
on - do it in your jeans."

"Just those simple words - "do it in your jeans" - had an amazing
effect on me. Almost without thinking about it, I spread my legs,
and simply let the whole lot flood into my jeans, soaking my
crotch and splashing on to the path. God, I didn't know it was
possible for a human bladder to hold that much! Anyway, when we
got home, and he cut me out of my poor jeans, we had the most
marvellous fuck - and ever since then, our sex life has been lots
better. I pee my pants quite regularly -- and Pete just loves to
watch me."

The human bladder can certainly hold a lot of pee, though it has
to be said that the gallons and torrents and oceans described by
some correspondents perhaps owe a little more to imagination than
to biology. One trick that is definitely inadvisable for wetting
fans is the use of diuretic medicines. The over-the-counter ones,
especially the herbal variety, are generally quite mild but still,
a healthy bladder shouldn't need any more assistance than a
reasonable intake of fluids - and any lager and cider drinkers
among you are off to a head start here. If you don't like lager or
cider, then any beer or wine can be relied on to make you want to
go - and if you don't drink alcohol, plain old water will do. A
couple of pints of water, or beer, or three glasses of wine, can
be drunk as a preliminary to a wetting session, and will usually
have the desired effect within about half an hour. I remember
reading some time ago that prostitutes in exotic foreign brothels
had access to various pills that would transform their urine into
all the colours of the rainbow; unfortunately, I have no idea what
these were composed of, or whether they worked. I'm not sure
they'd be a good idea, anyway...

So much for letting go - how about the consequences on the
material world? Well, you can freely flood any washable clothes,
but caution is advisable with fabrics like velvet, leather or
things that have to be dry-cleaned. On the whole, it's a good idea
to wash widdle off clothes before it has a chance to dry; if
you're concerned about smells or staining, use one of the
commercial brands of nappy soaking solution. Household furnishings
are a different matter; it's better on the whole to put down
plastic bags, or several thicknesses of old towels, before
flooding your living room. Lino floors are okay - but with kitchen
roll and wipe down later with household detergent.

A lady reader with a passion for wetting sent in the following
tale: "Last summer I was watching Wimbledon on my own at home, and
was literally dribbling pee in my pants rather than miss the last
few games. Something snapped inside me and, without a second
thought, I slipped off the sofa and squatted in front of the TV,
flicking up the corner of the rug out of the way before giving up
the struggle. A spreading warm feeling and odd gurgling sounds
told me that I was definitely making progress, and I glanced down
to see the crotch of my pants soaked, and ballooning out with the
force of my piss gushing into them. After the match ended, I
mopped up the pool on the vinyl floor and rinsed out my sodden
pants, but not before reaching a climax almost without touching my
warm, pee-soaked pubes, half out of the excitement oand stayed where it was for absolutely
ages. I was wriggling in my seat and biting the back of my hand -
it's a good job no one was there to see me, I must have looked
like a loony.

"In the end, I couldn't hold on any longer, and was wondering
whether to piss on the floor of the carriage, or on the seat , and
what I'd do if someone got into my carriage at the next stop. Then
I remembered that I had a big bath-towel in my holdall - and three
or four plastic bags. I grabbed the towel, gasping aloud, now, I
wanted to go so badly, then rolled-it up, rammed it between my
legs - didn't even think about taking my knickers down, there
wasn't time. I just pissed and pissed and pissed into this towel.
The relief was incredible - and the physical sensations were
great, just so much pleasure, from relieving the pressure, and not
only that, the roughness of the towel on my sensitive labia and
clit was very exciting, very stimulating. I ended up rubbing
myself to a climax with the towel, through my dripping knickers!

"I dumped the wet towel and my knickers in a plastic bag, tied it
up tightly and tucked it back in my holdall, then when I got home
I just popped it in washing machine. Now, sometimes when I'm home
on my own, I'll drink gallons of tea and water, until I'm
bursting, then stand in the bath and piss into a rolled-up towel,
before rubbing myself off. It's fun, and I guess it's fairly safe
sex as well."

In fact, a great many of our correspondents on the subject have
discovered the thrill of knicker-wetting, literally, by accident.
For some, the thrill is compounded by passers by knowing their
"disgrace," others prefer not to be seen or interrupted in full
flood. It is just possible that you could be charged with public
indecency or insulting behaviour if you deliberately pee in public
- remember the Rolling Stones? On the whole, though, this is
unlikely if you are sensible, so don't pee somewhere you could
cause distress or offence to others if you can possibly help it -
such as in swimming pools or near picnic areas. Dark alleys, bus
shelters and so on are generally in the sort of grotty, grubby
state where a pint of pee won't make much difference in terms of
annoyance to other users - but most plant life objects to becoming
a toilet. The exception to this is your ecofriendly compost heap,
which is much improved by the addition of ammoniacal substances
such as human pee. Oh, and should you ever be stung by a
jellyfish, I am reliably informed that fresh urine will lessen the
pain of the stings. Happy accidents, everyone, and keep those
letters flooding in.

Forum, Vol 24, No 7 (1991) pp 50-53.


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

My Sister's Pantiesbybeenthere2

My Sister's Panties

My younger sister, Lisa, has been a cock tease for as long as i can remember. Now 18, she loves walking around the house showing off her long, lean legs and her tight ass. Although she was a little taller than I was at 5'08", she had small but firm breasts and seldom wore a bra under her shirts.

As she grew into a young woman, again she paraded around the house, now with the very developed body of a young woman rather than a young girl. She had long blonde hair, blue eyes, and a way of walking that just made guys stop in their tracks.

Our parents always were scolding her about her style of clothing, which was usually very revealing. She used to tell them that she liked teasing the guys and even the girls at school, and that she knew exactly what she was doing. She said she knew she was a cock tease and loved it. She did have a string of boyfriends she dated, along with her usual circle of girlfriends, but none were ever what you called steady.

I never minded her clothing choices, and actually looked forward to her more revealing outfits that showed off her best assets. which in my humble opinion, were her long legs and her tight little butt. She knew I ogled over her, and yet didn't seem to mind parading half naked in front of me, partially dressed. She would sit while watching tv, crossing and uncrossing her legs, occasionally placing her legs on top of mine as we both sat on the couch.

She several times even asked me how she looked before she went out clubbing with her friends. A few times, at the dinner table, she would rub her feet on my feet and place her feet on my knees, smiling but never saying a word. I can't say how many times I masturbated thinking of her sexy legs wrapped up around my head, imagining I was licking her sweet pussy till she came.

I also recall many times, after she had left either for school or out with her friends, going thru her hamper in her bedroom, searching for her worn panties. She usually wore white cotton panties, but occasionally would have thong panties among the mix. I at first sheepishly picked them out of the hamper, bringing them up to my nose to inhale her female scents.

They would smell heavenly, and my cock would immediately become hard as a rock . Lisa's thongs would have her scent on the crotch and along the stringed area I knew would have been in her butt cheeks. Sometimes I would even masturbate on her panties, and would rub my cum all along her crotch area.

Knowing that she would be wearing them with my cum, even though they would have been laundered, would bring erotic visions to my mind's eye. I didn't think she knew I did this, as she never mentioned it to anyone.

As time went on, I became even bolder with her panties. I noticed several times the scent of remaining piss along with her female scents on her worn panties or nylons. I would bring my tongue on the crotch areas, again eagerly licking off any of her that remained on them.

I would also add a few squirts of my own pee on her panties, along with my cum after I masturbated. I always placed them back in the hamper underneath her other clothing. Her white cotton panties would be slightly yellow but I figured she wouldn't notice as she threw them in the wash.

Several years had passed. Lisa, now 20, was in college, and I was still living at home. She resided in the dorms, so she usually came home on long weekends or vacations. I missed her being around the house, not only because I missed her sexy body but also missed the opportunity to play with her undies.

On one of her returns home, our parents had gone away on vacation themselves, leaving me and Lisa at home. She was now 19 years old, and a genuine knockout. Tall, tanned, long limbed blonde goddess. What was there not to love.

On this visit, I recall it was a Friday night. I was planning on staying home to watch my favorite NBA team, the Celtics, play the hated Lakers. Lisa was planning on going out with her girlfriends. Before she left, she had been showering and getting herself ready for the night out. She came out to the front room wearing one of her sluttiest short skirts and heels.

The skirt just barely reached her thighs, covering just about all of her wonderful butt and not much more. Her shapely legs were accented by her heels, which were a good 4" high. She was not wearing any nylons, as she had a great tan from the summer. She asked me what I thought of her outfit. I said the usual it looks okay, covering my growing erection with a blanket.

As if she didn't already have my full attention, Lisa placed one leg up on the settee. She began rubbing her long legs up and down with both of her hands, literally begging me to look at her firm thighs, knees and calves. I could see right up her skirt, straight into her groin area, and saw she was wearing black panties.

I couldn't swear to it at the time, but it even looked like she had placed one finger inside her panties next to her thigh. God how I would have loved to touch her firm sexy legs, lightly kissing my way up to her sweet pussy. She asked me again if I liked her outfit.

She, standing right in front of me now, asked me if the skirt was too short, and I said not for her. She asked me what I meant by that and I told her that most of her skirts were that length, and would probably get her the attentions she wanted. She then asked me if it had gotten my attention.

I feigned surprise, and asked her what she meant. She said that she knew I had an obsession about her legs, and then added, to my surprise, that she also knew about my panty fetish. I started blushing, and felt the blood rush from my face. Busted, I thought, and who would she tell was my next thought.

She put her foot back down and then walked right up to me. She said that it was okay, she would not tell anyone about my indiscretions with her panties. She said that she was actually flattered that her older brother had found her worn panties sexy, and that she had known about my depositing both my sperm and piss on her panties for years.

Lisa said that my additions to her panties had aroused her so much that she would usually put the dirtied still damp panties back on and finger herself into a shattering orgasm, mixing her pussy juices with my deposits. She said it made her feel like a real slut to actually wear them like that for the entire day or so.

I was now both petrified and sexually aroused at the same time. Lisa bent over and kissed me on my lips, a full and tender kiss, not like brother and sisters would usually kiss.

She then said that this was our little secret and placed one finger on my lips as if to say she wasn't going to say anything. I thought I could almost taste her when I licked my lips. Had she fingered herself while she was teasing me, and if so, did she want me to actually taste her by placing her wet finger on my lips? She looked me in the eye and said she would see me later and to enjoy my evening home alone. She smiled and walked out to her car and left.

I stayed on the couch for minutes, thinking about what she had said, how she had kissed me, and the taste of her on my lips. I was still hard as a rock, and was already leaking precum from the tip of my penis. I knew I was about to cum, and not wanting to waste it on my stomach, I got up and went into Lisa's room, looking into her hamper. Upon opening it, I saw one of her usual white cotton pair of panties right on top.

I picked them out and felt they were totally soaked. I recognized Lisa's womanly scent right away, and also noticed they were soaked yellow stains from where she had peed herself. The panties were still warm, so she must have just wet herself as she was removing them. I placed them up to my face, and began licking the soaked crotch area.

I saw several of her curly blonde hairs inside the material. I quickly brought the panties down to my fully extended throbbing cock and jerked a few times, cumming almost immediately into her already soaked pantied. I came so much that my cum not only covered the small crotch area but ran down around the leg cutouts into the back of the panties.

I also squirted a few drops of my pee on her panties, which were now too soaked to hold any more fluids. After regaining myself somewhat, I replaced them right on top of the pile, leaving the top open for her to notice right away.

Returning to the couch, I wondered what would happen when Lisa returned home later that evening.

...to be continued?

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Naughty Games

Pam was now a regular visitor to the "family." She was a fast and
eager  learner  for  the  various BDSM naughty games that her new
friends  enjoyed  playing.  It was always fun for Miss Edwards to
lead  a new "bottom" through her "training" period. It was a time
of experimentation to see what Pam liked and did not like. It was
the honeymoon to determine just what turned her on. Thus far, Pam
was turned on by every naughty game they played.

It was the fourth of July holiday. Pam had gotten permission from
her  parents  to  spent the day and night with her new friend Amy
and her family. Her parents were happy that Pam had finally found
a  real  friend.  If  only they knew ... The girls had planned to
attend  the big fireworks display that evening at the county park
in a neighboring county. Miss Edwards was being careful not to be
seen in public with her former students. They had planned to take
a  picnic dinner with them and eat in the park before it got dark
and  the  show began. As the five girls were packing the van with
the  baskets and coolers, Sally held up one of the gallon jugs of
lemonade  and  said  to  Miss  Edwards  "Hey, do you know what we
haven't  played  in  years?"  Miss Edwards looked at the jug that
Sally was holding and said "Oh no, you don't mean ..." "Yes" said
Sally,  "Bladder  control!"  Judy, Amy and Pam all said in unison
"Bladder control?"

Miss  Edwards  looked  at  the  three girls and said "Yes, it's a
naughty  game  we  used to play when we were in college." Pam and
Amy  asked  excitedly  to  explain  how the game was played. Miss
Edwards  and  Sally  explained  the  general rules. Judy, who was
laughing  hysterically,  said  "You can't be serious!" Sally said
"Yes,  it's  a  lot of fun." Pam and Amy were anxious to play the
new  naughty game. Miss Edwards and Judy considered themselves to
be  too old and sophisticated for such a juvenile prank. However,
they  found  themselves  being  outvoted.  Miss  Edwards and Judy
finally  agreed  to  play. They all first needed to agree on what
"stakes"  they would play for. This amounted to 10 side bets, one
bet between each each pair of girls. The game would result in one
big  winner  and  one  big  loser.  The rest would be winners and
losers.  There was much negotiation between Judy and Miss Edwards
with  the  girls  with  regards to the bet. Judy and Miss Edwards
both  realized  that  they  may lose and have to play "bottom" to
either Amy or Pam or both at "pay-up" time. They also had trouble
deciding  on  the bet between them as one of them would lose. The
agreed upon stakes for all the bets were written down on paper so
that there would be no argument later.

Miss  Edwards  said  "I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm
not  going to wear these shorts if we play this game. I recommend
wearing skirts, the shorter the better. I also recommend that you
don't  wear  panties.  So,  I'll  leave  the skirt length to your
discretion.  Amy  said  "I  know,  I'll  wear  my  reform  school
uniform!"  Judy  and  Miss Edwards looked at Amy in shock knowing
that  she  just  might  do  such a thing. Pam said "Reform school
uniform?"  Judy  said  "No you won't!" Amy said "Oh, ... then how
about my slave girl costume?" Pam said "Slave girl costume?" Judy
glared  at  Amy.  Amy  smiled  and said "Just kidding." Pam asked
again about the costumes. Amy said "I'll have to show them to you
sometime.  Let's  go change." Pam said "I don't have a skirt with
me,  all  I  have  are these shorts." Amy said "You can wear your
bikini,  you  may as well get SOME use out of it!" Pam had always
brought  her  bikini  with  her even though she never used it. It
diverted  suspicion from her parents. She always dunked it in the
pool  before  she left for home so that it would be wet. Pam said
"But  people  will  see!" Miss Edwards teasingly said "See what?"
Pam  said  "You  know."  Miss Edwards said "Oh, you mean that you
can't hold it?" Pam could tell that Miss Edwards was teasing her.
She  said "It's going to be too embarrassing." Amy suggested that
Pam take a beach towel with her to wrap around herself afterward.

Miss  Edwards  reminded  everyone to make sure that they made one
last  stop  in  the bathroom before leaving, just to be sure that
everyone  gets  an  "even  and fair start." The girls went off to
change  their clothes and do their duty. They returned to the van
a  few  minutes  later. Pam was in her bikini, and the four other
girls  all  were wearing short skirts. Amy twirled around and let
her  skirt  fly  out  revealing the fact that she was not wearing
panties.  She  said  "This  is fun!" Judy admonished her and said
"Don't do that in the park!" Amy teasingly asked "Why not?" Sally
then  twirled  around  to  reveal  her  best body parts. She said
"You're right, this is fun!" Judy rolled her eyes in disgust. Amy
said to Miss Edwards "Let's see yours." Miss Edwards thought that
flashing  like  that was too juvenile and declined the offer. Pam
and  Amy  pleaded "Oh please." Sally snuck up behind Miss Edwards
and lifted her skirt, revealing her generous patch of curly hair.
Miss  Edwards  grabbed  her  skirt and pulled it down and said to
Sally  "Hey,  cut that out!" Pam and Amy were holding their sides
laughing.  Judy  was  also  laughing.  Miss  Edwards said to Judy
"What's  so  funny? Let's see yours." Judy realized that all eyes
were  on  her;  it was her turn. She sighed and slowly lifted her
skirt  to  show  off her sandy colored pubic patch. Sally started
smacking  her  lips  and  made loud kissing sounds; Pam, Amy, and
Miss Edwards all laughed.

Judy pushed her skirt back down and said "Let's go." Miss Edwards
made  one  last  check  to  be sure that she brought a stopwatch,
paper,  and  pencil  with  her. They all climbed into the van and
Judy  drove  for  nearly  an hour to the park. They arrived after
6:00PM  and  the  parking  lot  was already starting to fill. Pam
wrapped  the  beach  towel  around  her  waist and the five girls
carried  the baskets of food and jugs of lemonade into the grassy
park.  They  picked  a  spot  that  would give them a view of the
fireworks  but  was away from the general crowd. They didn't want
to  draw  too much attention to themselves given the naughty game
that  they  intended  to play. Miss Edwards felt naughty pleasure
being  a  teacher  and  walking around in public in a short skirt
without  panties or bra. She hadn't done anything like that since
college.  The  thought  of standing in front of her class dressed
like that made her wet.

The  girls  spread  a  blanket out on the ground and they all sat
down  around  it. Judy and Amy watched as Sally and Miss Edwards,
who  had  both play this naughty game before, spread their skirts
and  sat  with  their  bare  buttocks  on the grass. Their skirts
discreetly hid their bottoms from view. Judy and Amy copied their
technique.  Pam  removed  her  towel  and sat on the grass in her
bikini.  They  opened  the  baskets of food and passed around the
fried chicken, potato salad and coleslaw. Miss Edwards poured out
five  large  cups  of  lemonade.  After they had eaten some, Miss
Edwards  held  up  her  cup and said "Drink up!" They all held up
their  cups  as  in a toast and took a drink. The four girls were
about  to  put their cups back down when Miss Edwards said "Drink
up,  all  of it!" They all looked at each other. The naughty game
had begun!

They  all finished their cups of lemonade and Miss Edwards filled
them  again.  After  they had finished eating, Miss Edwards again
held  up  her  cup  and said "Drink up!" They all picked up their
cups  and  drank  down  the  entire  contents. Miss Edwards again
filled  the  cups. She had now opened the second jug of lemonade.
The  girls  cleaned up the paper plates and put away the utensils
leaving only the cups.

It was now after 7:00 PM and the sun was getting low in the West.
The  girls were starting to feel the effects of the two full cups
of  lemonade. Miss Edwards picked up her cup and said "Drink up!"
The  four  girls  reluctantly  picked up their cups. Miss Edwards
said  "Well,  you  wanted  to play this naughty game!" They again
drank down the cups of lemonade. Miss Edwards poured out the last
of the second jug into the cups. They could all feel the pressure
building. Pam and Amy were squirming trying to find a comfortable
position  to  sit.  Sally  started  in  "Hey,  have you guys ever
visited  Niagra  Falls?  That sure is a lot of water pouring over
the  edge!"  Miss  Edwards  picked up on Sally's teasing and said
"How  about Hoover dam? There's a hell of a lot of water pressure
coming  out  at  the  bottom!" Judy was now groaning and shifting
around trying to find a comfortable way to sit.

Miss  Edwards, maintaining a stoic posture, picked up her cup and
said  "drink  up!"  The  discomfort  on Pam's and Amy's faces was
obvious.  They  all  watched  each  other  as they simultaneously
finished  the  lemonade ensuring that everyone finished together.
Miss  Edwards  got  out  her  stop  watch, paper and pencil. Miss
Edwards  looked  at Amy and Pam and said "Well, from the looks of
you  two,  it  won't  be  long now." The four girls were shifting
around in discomfort. Miss Edwards maintained a stoic posture and
sat still. Miss Edwards picked up the first gallon jug, opened it
and  looked  inside.  The  ice  had partly melted leaving some of
water  in  the  bottom.  She  held the jug in the air, opened the
spigot  and  let  the  water  flow out in a stream. The sight and
sound  was  too  suggestive for Amy. She groaned and the sound of
her  gushing water joined that of that from the jug. Miss Edwards
closed the spigot and started the stopwatch. The four girls watch
the relieved expression on Amy's face as she emptied her bladder.
Her skirt hid from view what was happening.

Sally  chastised  Amy  "That's disgusting, urinating like that in
public." The girls all laughed. Miss Edwards announced "Well Amy,
looks  like  you're  the big looser." Sally said "You should have
seen those people over there looking at you." Amy turned her head
and  looked.  She saw some people glancing at them but she didn't
think  they  could  have heard her. She said to Sally "Oh, you're
just  kidding." Miss Edwards picked up the other jug and shook it
so  that  the  sound  of  the ice could be heard. She said to Pam
"Would you like some more?" Pam let out a moan as her bladder let
go.  The  gushing fluid soaked the bottom of her bikini. As Pam's
water  was  flowing,  Amy  said "Oh look, here comes your old boy
friend  John  Goldman!"  Pam,  with a look of horror on her face,
suddenly knelt up and sat on her feet but couldn't stop the flow.
The  urine  ran through her bikini bottom and soaked her feet and
ankles.  She  look  at where Amy was looking and saw nothing. Amy
was  roaring  with  laughter. The other three girls joined in. At
first,  Pam  didn't  think  that  it  was  so funny, then she too
laughed. Miss Edwards noted the time. That was two down and three
to go.

Sally  and  Judy were shifting around uncomfortably. Miss Edwards
never  moved. The minutes dragged on. Even though they would have
to  pay a large "penalty" on their bets, Pam and Amy were glad to
have relieved their pressure. Miss Edwards kept trying to provoke
Sally  and  Judy  with  comments. "Does that kitchen faucet still
drip?"  "Have  you  ever noticed how fast the water flows through
the  coffee  maker?"  Suddenly  the girls all heard that familiar
sound  of  gushing  water.  Miss  Edwards, Judy and Sally all had
blank  looks  on  their faces and said nothing. Miss Edwards then
realized that Sally was keeping a poker face as she was relieving
herself.  She said to Sally "Hey, that's cheating! Just for that,
I'm  waiting until you're finished before I mark the time." Sally
moaned  a  sigh  of  relief  as  her pressure dropped. When Sally
finished, Miss Edwards recorded the time. Two more to go.

It  was  now  a test of wills between Judy and Miss Edwards. Judy
was  in  obvious  discomfort  and kept moving positions trying to
find  relief. Miss Edwards maintained her stoic posture and never
let  anyone  know that she was uncomfortable. Finally, as the sun
was  setting,  Miss  Edwards clenched her teeth and whispered "Oh
shit!"  as  her  bladder  let go. The stream sounded like a hose.
Sally  looked  at  the stopwatch and noted the time. Judy was the
big  winner.  It  was now up to Judy to see just how big a winner
she  was.  The  four  other  girls all tried every trick to break
Judy.  They  shook  the melted ice in the jugs. They talked about
how  good  it  felt  to  relieve  the pressure. When none of that
worked,  Sally reached over and pressed against Judy's bladder on
her  lower  abdomen.  That  did  the  trick! As Judy yelled "Stop
that!", her bladder burst. It sounded like the proverbial pissing
race  horse.  The  girls  all laughed and applauded; Miss Edwards
stopped the watch and noted the time. The people around them were
looking wondering what they were applauding.

They  stayed  and  watched the fireworks display. The show lasted
about  30 minutes. Then they carried the baskets and jugs back to
the  car.  Pam  wrapped the towel around herself to cover her wet
bikini  bottom.  By  the  time  they  drove  the hour home, their
bladders  were  again  full.  Miss Edwards said "I suggest we all
shower first before we pay up on the bets. I don't know about the
rest  of  you, but I have to go again." They all agreed that they
too  had to go. Amy said to Miss Edwards "Don't waste it, you can
give  me a golden shower." Pam said "Golden shower?" Amy said "Oh
yes,  you  can get one too. It's a lot of fun." Sally said to Amy
"You're incorrigible!"

Judy  and Sally went to the main bathroom while Pam, Amy and Miss
Edwards  went  to  Amy's bathroom in the master bedroom. They all
quickly  got  undressed.  Pam  was  about to sit on the toilet to
relieve  herself when Amy said "Don't do that, come in the shower
with  us."  Amy wasn't sure just what they were up to but she was
anxious  to  play  the naughty game. They all got into the shower
stall.  Amy  laid  down,  face up, between Miss Edwards' feet and
said  "I'm  ready."  Pam  watched  in  shocked  disbelief as Miss
Edwards  urinated  on Amy. Amy held up her hands into the gushing
stream  as  if  she  were  washing.  The  fluid  splashed  in all
directions  hitting  Pam  and  Miss Edwards on the legs. When the
front of Amy was soaked, she turned over and soaked her back.

When  Miss  Edwards has emptied her bladder, Amy got up. Drops of
urine  were running down Amy's body. She said to Pam "Your turn."
and pointed between her spread legs. Pam slowly laid down between
Amy's  legs  as if in a trance, not sure she could really believe
what  she  just  saw  or  was  doing. Amy grunted and let go. The
stream  hid  Pam's chest with a great splash. Pam moved so as not
to  splash  in  her face. Amy aimed the stream at Pam's pubis and
then  moved  back up to Pam's breasts. Pam quickly rolled over to
avoid  getting  it  in  her face. Amy moved the stream down Pam's
back and finished her duty on Pam's buttocks.

When  Amy had finished, Pam stood up laughing. She had never done
anything  so kinky before in her life. Pam said I have to go too.
Amy  said  "Hmmm, who didn't get a shower?" Pam and Amy looked at
Miss  Edwards.  She could feel the blush in her face knowing what
was  going  to  happen. It was only fare that she should also get
one. She was both embarrassed and excited as she slowly laid down
between  Pam's  feet.  Miss Edwards had never before had a golden
shower. Now, the first one would be from her former student! Miss
Edwards  laid between Pam's legs as Pam tried to relieve herself.
Pam's  face grimaced in pain as she tried to do her duty, but she
couldn't  relax.  The  harder  she  tried,  the  more painful her
bladder  became.  Finally, Amy reached out and tickled Pam in her
ribs.   Pam,   who   was   extremely   ticklish,   screamed  with
uncontrollable  laughter and her bladder burst forth with a heavy
stream.  Amy  kept  tickling  Pam  as she urinated, screaming and
wiggling  around.  Her urine not only soaked Miss Edwards, but it
also sprayed on her own feet and Amy's

When  Pam's  bladder  finally  emptied, Amy quit tickling Pam and
Miss  Edwards  got up laughing. She was laughing not only at what
Amy had done to Pam but also at the spectacle that they made. She
was wondering what the school board would think if they could see
her  now! Miss Edwards turned on the water in the shower and they
all  washed  each  other. Miss Edwards shampooed Amy's long hair.
They  dried  off  and  Miss  Edwards dried Amy's hair with a blow
dryer.  They then went down stairs, naked, to join Judy and Sally
in the living room. It was now time to pay up on their bets.

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Monday, October 3, 2011

Jessica The Pissmop Ch. 02byTheDarkCloud©

I couldn't get Jessica out of my head. Since I had shot that Pissmop film with her I had been nagged with questions about her and wanted answers. That wasn't usual. Usually as soon as the cunts are filmed and out the door I don't give them a second thought - they've got paid, I've got my film what else needs to be done? Nothing. But Jessica had got to me. Seeing this good-looking woman who apparently did not need the money debase herself like that on film was just so intriguing. I think watching her step into the waiting limo when she left my office had been the final straw, I was hooked but had no way of really finding out who she was. It was infuriating, I wanted to find her, to film her again and find out her limits - and break them!

It wasn't until her Pissmop movie was up on my pay website that I found out any more about this woman of mystery. On my intro members page to the site, showing any new additions I had called her film "Busty Jessica In the Bowl" and had a terrific still photograph of her topless and her huge tits and long hair absolutely saturated in fresh piss. Anyway, a full day after that update went up for download by my members I received a call from one of my competitors, Max. Now Max was a bit of an asshole, even for this business, but I got on Ok with him even if he did steal some of my scene ideas and some of my girls now and again. This time he had my attention from the first sentence.

"I see you met Jessica!"

Well that had me hooked and he knew it and suddenly he played all coy about things and sort of told me that he had shot an unbelievable shoot with him some six months previously but had changed her mind about signing off on showing it and threatened all kinds of heavy lawyers shit that made Max decide it wasn't worth the hassle of posting it on his site. But he still had the film and asked if I wanted to see it. There was no hesitation and he and I had a date for that night.

Max concentrated on more of the rough sex side of the business, yes occasionally he would include piss in his films but it was in no way as integral as it was to my shoots. But if that was the difference the similarity was in filming the debasing and degrading of sexy women on screen for cash. It was just our methods differed slightly. I arrived at his ranch outside town that night at seven and shared a few jokes and stories but he could tell I was desperate to see her in action again.

"She really got you didn't she? Man I can see why. When that classy bitch strolled in here, I couldn't believe my luck but the bitch turned into a heap of trouble after the fact. Man, I wish I had been rougher if I knew she was suddenly gonna back out and get the lawyers involved."

"What was her story? Why did she say she was doing it"

"Didn't say. She just strolled in here in her expensive fur coat and boots and told me she wanted to star in the dirtiest, nastiest film I could make and she did. Here, I can tell you need to see this, have a beer and settle down - it's a bona fide classic!"

I wouldn't say Max's film quality was on a par with mine but what he lacked in direction or lighting and angles he more than made up for in pure, kinky sex action. There was no plot as such, just Jessica drawing up to the ranch in a convertible sports car (her own, Max told me with a laugh) and getting out looking sexy as hell. She was wearing that same fur jacket and pair of designer black boots and her big tits were squeezed into what must have been a three sixes too small top that made it look like they were about to spill out at any point. She looked every bit the stuck up spoiled bitch that I knew from personal experience she was. Then all of a sudden Jessica was surrounded by a semi circle of five completely nude, loud and crazy acting guys - all sporting pornstar erections. Jessica exclaimed and looked and acted shocked (but to be honest her acting was hardly Julia Roberts standard).

The guys crowded round her and she sank to her knees submissively before them and had her jacket hauled off her and her shirt literally ripped from her body, her fucking great big tits zoomed in on by the camera as five pairs of hands grabbed, squeezed and mauled them. Then Jessica feigned shock as five stiff porn star cocks were thrust at her face and before you could say 'cocksucking cunt' the slut had two in her mouth and one in each hand while the fifth contemptuously slapped her face and pulled her hair while calling her all the names under the sun.

She really was a dirty bitch in this film, then again most of Max's were, the big difference being that Jessica was at least pretty good looking, Max tended to attract some real fucking ugly girls for his type of porn. I was getting a raging hard on watching the action on screen, Jessica's face was getting the full treatment from these guys, their cocks seemed to be everywhere -- in her hair, poking at her nostrils, her eyes and most especially deep in her big mouth. She took a fearful face fucking, taking two cocks in her mouth and trying for a third while more assailed her head from behind where she knelt. Then the guys lined up and took turns getting a really deep throat blow job off her, ramming their dicks so far down her mouth that their hairy balls bounced on her chin. Jesus they didn't hang around, passing her head around like a bowl of chips, banging their cocks into her then passing her on again. Within minutes Jessica's lower face was covered in trails of saliva and pre-cum and she was gasping with the ferocity of the action. But she didn't back down at all and as the dicks were slapped against her face she gave as good as she got, daring them to go harder and faster.

"My god what a cock hound!" I exclaimed much to Max's amusement.

"Yeah, she was dandy but there's more to cum yet!"

And indeed there was. In true Max style there was no move to put all this into context just that they went from fucking her face to circling her again and all jerking off on her face at pretty much the same time. The cum was flying and Jessica's face got splattered in thick, sticky white stuff. Geez, did she ever. By the time the final guy had squeezed out the last of his sperm and wiped his sticky cock in Jessica's long brown hair her face was partly obliterated. Streaks and spots of white plastered her forehead and eyes, one of her nostrils was blocked up with cum, her lips were smeared in it and her chin covered as it dripped down to splatter on her big tits.

As she knelt there licking her lips and looking every inch the piece of shit whore I knew from personal experience she was, the guys backed off a few yards and Max's grinning face appeared on screen. He was brandishing a large glass bowl and handed it to Jessica and told her to hold it just below her chin. As some cum dropped into it he unzipped his trousers and unleashed a flurry of piss straight into her mouth.

What a great sight, especially for a piss porn connoisseur like myself. Seeing that big mouthed bitch with a gob full of thick, yellow piss (so much that she could not keep up in swallowing it and plenty spilled from her lips into the bowl) like she was some sort of water feature was exactly the kind of thing I liked filming. Max had obviously been holding it in for some time because he pissed like a horse, spraying over her face too, hosing the cum from her and also into the bowl below -- and I just knew the bitch was going to have to drink it too!

The yellow liquid continued to flow at a terrific rate from Max and Jessica's mouth was a flurry of activity as she tried vainly to keep up and the offshoot cascade down her into the bowl and form a disgusting concoction with the cum already there. But Jessica never flinched, as I had known she was a real piss lover. She just kept on gulping and eventually that piss flow relented and she managed to get ahead of it, able at last to open her soaking mouth and show the last vestiges of urine in it before staring down longingly at the bowl in her hands. Without prompting the dirty slut brought it up to her lips and chugged the whole lot, cum and all before giving a big piss burp to the camera when she was done.

But she wasn't done just yet. Obviously a fair amount of piss had fallen on the ground that Jessica had been kneeling on at a barked command from Max on screen Jessica got down on all fours like a dog and began to sniff and lick at the spilt piss. With her tongue in the dirt, seemingly desperate to suck piss from the earth the screen faded to black all too early for my liking.

I turned to Max to ask if he had any more footage but he just pointed me back to the screen.

"Yeah I got some more, this next scene is the only stuff I have left of the film that her fucking lawyers didn't impound!"

"What was so bad..."

I cut off my question as the screen came to life again. The scene had changed to behind Max's villa, I recognised the big swimming pool and the tacky furnishings. The camera was pointing down at a pair of feet, it scanned up to another set of feet, this time a woman's bare one, the camera kept tracking up her long, bronzed legs revealing a tiny blue bikini bottom. I continued to move up her voluptuous body showing a matching blue bikini top that really struggled to contain a great big pair of tits. I swear I would recognise Jessica's plastic tits anywhere and I certainly did here.

But the camera never got past her breasts so you never saw her face, just her chest and arms. She reached out to pick up a cocktail glass and held it up to the camera to show it was empty.

"You needing another drink you cunt? I'll give you one all right!"

Shouted Max off screen and in another second or so you saw it was his feet you had glimpsed at the start of the film. Still unable to see Jessica's face he stepped on screen and again unzipped his jeans, whipped out his cock and started urinating. Only then did the camera focus on Jessica's face. The rich bitch had two metal things that resembled scissors stuck in either side of her mouth, distorting it and holding it open in a large and uncomfortable 'O' shape. And it was into this that Max was pissing.

It made for quite the impressive visual, Jessica's big cock sucking lips held forcibly apart as another torrent of yellow fluid flooded in. The camera panned back a bit more to reveal various men and women around the pool in swimwear enjoying a sunny Californian afternoon, playing and messing about in the pool and at poolside, all the while this slut was drinking piss straight from the cock. Max finished up and then one of the guys in his shorts decided he needed to relieve himself so he headed straight for Jessica too and that was the theme of the next twenty minutes or so as various guys and girls pissed all over Jessica, most straight down that rich throat.

As that scene faded Max got up and switched off his DVD player and I was finally able to ask him what happened to the rest he said was impounded.

"Well I asked the bitch if she was able to do stuff for the European market, you know more extreme, out there stuff, I'm sure you can imagine, real out nasty stuff."

With that he patted his pet dogs Rover and Fido as they trotted into the living room.

"Anyway she did it all fine, I couldn't believe it she was obviously not needing the cash and doing it for a cheap thrill. I must have filmed some of the nastiest porn I ever shot (which for Max said a whole lot). I tell you she was the dirtiest bitch I ever used, I genuinely believe she would do anything sexually with anyone or anything. Maybe she got cold feet over it being on film though and next day she was back with her lawyers with all kinds of orders and demands and the really hard stuff got taken back."

"Didn't you have her under a contract?"

"Nope. She wouldn't sign one and she had these kick ass, shit hot lawyers that I wasn't gonna tangle with, wasn't worth the hassle. So she got the footage and left, said I could use the piss stuff. That was about six months ago then I seen your shoot with the cunt an' thought I better tell you in case she starts any shit."

I thanked him and left with details of her lawyers and a whole maelstrom of thoughts swirling in my head.


Some investigation and bribery of lower level soliciters staff later I found myself parked in a white transit van in a leafy, expensive suburb of the city. It was the kind of district where the really rich lived, not people that played at being rich, people who were old money. The houses and cars told you all you needed to know. The wives had sportscars as little runarounds while if there was a house without a Bentley or a Rolls Royce in the drive I hadn't spotted it yet. And it was one of those Bentleys that I was watching as a smartly dressed white haired business man got in and was whisked away, no doubt to work -- and no doubt her was Mr. Forsythe, husband of none other than my little Pissmop, Jessica!

I gave him ten minutes or so then me and my camera man Alex (filming all the way) made our way up the drive to the ostentatious doorway and I knocked on a big, black metal door knocker, hoping that the bitch didn't have staff. I guess it was my lucky day because Jessica herself answered the door, clad in little more than a white fluffy dressing gown and looking like she was just up.

She recognised me immediately and I saw the look in her eyes and the imperceptible nod that gave me consent to continue where her first film for me left off. I grabbed her long brown hair and pulled her so that she was right up in my face and snarled at her.

"Hey bitch you remember me? That's fucking right I made your day when I made you a dirty, nasty piece of shit Pissmop. Well guess what cunt? It's you're lucky day again 'cos we're going to do it all again. Right?"

I was really aggressive saying this, knowing she would get off on it. She curled her lip in a sneer back at me but made no complaint so I took that as a yes and spat a nice load of phlegm right on her face and pushed her to her knees on the expensive black and white marbled floor. I wasn't fucking about here and whipped out my cock, and even with her front door half open and her on her knees and the dressing gown half off I let loose and began pissing all over her!

I had deliberately not had a piss since the previous night and had been drinking juice like a fucker that morning so I was bursting. Jessica's mouth fell obediently open and I obliged by filling it up with a steady stream of thick, yellow urine. Inevitably she could not keep up with my flow and I was gratified to see it overflow from her mouth, down her chin and begin to stain her expensive, pristine robe. I pissed all over that pretty face of hers, coating her face, hair and chest in a shiny, glowing fluid layer. When eventually the piss slowed and came to a dripping halt I told her to suck the last drops out, which she did eagerly. The girl was as piss whore, no doubt about it!

As Alex captured all this on his camera I stepped around her and hauled the robe off her revealing her busty figure in all its glory. While I worked to release her belt from the robe I snarled again at her.

"Right bitch, swallow the last of that then you can get down on your fucking hands and knees and lick up the drops you missed (there was a nice smattering of piss on the tiles around her)."

With her hair wet and sticking to her face with my piss she made quite the sight as she complied and got her face right down on the marble and began to lick her own hallway. I desperately wanted to fling her front door wide open and let all her rich, snobby neighbours see just what kind of a dirty slut she really was. Her tongue lapped eagerly at the tiles and she fairly slurped up the excess piss that had run off her and it made for a tremendous scene on the tape but I soon got tired and wanted on to what I had planned next.

I wound the belt around and looped it over Jessica's soaking neck.

"You might as well stay on your knees bitch and we'll walk through to the kitchen."

I would tell which room was the kitchen as the door hung open and I walked her across the tiles like a dog on a leash. As we went I was totally stuck by the grandeur of the house, what a rich bitch like this was doing in the seedy side of piss pornography I could not fathom.

All too quickly we reached the kitchen and I dumped my back pack on her big kitchen table and hauled out a big red dog bowl with the word "WHORE" written in black lettering on the side. I gave her makeshift leash a tug and spoke to her.

"Well you've had a morning drink bitch are you feeling like relieving yourself yet?" she nodded obediently, " Well do it in the bowl bitch, that can be your water for later."

It was quite the magnificent spectacle, watching this stuck up bitch squat down and carefully direct her piss spray into the large plastic bowl. The noise it made as it splattered against the side was deafening in the spacious kitchen and, of course, a few drops splashed out over the edge. But by the time her flow came to a dripping halt, that red plastic animal feed bowl was filled to near overflowing with her first piss of the morning.

I turned to my cameraman and spoke over Jessica's head.

"You know what, Alex? I would really like one time to use that bowl for it's proper use. You know crack open a tin of dog food and then maybe cum all over it and then have some piece of shit whore like busty Jessica eat it all up. That would be a feast fit for a fucking slut like her, eh whore?" I said this final rejoinder with a nudge of my foot to the bitches ass.

Jessica looked up at me and nodded, she had slid easily back into the role she seemed to have so enjoyed in our earlier film. Although I was making a lot of this up as we went along I was pretty sure she was the type that enjoyed the thrill and excitement of debasing herself so much that she would go along with whatever I suggested or demanded, if she didn't, well we would cross that bridge if we ever came across it. A lot of noise in the hall way certainly had an interesting effect on my Pissmop as her eyes widened and she obviously worried that her secret fetish might be discovered, it was a look that the camera captured perfectly on her piss coated face. She needn't have worried though as I led her (still on hands and knees) to the door frame and let her watch as six work men / construction worker types filled into her pristine home. She looked up at me and I winked back at her.

"I guess these guys might be looking to relieve themselves, eh bitch? Better show them to the bathroom, hadn't we"

She got it then. They were of course, some of my usual cast of urinators and I had arranged for their appearance, it would add to the film I thought if they were to appear like workmen just in off the street.

So leaving the full dog bowl on the kitchen tiles myself and Jessica moved through to the expansive hall to greet the visitors, she still crawling along like the dog she was. There were six of them there, milling around and chatting to each other waiting for their piss hound to show. Their whistles and comments when she did crawl out of the kitchen suggested they were more than happy with their urinal for the day. I told Jessica to get to work undressing the guys and took the opportunity while she did that and Alex filmed to explore the whore's abode. She and her man must have been loaded as everything was really classy and expensive in the dining room then the sitting room and I had not even explored up the marble staircase yet. My mind was doing cartwheels at the possibilities that were being thrown up to me and what's more Jessica seemed to be more than happy to go along with whatever piss antics I could suggest.

Back to the hall and Jessica was now on her knees and surrounded by six large and straining cocks, but she wasn't getting to suck them yet, no they were just being rubbed all over her face and dirty bitch that she was, she was loving it.