Thursday, November 24, 2011

My Working Vacation Day 12 Painting Part 7

Brandon T you asked who was the first girl that I had seen pee was the little red haired girl that lived across the road from me. Her name was Louise. She was the closest to my age at this time and I and her became friends and playmates and always would be together. We would have a strong friendship from before we started school and to the day when I moved away which was for close to four years.

Now Brandon we lived in a very small town back in the mid late 1950s. It was a country town too. Our house on three sides was boardered by farm fields. That was my playground along with Louise. Especailly when the hay had grown where it was taller then us! There she and I would play hide and seek or duck duck goose in the high hay.

Well there was one day we were playing out in the hay field together. We both had to pee and quite badly! Niether one of us wouyld not be able to go home to pee. So we agreed to go right there in the field together. Luise did say to me not to look at her this first time. So we both sqauted down back to back and peed! We both did har each other going which we both laughed .

When we had finished we both had stood up but yet had pulled our shorts up. Whatwe did was that we looked at the ground to see how much we had peed! That' when we saw each other! I remember Louise staring at me and I her for several long moments. Thenwe both smiled and then laughed some too. Then we both yanked up our underware and shorts!

Then we went back to our playing. When we were one playing I walked Luise home. As we came out of the tall hay Luise said she had a lot of fun! Then she also told me she really liked peeing with me! I told her I did too! So we both sinced we had liked doing it so much we from that time on would pee together outside when ever we had to go! The seond time we did pee together in the field again we did face each other when we did pee! It was always like that form that second time on!

Ok let me go one with my posting now. Jill and I had gone over to the school playground. We had drank a bottle of soda along with a something to snack on. We talked some too as we swung on the swings for awhile also. The talk was about our painting and Jill mentioned about when it was finished about what we would get paid for doing it. I assured Jill we would get paid and we would wind up getting a good amount. My grandmother always did pay well for well done work.

We could had stayed longer at the school but since I knew to get finished tomorrow I would have to be up early. I told Jill this which she agreed we should leave. But before we do go I have to take one more piss Dave! Jillo said to me laughing lightly. So I smiled and said ok back to Jill. I also said; How bout over behind the firehouse? (Which was rightnext to the playgrounds right side and a short walk too!)

So that's where Jill and I walked quickly over to o that she could piss! I would also wind up pissing also. As soon as we had walked past the left back corner of the firehouse Jill stopped walking. Jill pulled her shorts right down as she sqauted down. Jill had her shorts at just above her knees. In a few short seconds that's all it took her to start pissing!

I saw a thin angled outward and downward steram of piss shoot out from Jills vaginas slit. It let of a nice steady hiss as soon as Jill started to piss! Jill too let out a soft sight sigh right after she had started pissing. Her stream itself was thin with a short thin twist. Where her piss had struck the ground there was hard packed dirt only. So at first her piss turned the brown dirt dark brown.

I stood there watching Jill piss with my arms folded. Now with the hard packed dirt after several seconds time haveing passed Jill had pisse enough her piss wasn't soaking into the dirt. A thin piss puddle had formed only being a small one. Now having this thin piss puddle her flowing piss was splashing in the thin puffle adding the splashing dound along with her piss streams hissing.

Jill I would have to say pissed about close to twenty seconds before she had her stream ease right off,then did a couple of wak shorts psurts , and last did some driping for several long seconds too. Jill grabbed her shorts and pulled them right up as she stood up. Took a sngle step forward and turned right around. She looked down and saw her piss puddle which was slowly shrinking in size as her piss now was soaking into the dirt.

Then Jill said; Even made a small puddle too! How bout that! Then Jill said to me; You going to go too before we leave? I told Jill I was so she stepped aside to let me stand where she was standing. I stepped takeing her place. As I moved I had pulled my zipper down on my shorts. I had my fingers inside of it when I stood still. I pulled my penis right out and I aimed it at the back brick wall of the firehouse! Jill seeing where I was aimed let out a giggle.

I started to piss right after I had aimed my penis at the firehouses brick wall! My stream wasn't all that strong so it didn't hit the wall all that hard. Its impact only made a small splash hiting the bricks. So even with the small splashing of my piss on the bricks I did have multiple piss trails still that ran down the wall to the ground. They were justreal close to each other.

Now having drank that bottle of soda I thought I would have pissed a lot more then I did. My piss this time was on the short side. I in bout ten seconds or so I had stopped pissing. But I could feel that I could do some spurts of piss to finish off with. So I did do some spurts which the four I managed to do were all short ones too. Then I was done. Jill did enjoy my piss anway. She did giggle each time I sent a spurt out and hit the wall when I did do my four spurts in a row to finish.

I slipped my penis back inside my shorts and zipped them up. Jill and I turned and started heading over to our bikes. On the walk over Jill told me she would see me first thing in the morning. I will be over early! Make sure you are ready too! I laughed and told her that she didn't have to worry about me! I'll be up and waiting for you!

Jill then told me she would be ready also. Just make sure that you have plenty to drink! I'm makeing sure that I am! Now I laughed harder! Jill had let me know what she wanted to do besides paint! I said ok to that too. We had reached our bikes now so we got on them. Jill took off rideing fast which she cut through the Doucher's side yard to her house. So that left me t head right home to my grandmothers instead of with Jill. So I did ride directy over to my grandmothers house. To be continuied.

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