It all started out on a warm summer day. I stopped over at my sisters apartment to shoot the bull. My sister at the time had a roomate named "Tawny", not her real name of course. I got into discusion with my sister and made a mention that I planed to go whatch a big stock car race the next day as I am a fan of racing. Tawny also enjoyed racing, although up till now I didnt know it. "Your going to whatch the race tommorow?" She asked "Yea, I planned on it" I answered. "Would you mind if I came with you" She asked. "If you want, I have no problem with that" I answered. "So what time are you leaving?" She asked. "Im planning on leaving at 11 in the morning at the latest" I answered. "11 in the morning, why so early?" She questioned. "Its a big event, they start to practice at noon the race itself starts at 3." I responded. "If you dont get there early youll stand in line forever to get in." I continued. "Ok, so youl pick me up at say 10?" She asked. "Yea that sounds good." I answered. "Ok, Ill se ya then." She responded.
The next day came. I was really looking foward to whatching the race, having Tawny with me made it even better. Always nice to have a nice body to look at. So at 10am I picked her up. It was about a 1.5 hr drive to the track wich came out perfect. The gates opened at 11am so we went in and took a seat.
This was the first time Tawny had whatched a live race and she seemed very exited. For a while it was quite boring, as they didnt start practicing untill noon. "Would you like a soda or somthing" I asked her "Yea, a soda would be nice, thanks." She responded. So I went and got some sodas and an order of Nachos. When I got back the drivers had begun to practice wich gave us somthing to whatch. By 1pm they were preparing for qualifying. By this time the stands were very full, as I had expected thus the reason I left early. A side note, this race facility is just a smalltown Friday night event type track, not really equiped for large crowds. I began to see everyone milling around and decided that before it got busy I would go use the bathroom. At first I was going to suggest to Tawny that she go as well because later they would not be so easy to get to. I decided, shes a big girl she should know. Of course I forgot that she had never been to a race like this. Still I decided to say nothing.
I returned to our seats, wich at this time we had to guard or someone would swipe them. Tawny was quiet as she whatched the cars zoom by. I noticed her keeping her sexy legs a bit closer together. She sat like that for nearly an hour so I thought nothing of it. At about 1:30 they stopped practice to start qualifying. There was a 15 minute break as the driver went to there saftey meeting. Tawny looked around as if looking for somthing. I figured it was the bathroom. "Whats wrong?" I asked. "Wheres the bathrooms here?" She asked "Up and to your right." I answered. "OK, Ill be right back." She answered. I turned as she walked away to sneak a peak at her round little ass as she walked away. Damn what a tease she was in those blue stretch shorts of hers.
About 10 minuted passed and she finally returned. "Long lines, eh?" I teased. "Yea, they are. I didnt even go. I dont want to miss anything waiting in line to use the bathroom." She answered. I decided to try and warn her. "You know with this many people here, its only going to get worse." I cautioned. "Oh well, Ill just hold it." She responded. I wasnt sure what to think. Maybee she really didnt need to go all that bad. I had been around Tawny before and she seemed to have good bladder control. At any rate, she didnt seem worried.
At about 3:10 the green flag finally droped. After a good hour into the race Tawny still seemed unbothered. I was surprised that she was not squirming at all. I knew the race would last at least till 6:00. I began to wonder, can she make it that long? I continued to whatch the race, Tawny seemed to be really enjoying the show. I started to wonder if I would enjoy a show of my own. At about 4:30 a big crash brought out a caution. "I think Im going to go to the ladies room quick" Said Tawny. "Quick?" I thought "good luck!". I had been to races like this one and knew that everyone there would have the same idea as her. It took about 5 minutes and she returned. "Damn! are those bathrooms busy. I really have to go!" She whined. "I told you, they get busy." I teased. "Ahh, I can hold it." She declared. This night was getting intresting, she kept her legs tight together and squirmed a bit yet she refused to admit she was desperate, in spite of the fact I knew she had to go bad.
After the race restarted it wasnt to long before a caution came out. It was now about 5:00. Tawny sighed looked at me, trying not feel embarased, and said "Boy, I really gotta go. Damn I wish I went before!" "Do you want to leave or do you think you can wait?" I asked " I dont want to leave, I want to whatch this race. Ill just have to hold it. She aswered.
For the next 20 to 30 minutes she sat squirming, crosing and uncrosing her legs. She seemed determined to wait. Again a caution came out. Tawny turned to me and said " I got go bad, I dont know what to do!" I could tell by the tone of her voice and the look on her face that she was quite desperate now. "I think Im going to pee in my shorts, I cant hold it!" She continued on. "I.. I dont know what to tell you." I said. I whatched as she almost rythmically squezed her thighs together trying desperatly to keep in control. I was trying hard not to show my exitment over the situation even though I could feel my pulse quicken. I knew in my mind I was about to see this gorgeous blond piss in her tight shorts.
For the next five minutes I continued to whatch as she kept squezing her legs together. She held her hand on her stomach and I expected she would grab her crotch quite soon. To my surprise she didnt. I started to wonder how she would react. I was hoping she would not get all upset. I waited patiently for 5 minutes more wich seemed like forever then it happened. I looked over at her lovely crotch just in time. A dark spot apeared on her crotch and quickly spread. Her shorts being so tight it literaly streamed right through them. I couldnt help myself as I continued to whatch. Id bet she peed near 2 minutes. As she emptied herself she took on a sort of relaxed posture but looked away from me. It was as if she didnt want to face me yet had just given in to it.
Finally after she finished she looked at me. I must have had a stunned look on my face as she began to blush. "I..Im soory, I just couldnt hold it." She apologized. "No...uhh,..its ok, dont worry about it." I answered still in some shock. Tawny looked away, I felt real embaresed because I knew that she knew it turned me on. She kept quiet and continued to whatch the race.
Tawny aparently never told anyone. I talked to her recently and she joked about having peed her pants that night. She also hinted a bit that maybee next time it wont be an "accident". Perhaps there will be more to this story!
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