Megan is a girl I met at college and sort of got to know. She was a freshman at the time, about 18 or 19 years old, studying...well, I don't remember what major. I was returning to college after being out of school for several years, so there was somewhat of an appreciable age difference. I had a young look, though (and still do, I'm a fairly good-looking guy), so I got to hang out with some of the younger crowd. There was an indoor ice skating rink not far from the campus, so sometimes we would all get together and make a weekend night out of it. I got to couple skate with all the girls in our little group, though we were just friends, but I was especially fond of Megan, even though at times she could be very irritating. It hurt when she said thoughtless nasty things to me, but I still hung in there. I guess I was a glutton for punishment.
Megan was, to put it bluntly, an immature spoiled rotten brat who was very moody, and she pretty much did whatever she wanted. What she needed was a good spanking! Megan was very pretty with a nice solid body, lean-to-average build, about 5'-4" in height, with brown hair and brown eyes. At the beginning of the semester her hair was long, down to about her mid-back (which I really liked), but she had since chopped it off to just above shoulder length. She wore about an "A" or "B" size bra cup. Her parents weren't very rich, but she spent lots of their money
on expensive name-brand outfits that could have been bought at a discount store for less than half the price. She was pretty smart, but a bit flighty, too, and very easily distracted. Discipline was not her middle name. Megan was not my girlfriend in any sense of the word, but I think she knew that I liked her, and used that to her advantage. She knew that she could treat me like shit and that I'd always be there for her.
on expensive name-brand outfits that could have been bought at a discount store for less than half the price. She was pretty smart, but a bit flighty, too, and very easily distracted. Discipline was not her middle name. Megan was not my girlfriend in any sense of the word, but I think she knew that I liked her, and used that to her advantage. She knew that she could treat me like shit and that I'd always be there for her.
Anyway, one night we were down in the student center seeing a free movie. Megan couldn't keep her mouth shut and was whispering, snickering, and jabbering away to a number of her friends all the way through the movie, and had gotten up a half dozen times as well. I felt like saying to her, "Shut up, sit down, and watch the movie!" If I hadn't seen the film before, I never would have gotten the plot! The movie had ended, and Megan was prancing around outside in the hall, giggling and showing off with some of her friends. I had to get up for work in the morning, followed by a math test later in the afternoon, so I figured this was a good time for me to cut out of here and go home. As usual, Megan didn't seem to care if I was here or not...that is, unless she wanted something!
I said good-bye to my two other friends and headed off out the door to the parking lot, squinting at my watch in the dark and noting the time was about a quarter past nine. As I was unlocking the car door, I heard someone running up behind me, and calling my name. It was a familiar female voice...guess who!
"You're not leaving yet, are you?" she asked in a pathetic voice.
"Why, do you need a ride?" I answered, about to get in the car.
"No," she said, coming in closer. "I need help with my English assignment."
"I knew it," I thought to myself, suspicious of the scope of her vague request. But I couldn't deny her, and I really did enjoy helping others with their studies.
"Okay," I said. "Tomorrow night come over to my house, or I can meet you here at the school; get all your questions together and we'll go over anything you want."
"No, I can't, it has to be tonight," she pleaded. "I have to hand it in tomorrow!"
"Megan, it's almost twenty after nine, and I have to study tonight for a math test, not to mention getting up for work tomorrow morning. I'm sorry, I really can't."
Megan came up close to me, her glossy lips and eyes reflecting in the streetlights. She put her hands on my shoulders, licked her lips, and leaned against me with her knee between my legs, starting to slide her fingers over my chest. My pulse quickened, then started pounding as I felt the energy stirring. Looking up as pitiful as she could with her big brown eyes, and turning on the fake tears, she begged me in her sexiest voice:
Megan was being a real tease, but I don't think she realized how much she was turning me on; she was so cute and cuddly, and was behaving so sexy, I almost couldn't stand it! I wanted to kiss her, squeeze her, make her pee her pants, and feel her warm pussy through her tight wet jeans. I wanted to make her come in her panties, and throw her down and fuck her right there in the grass by the parking lot. I was thinking of all kinds of stuff I wanted to do with her in the back seat of my car, stuff that would make one heck of a wet mess...but, no, I knew that it was not going to happen. Regardless of how good it felt, she was playing games with me again.
By now she had seduced me and although she never touched my genitals, she had me by the balls. After some hesitation, I gave in (was I stupid or what?).
"All right, Megan, I'll help you right now. Get your stuff."
"Goody," she said, immediately backing off, pleased to get her way.
I grabbed my backpack, locked up the car, and walked Megan back up to the student center. The center was still busy with students getting sodas and refreshments at the "movie night" table in the cafeteria. Megan got her notebooks and wanted to study in the cafeteria. I suggested we get a study room in the basement of the library so we could get some work done without all the noise and distractions. Doing that meant leaving the student center, which meant leaving her friends also, so she wasn't in favor of that at all. "Why can't we study down here?" she whined.
You can't argue with Megan- it doesn't work. I looked over at the multipurpose room where the movie had been shown. It was almost all cleared out now, with only a couple of students in there rewinding the movie projector. That might make a good place to study. I was determined not to go to the cafeteria, though, as I knew what would happen- nothing would get done!
She was a stubborn girl but I talked her into it. We entered the multipurpose room and sat down on one of the soft cushioned benches near the piano. Yes, there was an ebony baby grand piano in the room, in the corner. The acoustics of the room were nice soft quiet because it had a carpeted floor and large window curtains that absorbed the sound.
"So what do you need help with?" I asked her attentively.
"This," she said, pulling a folded battered paper out of her notebook. "English Composition. This essay is due tomorrow."
I took the paper and opened it, briefly reading the contents of the assignment demands. I hadn't had any English courses for years, but I was a writer so composition was no problem for me.
"Where's your essay?" I asked.
She was writing something at the top of a blank sheet of notebook paper, and then looked up at me, swinging her head to get the hair out of her pretty brown eyes. "Right here," she said. "I have to write it and hand it in tomorrow."
"The whole thing?" I asked.
"Yeah, we have to write the whole thing's due tomorrow."
"The rough draft, you mean," I said.
"No," she answered reluctantly," the final copy. I didn't do the rough draft."
"The final copy?!" I sternly replied, now realizing I was going to have to help her write the entire thing to perfection. "Dammit Megan!" I thought to myself. It was going to be a long night. As I read through the assignment criteria, she got up again and went out into the hallway.
"Hey!" I yelled at her.
"Be right back," she said, heading for the cafeteria.
"Great," I grumbled. "She better get her cute butt back here!"
I had no intention of writing this essay for her, I was going to offer some ideas and wording but the rest she was going to have to do herself. About five minutes later Megan came back in with three of her friends, jabbering away as usual. Their names were Kelly, Jennifer, and Angie.
"Megan!" I said to her, sounding a little ticked. "Get your butt over here and sit down, we have a lot of work to do!"
"Right," she answered, but then turned back to her friends and continued with their conversation. They were talking about some guy that Megan liked, which was the last thing I wanted to listen to. I put down the paper, got out my math book, and tried to concentrate. About a minute later Megan plopped down on the bench and leaned into me with a pouty look on her face.
"He doesn't want me," she said pathetically, turning on the fake tears again. "He already has a girlfriend!"
Clearly, she was wasting my time, but it was kind of fun, so I played along with the game.
"Poor Megan," I said, putting my arm around her and pulling her warm body in close. Actually, it felt pretty good. "You can have me," I told her. "I'll be your boyfriend!"
"You will?....Okay," she said, snuggling into my chest and neck. This lasted for about a quiet, cozy minute, then she suddenly bolted up. "What are you doing?" she asked, pointing to my math book. "We're supposed to be working on my essay!"
Megan pulled out her notebook and was looking for her pen, but then she stood up again and went over to talk to Kelly, wapping herself lightly on the head with the notebook. Megan often acted like she had ants in her pants, but now she seemed suspiciously much more fidgety. She was standing on one leg and then the other, dancing about, and crossing her legs when she laughed; there was also a trembling in her voice as she yakked and giggled. After her friends finally left, I noticed that Megan was facing away from me, slightly bent over and bending at the knees with her hand squeezed between her legs, holding herself. She couldn't stand still at all, lightly bouncing herself up and down. She pulled out her hand and turned around, legs together, with an embarrassed look on her face.
"Can I go to the bathroom?" she asked, still giggling a little.
Did she really have to go? I hoped so. It certainly looked that way, and the thought of it started making me horny again. Now I was getting distracted, as a potentially interesting situation was developing. My pulse quickened and I straightened up, almost automatically answering her request.
"Megan," I said rather abruptly, "do you want me to help you with this essay or not? Get your butt over here, sit down, and let's get to're wasting so much time!"
I really didn't expect her to listen, I was actually half kidding when I said it. Maybe it was the tone of voice I used, but to my surprise she pranced around a bit, hobbled over, and sat down beside me. I figured that if she really had to go, she would start begging me or something or just leave without even asking. Come to think of it, though, she probably did have to pee pretty bad. Before the movie, a small group of us were hanging out in the cafeteria, and Megan had guzzled several glasses of iced tea (the drinks were all free). I didn't remember seeing her go to use the ladies' room even once all night, she was so distracted and busy. The girls all usually went to the bathroom together as a group, but since none of her friends had gone, she must have been holding it all the way through the!
I looked at pretty Megan, checking out her hot body sitting there on the edge of the seat so close to me. Her cute little toes with light purple nail polish were sticking out of her all-open black thin-strapped shoes, which were pointing down and inwards. Her snug-fitting light blue denim jeans showed off every lovely curve of her thighs, calves, and butt, and her satiny brown leopard-spotted tiger-striped low-cut short-sleeved shirt traced all her upper curves to complement her remaining assets. Picture perfect, luscious lips, big brown eyes with black mascara, and hair messed up a little. I could feel the warmth pouring off her body. It was getting more difficult for me to concentrate, as my pulse was beating with anticipation of what might happen next!
She fumbled around and still couldn't find her pen, so I gave her mine (I knew I wouldn't see that pen again). We began discussing ideas for starting her paper, making several attempts. At last we started to get a rough outline written down that she could follow to write her story. Then, just when she was finally beginning to concentrate, the door opened and in came Kelly, Angie, and Jennifer. They were all pretty girls and normally I would welcome their company, but if they distracted Megan again, we might never get this assignment finished!
"Megan is busy right now," I told them. "Talk to her tomorrow."
The three girls came over and surrounded us.
"So what are you two doing in here," asked Kelly, "that you're so anxious for us to leave, huh? What are you writing there?"
"Homework," Megan answered, still concentrating.
Kelly looked down at the notebook and confirmed it was indeed the essay; then she spotted Megan's other notebook.
"Oh," she said, "I thought it was something this!" Kelly reached down and snatched the other notebook and opened it.
"Dear Michael," Kelly began reading out loud, and Megan hopped up to snatch the notebook back. She smacked Kelly's arm and sat down again with the notebook under her butt, then put both her hands in between her legs and squeezed them together.
"Come on, you guys- leave me alone!" she said in an uncomfortable tone, squeezing her legs tighter. "I have to go to the bathroom really bad!"
I felt like a small, fiery explosion went off deep inside my abdomen, releasing a surge of hormones that traveled outward like electricity, sending hot flashes and making me erect. I just sat there and watched, almost in a trance, my pulse rate up and now very alert.
The girls did not leave Megan alone. Kelly retaliated by smacking her on the left shoulder, so Megan swung back but missed, as her left hand was still clamped in between her legs. Angie and Kelly grabbed her right arm and yanked her up off the seat, so Jennifer could get the notebook. Then both girls plowed into her, forcefully landing her butt back down into the seat.
"Ow," she said, beginning to giggle. "You punched me in the titty!" They all thought that was hilarious, and everyone started laughing.
I kept looking at Megan's pants when she opened her legs for a couple of seconds. They were still dry, but I was able to glimpse the outline of her pussy slit pressing through her soft snug jeans.
"Don't make me laugh," she snickered. "I have to pee!"
Megan's precarious situation was supercharging me, and I tried to discretely rearrange myself by reaching into my pocket, but it didn't work. If I left things the way they were, I would shortly be in a lot of pain, so I quickly pulled open the front of my jeans, and reached down in and fixed myself. My hand had a little sticky wet dot on it when I pulled it back out.
"Stop it," she giggled, sounding a little panicky now. "Stop making me laugh!"
I desperately wanted to grab Megan around the waist, sit her on my lap, slide my hands up under her shirt, and unmercifully tickle her bare belly! But I dared not do that, so I just sat there beside her doing nothing but watching and hoping. Now, my pants were really getting hot in the front, and I self-consciously wondered if any of the girls had noticed my erection. I had to pee, too, but was so hard I couldn't have pissed myself even if I tried. And I could feel my underwear getting a little wet- not from pee, but from leaking pre-ejaculatory semen!
Megan was sitting there, rosy-cheeked and teary-eyed from laughter, with both hands firmly holding her twat and squeezing her legs together as tightly as she could. She was partially bent over and breathing kind of heavy, hair hanging down over her face and in her mouth. Poor Megan was trying so very hard to be serious and not laugh, but she was feeling too silly to control herself. Doubling over, she started up again, laughing so hard she was unable to breathe. The room suddenly got very quiet. Then, still laughing, Megan finally came up gasping for air, struggling to utter the words I'd been waiting to hear:
"I'm peeing my pants!" she squeaked.
My eyes widened and a wild expression appeared on my face as Megan sat there pissing herself right in front of me, and in front of her friends. She was gritting her teeth, desperately trying to shut off the flow, but kept squirting into her pants all the more with each pulse of laughter, as her tired bladder was just too full to control. Except for Megan's cute little high-pitched squeaks, it was so quiet I could almost hear the pee spritzing through her wet little panties. I could now see an edge of the dark, wet patch appearing between her legs, and wished I could touch it, and lick the pee off her glistening, wet fingers!
Within a minute or so, Megan managed to pinch off the steamy-hot stream splurting out from between her pussy lips. I looked down at the floor beneath her seat, spying several large wet spots soaking into the carpet. She hesitantly glanced up at the other girls and finally broke the silence, speaking in a very meek, giggly voice.
"Does anybody have an extra pair of underwear?" she asked, still holding herself.
I did have a pair of girl's white cotton bikini panties in my backpack, but I didn't offer them to her as they'd just get wet again when she pulled her wet jeans back on over them. No, I am not going to explain why I had a pair of panties in there! Nobody had an extra pair of pants to lend her, either. I pulled a little cloth hand towel out of my backpack and dangled it in front of her.
"Do you need a diaper, Megan?" I asked, in a very excited voice.
"Shut up!" she yelled, snatching the clean, dry towel from me. "I am so embarrassed!"
Nobody knew what to say. Angie had her hand over her mouth, and the girls all stood there speechless, staring at her. I think they thought it was funny, but also felt bad for their friend, realizing that they were probably at least partially responsible for Megan's accident. None of them knew what I was thinking and feeling, though (I almost came in my pants!). Actually, the whole thing was more or less my fault, because she had asked to go to the bathroom, obviously urgently, and I didn't let her go!
"I think you all need to leave Megan alone for a while," I said quietly, breaking the silence again.
The girls knew her quite well, and wisely decided to take my advise. Megan was really pissed, in more ways than one. Jennifer crept over and gently placed the notebook back on the bench; then she followed Kelly and Angie out into the hallway, leaving just the two of us once again.
Megan awkwardly lifted herself off the seat and stood up. Now I had a nice view of her butt, at least for a few seconds. Her pants were wet all right, a big round dark patch in between the legs and over her lower butt cheeks. The soft, light-purple cloth seat cushion was wet but not totally soaked, so Megan must not have completely emptied her bladder- if she had, the bench and carpet would have been flooded!
Even though the climax was over, what happened next was exciting, too. She spread her legs apart and began to vainly wipe at the wet spot on her jeans. Not making any progress, she gave up, folded the towel in half, and set it down on the bench. Now this is what really surprised me: she still had to go to the bathroom, no doubt, as she hadn't finished peeing, and I expected her to run out the door any minute with the urge, heading straight for the ladies' room. Instead, she sat down on the towel, took off her shoes, and pulled her bare feet up on the bench to sit Indian style, with her legs spread wide apart! I could plainly see the huge wet spot, centered right over her little pussy area, and could faintly smell her pee. My erection had just started to come down, but now was going back up. Needless to say, I was getting turned on again. I wanted Megan, I could think of nothing else!
Megan sat there with me on the bench for the next two hours, wearing her wet, peed-up pants and still holding her bladder the whole time. I was so horny I couldn't concentrate worth crap, but fortunately the general outline we sketched out earlier helped a lot to write the essay. When finished, it wasn't that elaborate, considering that it was last-minute composition- but it was good enough to satisfy her, as she now had something to hand in!
The essay was done; we were both tired. Megan yawned and raised her arms, stretching her solid, lean little body. The hem of her shirt lifted and exposed her belly button, giving me another charge of horny adrenaline. I wanted to bring her along home to sleep with me in her wet panties, but that was out of the question. It was well after midnight and the maintenance crew was getting ready to lock up the building, so we packed up our things and headed out. Megan thanked me for helping her, which I almost couldn't believe. I snatched up and stuffed the damp pee towel into my backpack, planning to put it in a plastic bag later when I got home. We went out the student center doors and they locked behind us as they closed with a firm click.
Megan never did get to the bathroom that night; if she had to pee now it was too late, because we were locked out of the building. So I walked her out to the parking lots (I didn't want her to get raped), stopping by her car. I imagined giving her a very passionate kiss and hug, squeezing a lot more piss out of her this time (and all over me, too). As she was putting her key in the car door, I got bold and spoke up.
"Hey Megan," I called to her hopefully. "Can I have a kiss?"
"Yeah, in your dreams!" she replied, then opened the car door, sat her wet butt down in the vinyl seat, and closed the door.
"Oh, what the heck," I mumbled to myself. "It was worth a shot!"
The engine started, and with some skidding of stones her car took off, racing out of the parking lot like a bat out of hell. She had almost a 30-minute drive ahead of her, and I wondered if she was going to make it home okay or have a major pissing accident in the car half-way home, in her already wet pants and all over the seat. It didn't much matter though, I guess, because I wouldn't be there to see it!
Despite my late night and lack of sleep, the next day I managed to pull off another "A" on my math test, although I struggled with seeing visions of Megan's sexy wet pants all the way through it. She got a "B minus" on the essay- a pretty good grade considering she had lost points for not doing the rough draft!
I never saw Megan pee her pants again; it was an accident and I just happened to be in the right place at the right time. As always, it was a rare treat for me to see such a sight. Megan disappeared after that semester- she dropped out, changed schools, moved away, or something. Our personalities were probably incompatible, anyway. I'll never forget, though, how much that gorgeous young girl turned me on, that night she peed her pants in genuine, urgent desperation!
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