Sunday, March 20, 2011

Reminiscing....Putting it together. Part 2


Posted by Wee Wendy on March 05, 1999 at 07:56
Another "thank you" to those who have wriiten encouraging Posted by Wee Wendy on March 05, 1999 at 07:56
Another "thank you" to those who have wriiten encouraging comments on my prevoius posts. It has spurred me on to continue.
From a time reference, this next part is a continuatin of the first part as it follows it immediatly.
The "Maureen experience";
My bedtime routine had now been established. Get washed up, pee but do not wipe, get into bed and then "play". I had never looked forward to going to bed as much as now. It was about that time that the weather turned bad and we had almost a whole week of rain. That created all kinds of chaos at the farm. The biggest problem was that the planting of the late fall crop of cabbage was delayed. Once the rain stopped and the tractors were able to get in the fields, every able bodied individual was pressed into service. I ended up working on a planting crew. With the wet soil as our adversary it was expected that we would all get very dirty. When I finished that first day I had mud everywhere from my hair to my toes. When I arrived home my mother wouldn't even think of letting me in the house.
She suggested that she hose me off while I was still in my clothes. It was warm enough out for that not to be unreasonable and, thinking about it now, probably a very good idea. She started with my hair and the water out of the hose was almost hot as the hose had been lying in the sun. However, when that water was gone it turned cold. Very cold. The shock of the change sent a shiver through me. So much so that I started to pee. At first I tried to stop, doing the natural things like putting my knees together, bending at the waist and ramming my hands into my crotch. After all, who would want to pee in front of their mother. But, I was already wet. It only took a few seconds to realize this. So I stood back up, pulled my hands out of their nesting place and relaxed. It was obvious that my mother didn't realize that I had started to pee as her comment was along the lines of "Is it cold?". I nodded an affirmative and then stood there and enjoyed the warm flowing warmth running down my legs. It took about 5 minutes to get rid of most of the mud and then I stripped my jeans and shirt off and ran inside to the shower. While wating for the shower temperature to reach the desired level, I stood there dripping. But, when I put my hand in to check the temperature, I felt a warmth in my crotch. I was peeing again, involuntarily. I reacted by putting my other hand into my crotch and as luck would have it, found the "spot". I stood there for a few seconds, gently rubbing the soft warm wetness. The sound of the shower running quickly brought me back to reality and I stepped in, still in my bra and panties and with my hand still on the "spot". I must have stood there for 5 minutes with the water running over me and with my fingers slowly massaging my panties and "spot". Finally, I reached a point of climax and finished my shower. That night, lying in bed, I relived the whole experience over and over. As I did, visions of other the other recent experiences with and in wet panties started to come together.
I don't remember exactly how long it was before I found the next piece of the puzzle. I do remember it happened one night when I was staying over at my best friend Lisa's house. I had not seen much of her that summer because of work. Because one part of my job was to work the at a roadside farm stand, I had to work every weekend. My day off was either a Wednesday or Thursday depending on the weather. I had run into Lisa when she was buying some corn at the stand. She suggested we get together and the most convenient way to do it was for me to stay at her house. Lisa had an older sister, Maureen, who was about as different from her as could possibly be imagined. Lisa was tall, solid, blonde, atheletic and out going. Maureen was fairly short, very thin, dark brown hair, very artsy and almost withdrawn. However, for some reason, she attracted boys. On this particular night, I'm sure she didn't realize that Lisa and I were at the house. Their mother was a nurse at the local hospital and their father was a field supervisor for the telephone company and neither were home. I'm sure Maureen knew. Lisa and I were in her room with the lights out. It was dusk and very hot. Lisa's room faced the back yard and there was a perfect view of the patio. We heard voices and both got up to look to see who it was. From Lisa's reaction, I'm sure she had spied on her sister previously. We ended up moving her desk from in front of the window and pulled up chairs to watch. Maureen usually wore long skirts made out of what looked like gauze. As I had said, she was very artsy. Her top that night was nothing more than a t-shirt. Maureen, as slight as she was, didn't have much on top and was usually braless. Such was the case this night as we watched her slip off her top, drop her skirt and then climb onto the lap of the boy she was with. They cuddled for a short time and as it was getting dark, we couldn't see just where his hands were. I do remember my heart beating very fast. Every time I started to whisper, Lisa would put her finger to her lips to quiet me. After some time, we could see them get up and go to the end of the patio table. We could barely make them out but we could see the boy move a small bench and then sit on it. Maureen followed his lead and then, with her panties still on, she straddled him, sitting on his lap, right up to his torso. They sat quietly
in that position for a few minutes. Then we could hear the boy start to moan. We watched them rocking back and forth, very slowly. I was absolutely intrigued. I thought I was watching people having sex for the first time in my life. I hadn't pictured it like this though. Then reality struck! We heard him speak and I do remember his actual words. "Don't you have any more pee?" Maureen didn't speak but from what happened next, it was obvious she didn't. She got off his lap and he stood up, stripping off his jeans so we could see the white of his underpants. The two then disappeared into the house. Maureen's room was on the first floor and I was so disappointed that I wasn't at least going to hear what lovemaking sounded like. Lisa and I sat there for a minute or two and then she let out a sigh. I didn't know what to say. She wasn't real close to Maureen but I was uncertain as to how she felt about what had just happened and what I imagined was happening at that moment. More importantly, I wanted to know the significance of Maureen peeing on the boy. I chose to remain silent as we put the desk back in place. Then we lay on the bed just staring into the darkness.

After we heard Maureen and the boy leave, we went down to the patio. The puddle was still in evidence. We retreated to the kitchen and the solace of ice cream. That broke the ice. Lisa issued an apology, of sorts, as to her sister's behavior. I just smiled. I was hoping she would volunteer more about her activities. When she didn't I started babbling about work. But what I wanted, no, needed to know was about the peeing. I didn't have the nerve and it wasn't forthcoming.
It was shortly thereafter that the next piece was discovered. Because I had to arise so early each morning, I was usually in bed shortly after 9PM. My social life was almost non existent. I had even cut back on my one real passion, movies. However, one afternoon. Michelle asked me to go to a movie with her that night. It was nothing special. I don't even remember the title. What she wanted was someone to be with her when she approached this boy she liked who worked at the theatre. After the movie was over, she struck up a conversation and we proceeded to get the poor lad in trouble for not doing his job. As this was taking place, my bladder was sending signals. I started to leave for the ladies room but Michelle grabbed my hand. She wouldn't let me go. Then, her older sister came inside, yelling at us that she'd been waiting outside for 15 minutes. We immediately turned to leave, my bathroom needs unrelieved. It was only a 10 minute drive to my house, but, by then, that short time seemed like an eternity. When I stepped out of the car I didn't think I'd even make it to the door. I did, and having made it that far, decided to try for the upstairs bathroom. Have you ever tried to go up a flight of stairs having to go so bad that you've got tears in your eyes? Each step was like a mountain. I made it half way when I heard my mother call. I had gotten into a rhythem and it was broken by her call. I stopped, answered, and then tried to continue. The next step brought forth the first escape of pee. Each step brought forth additional amounts. I had one hand on the banister and the other in between my legs, pressing my jeans hard into my crotch. By the time I made it to the top, I could feel the wetness on my hand. The bathroom was at the far end of the hall from the stairs. My movements were down to a shuffle. As I approached the bathroom, I started trying to unfasten the button on my jeans. I needed 2 hands. When I pulled the hand free from between my legs I could feel the relaese and the warm wetness filling my panties and jeans. I bolted for the toilet with my hands pulling the jeans down as I approached the bowl. I was trying to pull my panties down with the same motion, but I missed. So, there I sat, peeing in the toilet with my panties on. Another first! I sat there with the warm pee flooding up around my anus, tickling me. I had a half smile as I looked at the dark patch in my jeans. Then my right hand somehow found the way to between my legs. I started a little finger massage and reveled in the feeing of the wet material gently caressing my "spot".
I sat there for a few minutes, getting in a little deeper, until I heard my mother call out to see if I was alright. That brought me back to reality quickly. Here I was, sitting on the toilet with my panties on, wet jeans down around my calves, hand between my legs and the door wide open! I called back that I was, pulled up my jeans and retreated to my room. I stripped off the jeans, pulled down the bedspread and flopped face down on my bed and proceeded to rub myself to a quick climax. Now what was interesting to me, in retrospect, was that I didn't get up and get washed. I fell asleep in my wet panties. When the alarm awoke me the next morning, they were still damp. My hand quickly found the way to my "spot". I didn't go far, but the damp material did feel good. When I went to the bathroom I ended up reprising my actions of the night before. I was tempted to jump back in bed for another go 'round but reason took hold and I went about my required morning routine. But, the thought remained....all day.
By now, almost all the pieces had been discovered. I had started putting some of them together. I had questions but no one to ask them to. The answers weren't something that were absolutely necessary at that time in my life because I had now enhanced my personal pleasure
level to a new high. I remember thinking that I had discovered something that was unique and that I wanted to share it with somebody. I didn't know who, but somebody.
Putting it together will continue. (more patience is necessary)comments on my prevoius posts. It has spurred me on to continue.
From a time reference, this next part is a continuatin of the first part as it follows it immediatly.
The "Maureen experience";
My bedtime routine had now been established. Get washed up, pee but do not wipe, get into bed and then "play". I had never looked forward to going to bed as much as now. It was about that time that the weather turned bad and we had almost a whole week of rain. That created all kinds of chaos at the farm. The biggest problem was that the planting of the late fall crop of cabbage was delayed. Once the rain stopped and the tractors were able to get in the fields, every able bodied individual was pressed into service. I ended up working on a planting crew. With the wet soil as our adversary it was expected that we would all get very dirty. When I finished that first day I had mud everywhere from my hair to my toes. When I arrived home my mother wouldn't even think of letting me in the house.
She suggested that she hose me off while I was still in my clothes. It was warm enough out for that not to be unreasonable and, thinking about it now, probably a very good idea. She started with my hair and the water out of the hose was almost hot as the hose had been lying in the sun. However, when that water was gone it turned cold. Very cold. The shock of the change sent a shiver through me. So much so that I started to pee. At first I tried to stop, doing the natural things like putting my knees together, bending at the waist and ramming my hands into my crotch. After all, who would want to pee in front of their mother. But, I was already wet. It only took a few seconds to realize this. So I stood back up, pulled my hands out of their nesting place and relaxed. It was obvious that my mother didn't realize that I had started to pee as her comment was along the lines of "Is it cold?". I nodded an affirmative and then stood there and enjoyed the warm flowing warmth running down my legs. It took about 5 minutes to get rid of most of the mud and then I stripped my jeans and shirt off and ran inside to the shower. While wating for the shower temperature to reach the desired level, I stood there dripping. But, when I put my hand in to check the temperature, I felt a warmth in my crotch. I was peeing again, involuntarily. I reacted by putting my other hand into my crotch and as luck would have it, found the "spot". I stood there for a few seconds, gently rubbing the soft warm wetness. The sound of the shower running quickly brought me back to reality and I stepped in, still in my bra and panties and with my hand still on the "spot". I must have stood there for 5 minutes with the water running over me and with my fingers slowly massaging my panties and "spot". Finally, I reached a point of climax and finished my shower. That night, lying in bed, I relived the whole experience over and over. As I did, visions of other the other recent experiences with and in wet panties started to come together.
I don't remember exactly how long it was before I found the next piece of the puzzle. I do remember it happened one night when I was staying over at my best friend Lisa's house. I had not seen much of her that summer because of work. Because one part of my job was to work the at a roadside farm stand, I had to work every weekend. My day off was either a Wednesday or Thursday depending on the weather. I had run into Lisa when she was buying some corn at the stand. She suggested we get together and the most convenient way to do it was for me to stay at her house. Lisa had an older sister, Maureen, who was about as different from her as could possibly be imagined. Lisa was tall, solid, blonde, atheletic and out going. Maureen was fairly short, very thin, dark brown hair, very artsy and almost withdrawn. However, for some reason, she attracted boys. On this particular night, I'm sure she didn't realize that Lisa and I were at the house. Their mother was a nurse at the local hospital and their father was a field supervisor for the telephone company and neither were home. I'm sure Maureen knew. Lisa and I were in her room with the lights out. It was dusk and very hot. Lisa's room faced the back yard and there was a perfect view of the patio. We heard voices and both got up to look to see who it was. From Lisa's reaction, I'm sure she had spied on her sister previously. We ended up moving her desk from in front of the window and pulled up chairs to watch. Maureen usually wore long skirts made out of what looked like gauze. As I had said, she was very artsy. Her top that night was nothing more than a t-shirt. Maureen, as slight as she was, didn't have much on top and was usually braless. Such was the case this night as we watched her slip off her top, drop her skirt and then climb onto the lap of the boy she was with. They cuddled for a short time and as it was getting dark, we couldn't see just where his hands were. I do remember my heart beating very fast. Every time I started to whisper, Lisa would put her finger to her lips to quiet me. After some time, we could see them get up and go to the end of the patio table. We could barely make them out but we could see the boy move a small bench and then sit on it. Maureen followed his lead and then, with her panties still on, she straddled him, sitting on his lap, right up to his torso. They sat quietly
in that position for a few minutes. Then we could hear the boy start to moan. We watched them rocking back and forth, very slowly. I was absolutely intrigued. I thought I was watching people having sex for the first time in my life. I hadn't pictured it like this though. Then reality struck! We heard him speak and I do remember his actual words. "Don't you have any more pee?" Maureen didn't speak but from what happened next, it was obvious she didn't. She got off his lap and he stood up, stripping off his jeans so we could see the white of his underpants. The two then disappeared into the house. Maureen's room was on the first floor and I was so disappointed that I wasn't at least going to hear what lovemaking sounded like. Lisa and I sat there for a minute or two and then she let out a sigh. I didn't know what to say. She wasn't real close to Maureen but I was uncertain as to how she felt about what had just happened and what I imagined was happening at that moment. More importantly, I wanted to know the significance of Maureen peeing on the boy. I chose to remain silent as we put the desk back in place. Then we lay on the bed just staring into the darkness.

After we heard Maureen and the boy leave, we went down to the patio. The puddle was still in evidence. We retreated to the kitchen and the solace of ice cream. That broke the ice. Lisa issued an apology, of sorts, as to her sister's behavior. I just smiled. I was hoping she would volunteer more about her activities. When she didn't I started babbling about work. But what I wanted, no, needed to know was about the peeing. I didn't have the nerve and it wasn't forthcoming.
It was shortly thereafter that the next piece was discovered. Because I had to arise so early each morning, I was usually in bed shortly after 9PM. My social life was almost non existent. I had even cut back on my one real passion, movies. However, one afternoon. Michelle asked me to go to a movie with her that night. It was nothing special. I don't even remember the title. What she wanted was someone to be with her when she approached this boy she liked who worked at the theatre. After the movie was over, she struck up a conversation and we proceeded to get the poor lad in trouble for not doing his job. As this was taking place, my bladder was sending signals. I started to leave for the ladies room but Michelle grabbed my hand. She wouldn't let me go. Then, her older sister came inside, yelling at us that she'd been waiting outside for 15 minutes. We immediately turned to leave, my bathroom needs unrelieved. It was only a 10 minute drive to my house, but, by then, that short time seemed like an eternity. When I stepped out of the car I didn't think I'd even make it to the door. I did, and having made it that far, decided to try for the upstairs bathroom. Have you ever tried to go up a flight of stairs having to go so bad that you've got tears in your eyes? Each step was like a mountain. I made it half way when I heard my mother call. I had gotten into a rhythem and it was broken by her call. I stopped, answered, and then tried to continue. The next step brought forth the first escape of pee. Each step brought forth additional amounts. I had one hand on the banister and the other in between my legs, pressing my jeans hard into my crotch. By the time I made it to the top, I could feel the wetness on my hand. The bathroom was at the far end of the hall from the stairs. My movements were down to a shuffle. As I approached the bathroom, I started trying to unfasten the button on my jeans. I needed 2 hands. When I pulled the hand free from between my legs I could feel the relaese and the warm wetness filling my panties and jeans. I bolted for the toilet with my hands pulling the jeans down as I approached the bowl. I was trying to pull my panties down with the same motion, but I missed. So, there I sat, peeing in the toilet with my panties on. Another first! I sat there with the warm pee flooding up around my anus, tickling me. I had a half smile as I looked at the dark patch in my jeans. Then my right hand somehow found the way to between my legs. I started a little finger massage and reveled in the feeing of the wet material gently caressing my "spot".
I sat there for a few minutes, getting in a little deeper, until I heard my mother call out to see if I was alright. That brought me back to reality quickly. Here I was, sitting on the toilet with my panties on, wet jeans down around my calves, hand between my legs and the door wide open! I called back that I was, pulled up my jeans and retreated to my room. I stripped off the jeans, pulled down the bedspread and flopped face down on my bed and proceeded to rub myself to a quick climax. Now what was interesting to me, in retrospect, was that I didn't get up and get washed. I fell asleep in my wet panties. When the alarm awoke me the next morning, they were still damp. My hand quickly found the way to my "spot". I didn't go far, but the damp material did feel good. When I went to the bathroom I ended up reprising my actions of the night before. I was tempted to jump back in bed for another go 'round but reason took hold and I went about my required morning routine. But, the thought remained....all day.
By now, almost all the pieces had been discovered. I had started putting some of them together. I had questions but no one to ask them to. The answers weren't something that were absolutely necessary at that time in my life because I had now enhanced my personal pleasure
level to a new high. I remember thinking that I had discovered something that was unique and that I wanted to share it with somebody. I didn't know who, but somebody.
Putting it together will continue. (more patience is necessary)

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