Jenny stood in her room, holding herself tightly between the legs. She to pee something fierce, but she was waiting.
Her mother would leave in a moment and she would be free to do what she pleased. She had to be oh, so careful in this house!
It would be bad enough for her mother to find out she actually had sexual feelings, let alone that they were directed
towards such a bizarre fetish as pissing her own pants! Jenny would probably end up in a psychotherapists office if her
mother was ever to discover. How could there sweet, 16 year old daughter love something so disgusting, they would say. Jenny
looked at the picture of her and her sister taken that summer, her hair a short, blonde bob and delicate features. She
shook her head in dismay.
Recovering her composure, she heard her mother call her name. "Jen! Would you remember to pick up the living room while
I'm gone?" she called.
"Yes," Jenny replied, leaving her room and walking down the stairs. "I'll even throw in a load of laundry," she offered.
Might as well think ahead, she thought. Her jeans would soon be soaked.
"Great, I'll be back by 7:00." It was 4:30 -- plenty of time to do all she wanted.
The urge to urinate returned and Jenny sureptitiously squeezed her thighs together tightly. Damn it, she thought, hurry up
and leave. Her mother turned to go and Jenny almost began to wet in relief but pulled back
quickly as her mother turned around. "The keys," she said. "They're upstairs." She headed up the steps to get them.
Jenny grabbed herself quickly. Her mother had better hurry or there was going to be some explaining to do. She listened anxiously
as her mother's foot steps sound above her and then headed back down the stairs. Jenny pulled her hand away from her crotch and bit
her lip. Her muscles were beginning to spasm and she was becoming deathly afraid of what might happen.
Her mother returned and made her way back to the door. "Don't forget," she said again as she opened the door. Jenny gasped as she
realized she was losing control. The big easy chair was next to her and she moved quickly behind it as nonchalantly as possible. Pee was
beginning to spurt uncontrollably and she could feel the hot stain of urine begin to spread along the inside of her right thigh.
Her mother was still at the door and she turned around again. "And lay out some hamburger."
Jenny had all she could do to keep from whimpering as she slowly wet herself in front of her mother, piss running down both legs now and
dripping onto the carpet. "No problem, mom," she said. Pee was pouring in torrents now and she could swear it was audible, but her mother
smiled and left, closing the door tightly.
The young girl collapsed in total relief, emptieng her bladder entirely. Her jeans glistened with the steaming liquid and she began to rub herself
vigorously, biting her lip now in ecstacy.
The sound of the door knob caused her heart to stop. She looked up in complete panic as her sister, a year younger, walked in. "Hi Jen, what's up?"
Her mouth fell open. Haley wasn't supposed to be home until late tonight. "What -- what are you doing home?" she stammered, her mouth going dry.
Everyting seemed to swim before her eyes. There was no way out.
"I just thought I'd shower before I went to Travis' house," Haley replied, walking into the living room. Jenny had to move slightly to keep the chair
between her sister and her piss-stained jeans. Haley stopped, noticing the obviously suspicious movement. "You got something you don't want me to see
or what?" she said with a sly smile, certainly not suspecting the truth.
Hoo, boy, do I, thought Jenny. "No, why do you ask that." Oh, fuck, do I sound stupid, she thought. She moved a little more as Haley knitted her brow through
her glasses and moved a little more. "Just go upstair and shower."
"What's up," her sister asked again, cocking her head so that her shoulder-length hair hung out a bit. She began to walk around the chair.
"Haley, please," Jenny begged, tears beginning to well up in terror. Haley stopped and looked down.
She couldn't see Jenny, but Jenny knew she could see the huge stain on the carpet. Haley's eyes widened and she looked up at Jenny. "What did you do?" she
said with a start. She stepped around the chair completely and this time Jenny didn't even attempt to move. It was over. Haley looked in complete amazement
at the huge wet stain that covered her crotch and inner thighs, extending all the way to the ground and her piss stained socks. Jenny began to cry uncontrollably.
"Oh fuck, I can't help it. I -- I can't explain..." There was nothing she could say. Haley would know that she had done it on purpose. Jenny had been standing
behind the chair when she entered. "I..I.." She burst into tears.
"I can't believe it," Haley said softly and Jenny sobbed louder. "I thought I was so wierd -- but you like it too!" Jenny was caught by complete surprise.
"What," she said through tears, looking at her sister in amazement. "What, are you serious."
Haley smiled and looked up at her sister. "Wow, I know how I'd feel if I were you, but don't be embarrassed. I --" she paused. "I like peeing myself too," she said
a bit sheepishly. "Remember two years ago on the trip to Bloomington when I wet my pants in the van." She paused again. "It wasn't an accident."
Jenny could hardly believe her ears. She wiped the tears away. "I don't know what to say -- I thought you were going to have a coniption when you saw me."
Haley smiled, but said nothing. Jenny wondered if she was going to speak but only silence. Suddenly, there was the sound of dripping liquid and Jenny's eye's got as big
as saucers as she realized what was happening. She looked down to see her little sister wetting her pants, piss running to her ankles in her blue, faded jeans. Haley put
a hand between her legs and stroked herself.
"It feels so good," Haley said, obviuosly turned on. "Want to watch me masturbate?"
Jenny could only nod in affirmation, all words gone. Haley unbuttoned her jeans and slipped them to her ankles, revealing her white Garfield underwear with a huge, light yellow
stain all around the crotch. Pee ran in rivulets down her legs. She slowly pulled off the sodden panties, exposing her dark, pubic hair and swelling mound, all the while never taking
her eyes from her big sister. She lay on the ground and began to run her fingers through her tight little vagina, up and down, in and out, moaing.
Jenny could take no more and fell to her knees and shoved her face into her sister's pussy. Haley screamed in ecstacy, grabbing her sister's head and holding it to her as she
reached orgasm. Her body shook and fell silent. Jenny stripped her soaking pants from her legs and her pissed underwear as well. Haley grabbed her legs as she straddled her, pulling
Jenny down until she was sitting on her face, urine from Jenny's pubic hair running down her cheek. In only moments, Jenny came. She heaved and screamed with a satisfaction she had never
known and then spun to the side, breathless, laying beside her sister in a puddle of their own waste.
Nude from the waste down, Haley pulled herself up onto her sister, straddling her leg with her wet crotch against Jenny's bare skin. "This is really wierd -- but I like it."
Jenny nodded. "I just can't believe this can be real." She held her sister's head tight to her chest.
"Jenny," Haley said after a moment, "I gotta go number two."
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