I must have one of the best jobs in town. I'm a bouncer (guard) at a pub/disco in town. Lately we've been experiencing some trouble with the ladies toilets. One of them keeps hanging up (we only have two). This results in lots of desperate girls not quite knowing what to do, and me loving every second of it. I also work as a step in for the girls behind the bar. This has also been good. (Mainly because of my bar "boss"). She has a tendency to hold herself till she's bursting, and then ask me to fill in for her while se goes. Sometimes I can't or won't (mostly can't) help her out for a few minuets, and her desperation grows larger. She does make it to the toilet almost every time though, but not always dry. She sometimes tells me of for making her wet her pants, but I just tell her that it's not my fault that I had other things to do. I have had quite a few good sightings both inside and outside the place. Here are a few (I'll be adding more as they come):
Opening day, popular band and lots of people. Bars working double quick time keeping people happy. I spot a girl about 18-19 on the dance floor looking like she's really enjoying the warm up band that's playing on stage. Long blond hair almost down to her ass. Athletic built with a good pair of knockers. Great tan and brownish eyes. Wearing a tight blue tank top and a pair of white Levi's. I have a great view from where I'm sitting. Can keep an eye on the entire dance floor. A half-hour passes and a large amount of beer is drunk. The warm up band says bye and I let my eyes rest on the girl for a while. She has been drinking lots of beer and still hasn't been to the toilet. I saw her first for over an hour ago. In that time she hasn't budged from the dance floor.
The place is swarming with people now and the toilets are starting to feel the pressure. People are in line waiting. Nothing much happens. I notice that the blond is starting to move towards the toilet area, but the band is starting to appear on stage. She turns back again and walks over to her friends on the dance floor. The music starts and everyone is looking at the band enjoying the music. My eyes are more or less riveted to the blond girl's movements.
After a while I start noticing that she's dancing less and less free. She seems a little strained but still she goes on. Half an hour in to the concert (I'm amazed that she can hold herself as long as she has) I se her clutching herself between her legs. Now she is in obvious pain. She starts to move her way through the crowd of shoving wild people. All the shoving and pushing doesn't seem to make her situation any better. I can see that she is almost crying as she painstakingly walks and hobbles her way towards the toilets and me. A quick look over my shoulder tells me that the enormous line at the ladies and gents isn't going to work in her favour.
Looking back I see that this gouges blond is almost in front of me. I can barely make out a little wet spot on her Levi's. Her hand is now pressed against her crotch and her knuckles are white. She is biting her lower lip as I see the wet spot suddenly get larger. No one has seen her but me, they are all to busy looking at the band, entranced by the music. The spreading stops, she regains control.
It takes an eternity waiting for the next move. She's standing still, and nothing is happening. The trance is broken when she takes another step in my direction. She manages two more steps towards me before she stops dead in her tracks. With tears rolling down her tanned cheeks her crotch erupts and pee starts poring from between her shapely legs. She stands not more than three meters away and empties herself on the edge of the dance floor. After she finishes she looks down at the very large puddle she's standing in. She looks in disbelief at what she's done.
I climb down from the DJ's box and help her into the staff bathroom. I get her at towel from the cupboard and watch as she starts to undress. Feeling like she show's over I step outside and stand guard as she takes a shower. I'm not a total perv, and I don't take advantage of girls in trouble. Signalling another bouncer to bring the two girls that where with the blond over to me takes a while. They come over a little miffed over missing out on the concert but brighten up when they hear about their friend. One has a car so she drives home to get some fresh clothes. The other Stands talking to me telling me that this wasn't the first time she had peed her pants. Then she went inside to her friend and I got called over to mop up the mess she had made.
When I returned they had gone......
The End
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