Monday, April 18, 2011

The Debbie Letters to Aquavite, posted by Aquavite continue


Debbie Five

Dear aquavite,

Its not that I enjoy looking at women.  I'd much rather see a cute guy in a
short pair of see-through shorts (like some of the guys in my tennis class).
But I do kinda get turned on when I see or hear about guys being able to see 
a cute girl's panties and getting turned on by it.  It makes me feel real 
sexy and makes we wish that they were getting turned on by seeing my panties.
That's all. Its not like I'm bi or anything.

Now I have another question for you.  I'm taking a tennis class and luckily I
still fit into my tennis skirts that I had in high school but there a lot
shorter on me now.  But when I bought them they didn't come with matching
tennis briefs.  I remember buying them at a department store and the lady
telling me that I should just go to a sporting goods store and buy tennis
briefs so I did but I remember hating the way they looked on me so I didn't
play tennis that much and I guess I got rid of them because they weren't
hanging with my skirts.  Anyway, when I signed up for the class I'm in now I
met my instructor and asked him if its OK for girls to wear just there
panties under there skirt or would that be in appropriate.  He smiled and
said its perfectly OK for me to wear just my panties and that a lot of women
do that.  So that's what I'm doing.  I'm wearing just my panties under my
skirt like he said but none of the other girls to that.  They wear tennis
briefs, shorts, or biker shorts.  Do you ever play tennis and do you know any
girls who wear just there panties under there skirts or should I go get
tennis briefs?  I'd rather just wear my panties because I think they look so
much cuter on.

So you liked my story when I was cheerleading?  I figured you would because
guys seem to like the cheerleader look (and girls hate it when they see other
girls looking that way because they know all the guys will be watching the
other girl).  At least you seem to understand the difference between spankies
and panties.  Spankies aren't very sexy to me but panties are.  And all
cheerleaders wear spankies and most wear panties underneath there spankies.

Some of the stories I've read about wetting seem to say that cheerleaders
wear just panties under there skirts but that's not true although it did
happen to me that one time.  I forgot to tell you that my partner asked why I
changed because he knew I was wearing just panties from having to hold me
above his head and everything else so I had to tell him what happened which
was really embarrassing and that I changed because I didn't want to gross him
out by wearing wet spankies.  He kinda laughed and said he was sorry that
happened to me.  I just hope he never told all the other guys.

OK.  I have a really cute pair of white bikini panties with lost of cute
frilly lace along the legs and waist which I'll wear on Saturday.  They look
real little girlish.  But they're silk so I need to be careful not to have an
accident.  Do you want me to wear my pink skirt or my black skirt? And should
I bend over a lot?

So you think that Steffi Graf wears just her panties to?  Wow!  So if you say
that Steffi Graf and Jane Seymour wear just their panties and their both so
pretty and famous then it must be perfectly normal for girls wear their
panties under there tennis skirts.  [I had send Debbie a picture of Jane 
Seymous playing tennis with her panties showing.]  OK, you've convinced me.  
I think the other girls in my class just don't know that its OK.

I don't think anyone has ever really seen my wet spot growing on my panties
but I'm sure I've been wet when people have seen my panties.

I can't ever remember doing a pee dance but crossing my legs or even holding
myself Joanne's skirt and seeing there wet
panties I get turned on and I don't know exactly why.  Probably because I
like knowing how guys get so turned on from seeing our panties.  I'm thinking
about going into the little girls room now and having a few mini accidents
and wearing my panties wet like that for the rest of the day and imagining
you looking up my skirt!  Today I'm wearing white with flowers.  Want me to
do that?


Debbie Six

Dear aquavite,

OK I'll wear my short black tennis skirt with my white silk panties and try
to bend over a little more than usual.  I like that contrast a lot to.

Yes I masturbate and I think I already told you that I get real wet, enough
for it to soak through my panties.  Dave likes watching me but doesn't want 
me to do it without him.  A few times he's caught me doing it without him or
other times he could tell because my panties were wet and I was spanked for
it so when I do it alone I have to be real careful about it.  I like to do it
through my panties and yes I've done it in the car when Dave wanted me to and
sometimes alone.

So I really did have a few mini accidents in my white flowered panties
yesterday.  It felt kinda weird doing it like that for no reason because
usually it happens because I can't hold it.  But this time I walked into the
little girls room, lifted my skirt and sat on the toilet with my panties
still on and watched as I started going in them.  Then I stopped and pulled
them down and finished going in the toilet.  It was kinda weird for me to do
that.  I wore them like that the rest of the day like I usually do when I
have mini accidents but they were pretty dry by the time I got home so no
spanking from Dave.  Did Sara wet her panties again this morning?  Was she
wearing a white cotton string bikini with lace in front again?



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