I wanted the flashing lights to be a figure of my imagination. No such luck, as the quick siren blips came from behind. “Fucking...no! No!” I took a deep breath and slowly brought the car to a halt. It was only a matter of time now...slow, anxious time as the officer slowly got out of the car. Her car, that is, owned by a female cop. And what a female she was! It almost felt cruel, watching her robust black hips sway in the bland khakis, while her breasts bounced in the boring tan work shirt. I rolled down the window at her finger’s request. “How are you doing tonight, sir?” she asked. I gulped...she even sounded gorgeous. I looked into her ebony face and tried to force a smile as genuine as hers. “G-good, ma'am. Was I speeding?” The officer shook her head, swaying smooth, short black hair. “There’s a tail light out on your right side,” she noted. “License and registration please.” So I handed her the license...and begun to shake as she waited for the registration on the car. “Officer...I...I don’t…” “Call me Jenette,” she said, flashing another smile, one hand on her hip. I geuss she didn’t expect trouble, seeing as her fingers were gentle and away from her firearm. “I don’t have registration,” I told her. “This...this is my uncle’s car. He said I could borrow it and if I was careful, ya know? Just until I can get my car out of the pound.” Her lips were now pursed in confusion...those bright red lips of beauty and fierceness. “P-please I just...I can’t afford a ticket,” I blurted out. “I already have three strikes and the state says that I can’t...I don’t…”. She leaned into the driver side window and said it ever so politely. “Sir, please step out of the car.” I put up no fuss as she lightly pressed my head against the hood of the car. I lay still as the handcuffs were clicked onto my forearms. The tears, however...those couldn’t stop. “I’m sorry...I’m sorry,” I heard myself say. “P-please...please...don’t ticket me, I, I…”. “Follow me Mr. Nedders,” she told me, guiding me along the highway road to her car. “Can I call you Ben? It’s probably Benny though, right?” I was crying too much and my lips were too shaky to form a response. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Officer Jennette had me at her police cruiser, driver side. I suppose it was a little strange she stopped to open her driver door first. “So, no ticket tonight, is that right Benny?” she asked me. “You’re gunna get that taillight fixed?” It came from nowhere and I’d be a fool to say no to that offer. So I said yes, about a hundred times per second, nodding at light speed...she laughed so I geuss I still ended up looking like a pathetic fool. “Squeeze down below, face up on the seat,” she said with a smile. I stood at her car door, still looking the part of the fool. She repeated herself, while guiding me inside. “Watch your head, hon. Put it here. There ya go.” And so there I was, staring up into her ceiling. The cop car looked normal, smelled like new leather. Save for, that is, a numerous pile of fast food wrappers strewn across the floorboards and passenger seat. “What...what am I supposed to do-” I stopped myself, staring up into her powerful legs swinging inside. At a moment’s notice, I watched the seat of her pants swell above me in a magnificent width. In another second, her ass was molding itself around my face. “Ahhhhh,” she sighed, closing the car door and turning the keys to her engine. I couldn’ think...either from the shock of the scene or the full weight of her booty on my skull. Some words came tumbling out my mouth around her asscrack...I think it was a question. BBBBBBBBBBBBRRRRTTTOOOOOTTTTTTTTTT! The vibration hit my lips with a rugged tone, rippling onto my face for a full five seconds. The officer sighed, wriggling her butt as I gasped. “The game is simple here, hon,” she spoke. “Keep quiet and sniff.” PPPPPPRRRRBBBLLLRRRROOOORRTTTT! Another rancid ripper...this time bringing the full smell of both farts to reach my skull. Dear god...I tasted everything. The mountains of fries and burgers, topped off with shakes and soda. My head spun into another universe as she shifted to pick up the receiver on a chirping radio. “10-4 on Highway 32. All clear. Heading back for closing,” said Officer Jeanette. I heard the radio snapped back into place. She rose and I saw her face peering down to smile at me. “Ready to ride?” She asked sweetly. I looked at the darkness of her skin, molding beautifully with the darkness of the outside sky. “I can always give you that ticket…”. I gulped, meeting her eyes again...stupidly, my brain nodded in response. She chuckled and I gasped as Officer Jeanette begun to unbuckle her pants. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The heat was insufferable...the weight was unbearable...and the smell was...undeniable. However, I had to sacrifice and make them all so...tolerable. BBBBTTRRRRROOOOORRTTTTTT! FRRRRRPPPBBBAAUUUUTTTTTTT! PPPLLLTTTOOOORRTTTTTTTT! Her ass was from another world. The regurgitated food spewing from her bowels became a biological weapon onto my face. PPLLLLLTTRRRRRRTTTTTTTTT! FFFFBBBBRRRMMPPLLLBBABBTTT! Through agonizingly bumpy rodes I moaned as her booty farted and bounced. Jeanette chuckled as I spewed more complaints in jumped words. “How you doin’ down there, hon?” I moaned up in response-she’d lifted her booty, just a few inches to happily smirk at me. “Gunna have to ask you for a few licks,” she continued. “Been having a little trouble just gettin’ off to the cuter ones like you.” BBBTRRROOIIIIIOPPLLLLRRTTTTT! She laughed as I winced, watching her tight brown anus pucker out an acidic smelling ripper. “You ever eat ass before?” She asked, stroking my chin. I noticed the other hand was diving into her pussy, creating a very unprofessional driving stance. “No...no.” I mumbled out. She laughed again, resting her ass back on my face. “Think of it as snacking on whatever I ate,” she went on. “Just small licks of french fries...and curly fries...those fun little square burgers.” BBBTTUULRRLLPAAAOOOOTTTTTT! A wet fart pursed her asshole onto my teeth. “Don’t wear yourself out too quickly, is what I’m saying! Haha.” BBBRALLLAAUUGGHHBBBRRTTUPPTTT! I groaned as wet, sloppy farts pounded my tounge. I heard her fingers go to work and I tried my best to wag my tounge as best I could. Hopefully, she would finish and let me go. PPPRRRROOOOTTTTTTBBRTTT! FFRRBBBBAAOOOORRRAATTT! Or, I could black out and become less of a target. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My head was spinning as I awoke to the silence of her car. Silence...and the lingering smell of her ass. I managed to scrape myself up, still handcuffed, my head still pounding. Perhaps this was just a bad dream and I’d blacked out from nervousness when I got pulled over. No. Outside, the car was parked beside a building, reading, “Jared County Municipality”. Officer Jeanette was returning, sexily walking back, even winking into the car window. I found myself crying once more as she opened the car door. “P-please...d-don’t turn me in! Officer Jeanette, you...you promised!
You…”. She was laughing above me, beginning to slowly unbuckle her
pants again. “Calm down, hon,” she spoke. “Just turning in for the
night. You and I have some off-duty booty work to get to.” Her finger
playfully jabbed back at the stink ridden seat. I gulped, slowly
returning to the warmth her booty had left. She returned to her seat of
human flesh, bouncing her ass a little harder than when we’d first met.
“Ahhhh. And now that I’m off duty...that’s Mistress Jeanette to you,
fartboy.” PPPPTTTTTTRRRRRRRRRRRTTTTTT! I gagged as she wriggled her
coffee laden fart and booty around my face. “Can you say it for me?” I
managed to inhale enough breath to take her orders. “Yes...Mistress
Jeanette.” She sighed, stroking my neck between her thighs. “Good boy.”
BBBBLLLFFFFRRRRRRRRRTTTTTT! The car stopped and the door opened. “Scuze’ me,” the mistress spoke, turning her ass to one side to sit on my face. I heard a fierce grunt and the muscles on her ass tightened around my cheeks. PPPLLLLRRROOOTTTOOOTTTT! BBRRUUUAAOLLPPPRRUUTTTT! “Ohhhhh! Hoohh yes...yes.” I shivered, listening to her butthole work above me. The plops on the pavement were loud and solid...like a large animal shitting just above me. PPPRRRTTTTOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTT! BBBRRRUUUUOOLLLFFFMMMBBPPTTT! After a minute of shitting came airier, boisterous toots...as if it were the last call for her dump. BBBRRRIIIITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT! A slimy fart came with a deep sigh of relief. I gagged, catching a whiff of her creation as she shifted her booty up to close the door. “You hungry?” I was still shivering as she hovered above, smiling down at me. “I...no, no thank you.” The Mistress giggled, pinching my cheek. “I’m offering actual food here hon’. Well, as ‘actual’ as Taco Bell can be.” I shook my head again. She gave a toothy grin. “Suit yourself.” She let her ass fall onto my face. I kept my breaths short as her uncleaned butthole pursed along my nostrils. “Yes, can I get two number three’s and...is your shake machine working? Okay. Then just a Sprite, thank you.” I felt a pat on my chest as she murmured softly to me. “I’m always five minutes late at these places, I swear.” Then, back to the machine. “Yes okay. Thank you.” I heard the car hum along the drive-thru as Mistress Jeanette searched for her wallet. “Here’s the deal, fartboy,” she spoke, rolling up the window. “You sleep with me tonight. No holding back, all hands on deck...or noses, anyway.” PPPRRRLLLLLTTTTTTRRRTTTTT! She giggled, rising only to pinch my nose and soak me in her fart as she sat back down. “If I get a good night’s sleep, I’ll drive you back to your car. No ticket. If I don’t...well, we can always take the LONG way back to the police station. Sound fair?” PPRRROOMMMBBLLLRRTTT! BBRRTTUUUOOOORRUUUTTTTT! After the two farts, she rose, smiling into my eyes. Through the hazy fart vision, I could just make out her hand extended to me. “I can’t…” I told her. “The...the cuffs.” Officer Jeanette laughed. “That’s right! Forgot about those. Eh, I think I like them on anyway.” She pinched my cheek and begun to rest her ass along my face again. “Now...I think that YOU have the right to remain silent...ahhh...while I pay.” I sobbed, feeling the warmth of her SBD pour along my face. I seriously considered losing my license for all eternity as it soaked into my brain. |