Friday, December 20, 2024

The Wereskunk by Iloveskyrim1


Cindy wasn't like most girls in her school, though she seemed like one on the surface, she had a decent social life, dreams of getting into a good college, and even got her a boyfriend, but what none of her friends know is that she has a big secret.

Cindy is something called a wereskunk, it's like a werewolf in that it's a human who is cursed to transform into a beast and that it's it's spread from a bite, scratch, or blood to blood contact. However unlike werewolves they do not transform under a full moon and do not maul people like a wild animal, instead they transform every single night and gas people, usually the opposite sex, and wereskunks have an unimaginable amount of gas and it smells worse than anything known to man, and what's worse is that wereskunk gas has a chemical in it that prevents people from passing out from the smell or even lack of oxygen, basically if a wereskunk ever catches you then you're screwed until dawn.

Cindy got the curse when she was 13. She got bit by a stranger while she was walking home from school and the following night she transformed. Her big sister's boyfriend Carl happened to be there and she gasses him all night, Carl still can't get the smell out of his nose. Luckily before the next night, Cindy was given a charm necklace that suppressed her curse so long as she wears it but with a major side effect, the longer the skunk is suppressed the more it'll desire to gas a victim and the worse the smell will be if she ever loses it and transforms again. For 5 years she's always wore the necklace, only taking it off to shower which she did immediately after she got home from school, and she hasn't transformed once.

Jake, Cindy's boyfriend, wanted to take her on a camping trip for the weekend and her parents let her go, so Cindy had a few things packed, especially her favorite canned food, jalapeno refried beans.

Jake and Cindy arrived at the campsite and got out of the car. "Babe, it's just you, me, and the great outdoors." Jake said. "I can't believe how beautiful it is out here." Cindy stated. "Not as beautiful as you." Jake replied. Cindy blushed, "Oh stop." Jake kissed Cindy on the neck. "Let's get camp going, it's almost dark." Jake said. Cindy was reminded about her medallion and reached for her necklace to kiss it like people would do their saint medallions and was in shock and horror at her discovery.

"Jake, have you seen my necklace?" Cindy asked. "Uh no, but come on we'll worry about that later, I wanna get camp set up before dark." Jake answered. "I think setting up camp can wait." Cindy said as she ran to Jake's car to search for her necklace. "Cindy are you okay? You don't seem like yourself." Jake said. "Well I'm gonna be even less like myself if I don't find my necklace." Cindy replied.

Cindy looked everywhere for it, under the seats, in her bags, in Jake's bags, in the glove box, she couldn't find it anywhere.

"Cindy what has gotten into you?" Jake asked. "I can't find my necklace. Where's my necklace? I can't find it." Cindy answered. "Sweetie it's a necklace, I'll buy you a new one." Jake replied. "You can't just buy a new one it's was made to... it was specially made." Cindy said. "I'll still buy you a new one, you're my girlfriend and I..." Jake said before he was interrupted. "I need it now, bad things can happen if I don't find it." Cindy said. Jake was beginning to think his girlfriend was a complete psycho.

Cindy began heaving and sweating like a big, she slid down the down until she was sitting down and began crying. Jake approached her and try to comfort her with a hug.

"Jake, I need you to do something." Cindy said. "What... yeah anything. What is it?" Jake replied. "I need you get back in your car and drive back home." Cindy said. "Not without you." Jake said. "Yes without me." Cindy responded. "What am I supposed to tell your parents and your sister?" Jake asked. "Tell them I lost the necklace." Cindy answered. Jake was absolutely confused, not only was his girlfriend having an anxiety attack over a necklace but she was asking him to drive home and leave her here, he wasn't sure if she was beginning to suffer from schizophrenia or on her most extreme period.

Cindy began to feel the change starting and got up and ran. "Cindy where you going." Jake asked. "Jake please, just do what I asked." Cindy begged. "Cindy this isn't funny come on." Jake said. A cracking sound came from Cindy's back followed by a sharp pain that caused her to fall to the ground. "CINDY!" Jake yelled as he ran towards her, "Cindy are you okay." Jake said before turning her over and saw something that horrified him.

Cindy's face had changed, it was covered in black fur, her eyes were bright yellow, and a snout was beginning to grow.

"I told you to drive away." Cindy said. "Cindy, what's happening to you?" Jake scaredly asked. "I'm sorry Jake." Cindy said before screaming in pain as her transformation was finalizing.

Jake ran as fast as her could, he was scared for his life, he was so scared he didn't think of getting in the car and driving away. He was running and running and running but he wasn't fast enough to outrun what was once his girlfriend.

Cindy tackled Jake and held his arms down. "So you're the boyfriend huh? I gotta say she has good taste in men." Cindy said. "Cindy, please don't do this." Jake pleaded. "Your girlfriend isn't here right now. Can I take a message? Gosh, you humans are so dumb, it's kinda cute." Cindy said. "What are you gonna do to me?" Jake asked. "I'm gonna have some fun." Cindy answered.

Cindy grabbed the sides of Jake's head and proceeded to make out with him. Jake tried with all his might to get her mouth away from his but he was too weak. Cindy then let out a massive burp in his mouth that made his head spin. Cindy finally let go.

"Ah, that was amazing, you're a good kisser." Cindy said. "Please, let me go, I'll do anything." Jake begged. "Ah ah ah." Cindy said as she tapped Jake's nose, "You're not going anywhere until I'm done. This could be my last night on Earth, I wanna enjoy this."

Cindy wrapped her tail around Jake's neck. "Hope you're ready for what's about to come, after being trapped for 5 years it can get a little stanky." Cindy said as she stood up. "Oh god what are you going to do to me?" Jake asked. "You'll find out in 3... 2... 1..." Cindy said she her pulled Jake's face in her ass. Jake was in hell, Cindy's ass smelled far worse than anything he had ever smelled in his life, it was like if every foul smell got together to create the ultimate foul smell multiplied by a dozen, but of course it was about to get allot lot worse. "Your nose feels so goot against my sphincter." Cindy said.

Cindy let out a large fart that sounded like a tuba filled with with milk. Jake let out a muffled scream and Cindy proceeded to laugh at his misery as she unleashed even more large farts that sounded the same but amplified. It sounded absolutely disgusting and horrid but smelled a million times worse, if the smell of her fartless butt was roses her farts would be... well... her fartless butt.

Cindy grabbed Jake by the legs and lifted them up to her shoulders. "I'm gonna talk a stroll, you just stay there and enjoy yourself." Cindy said.

Cindy walked around the area, still blasting Jake with her gas, for god knows how long before coming to a halt. "My legs are getting tired, time for me to sit down and rest." Cindy said before taking a seat on a rock with her tail acting a cushion for Jake's head. Jake wasn't sure if he was lucky her tail was keeping his head from getting crushed like a watermelon or unlucky as his head getting crushed like a watermelon would end his nightmare. While his head cushioned it didn't the fact that the pressure on his head pushed his nose further into Cindy's sphincter, causing the smell to become worse and his nose to become her butt plug. Cindy added to this fact by letting out a 30 second fart that sounded like a trumpet.

Cindy continued to sit on the rock for several hours before she noticed that dawn was approaching. "Well Jakey pooh, we got about another hour left, let's get back to the car and I'll give you a proper good bye." Cindy said before getting and walking back to Jake's car.

Cindy arrived at Jake's car and then let him out of her tail lock. "Let me give you one last kiss goodbye." Cindy said as she grabbed Jake by the sides of his head and pulled him up into making out with her. Cindy kept the lip lock going for about 15 minutes, letting out disgusting burps every few seconds, until dawn set in and Cindy reverted back to being a human.

"Oh my god, Jake." Cindy spouted, "Jake are you okay." "Uuuhhhh, Cindy? Cindy is that you?" Jake asked. "Yes it's me sweetie. Oh, Jake I'm so sorry, that's why I needed to find my necklace, it's the only thing keeping me from turning me into that monster." Cindy said. Jake slid down into a sitting position, "Well that makes sense." "I'm gonna drive us home." Cindy said. "What about you?" Jake asked. "My parents have a cellar for the purpose of keeping me in if I lose my necklace." Cindy answered.

Cindy pulled Jake up and carried him to the passenger seat on his car. "Hold on, let me go get dressed and get my torn clothes." Cindy said. Cindy grabbed a pair of clothes from one of her bags and got dressed. She then proceeded to grab her torn clothes. As she was walking to the car she noticed something fall out of the pocket of her torn jeans. She became relieved when she saw what it was and walked back to the car.

"Babe you look relieved. What happened." Jake asked. Cindy then showed Jake her necklace, "It was in my back pocket the whole time." Cindy proceeded to chuckle a bit while Jake tilted his head back in utter defeat.