Prologue As she was pulling into the parking site at the largest
supermarket in town, she felt her bladder tingle. A part of her now
wished she had used the toilet before embarking on the weekly grocery
shopping.But how urgent would her need to pee become? This morning, she
had had quite some milk in her cereal, drank two glasses of fresh garden
fruit smoothie ‘ there were just so many fruit in her garden ‘ and
later she had slowly sipped through the contents of two bottles of
mineral water whilst going about the normal house work. Too late she
realized now that this comprised quite a quantity of liquid which had
been slowly filtering through her system since.The last speed bump ‘ the
movement vibrated through her bladder, making her feel the amount of
urine which had been increasing quickly. Maybe she shouldn’t have gone
to the hair dresser? She had had to wait quite a while until it was her
turn. And the elaborate hair style she had been sold had taken an hour
to do’ But she knew her husband would like it, so it was right she had
done it.She parked the car and got a shopping cart. Somehow, the tingle
in her bladder didn’t feel uncomfortable, she thought. Actually, it was
rather pleasant how her filling bladder pushed against her panties. She
had never before noticed this. With her thoughts revolving around this
discovery, she forgot about her idea to look for a customer’s restroom
as she entered the store.Only two items to go and she would have worked
through her shopping list! At the thought of this, she remembered her
full bladder. She had been completely oblivious to her growing need to
pee as she roamed aisles, scanning the shelves for special offers. In
the meantime, her kidneys had released more and more freshly filtered
urine into her bladder, increasing the pressure slowly but constantly.
Could she have postponed the stop at the mail office? But no, her mom
was urgently waiting for the family pictures. She remembered how in the
morning she had spent half an hour in the queue just to send them ‘ why
didn’t they ever open more tills at this branch?The tingle in her
abdomen was getting more intense by the minute. Quickly to the till and
then home! She was looking for the relief of emptying her bladder now ‘
the pleasantness she had felt earlier was slowly fading even as she
tried to focus on it. Why did the queue have to be so long? It appeared
as if it wasn’t moving at all. She was getting frustrated: why couldn’t
the service be better?Waiting, she had time to concentrate on her
growing need. It was quite urgent now. But somehow, it still felt oddly
good. Clenching her sphincter muscle tighter, she realized how this not
only helped her stem the flow but also moved her clitoris relative to
her labia. Somehow, she liked the feeling of it.Growing up in a rather
restrictive, conservative environment, she had never really explored her
body. Only by accident ‘ or because her husband had requested it ‘ she
had little by little found out how pleasant the occupation with her body
could be. But this had always been in the safe privacy of home and in
the context of sexual intercourse. Her new discovery didn’t belong to
this set of experiences.‘This cannot be true!’ she thought. She couldn’t
be turned on by trying to hold in her pee? Certainly, nature would not
have mingled disparate functions as this! She tried again, clenching the
muscles in her pelvic region and releasing again: Yes, she could feel
the stimulation again. Was she supposed to like this? What did this
reaction of her body tell her? What was it good for? A sudden urge to
pee interrupted her thoughts. She bent over and clenched her muscles
tighter; trying to retain the appearance of dignity and nonchalance she
was used to by rummaging about the groceries in her cart.Had there been
this excitingly sexual, pleasant feeling again? She wasn’t sure: she had
been concentrating too much on preserving her appearance. Her bladder
started to actually ache rather than just tingle, distracting her
attention. Nevertheless, her curiosity had been aroused and she tried
again, focusing on the pleasant feeling the clenching and relaxing of
her pelvic muscles caused in her vulva.By the time it was her turn at
the till, she had stimulated herself to quite a level of sexual arousal
without being aware of it. Automatically, she put her shop on the
checkout belt, her mind still analyzing the newfound function of her
body.‘Eighty–three twenty–five, please’ she was interrupted by the
cashier.Blushing, she realized how her nipples were poking through her
bra and visibly stood out on her dress. How embarrassing! She had never
indulged in sexual feelings in public, ever. She knew how hard her
nipples would get and how their shape would be visible through almost
any kind of fabric. How could she let herself go like this! Quickly, she
threw a glance around. Did anyone notice? Apparently not ‘ no–one was
looking at her as she took her groceries from the till and got out her
wallet. As was her habit, she paid in cash and pocketed the change, then
removed the last items from the checkout, placing them in her
cart.Quickly, she left the store. She wanted to avoid anyone seeing her
hard nipples poking through her clothing. Only when she sat in the car,
she felt safe again. And only now she realized she had spent an hour in
the store. Was it four hours now since she last used the loo? This
brought her attention back on her full bladder, aching to release the
flood of pee collected inside. How could she forget about that! But now
she was sitting in the car and would be home soon. No need to humiliate
herself hurrying back into the store and asking for a customer’s
toilet!Briskly driving out of her parking spot, she felt a jolt of pain
in her bladder as she took the first speed bump. She clenched her
sphincter muscle to avoid her urethra giving way to any liquid pressing
to leave her bladder. Immediately, she had to think about the pleasure
she had experienced with this trick and got horny again. A pang of
conscience reminded her of her good upbringing ‘ she should not indulge
in this kind of feelings, especially not in public! A twinge of pain
shook her body as she was taking the next speed bump. This was the real
reason she was clenching tight! Her bad conscience relaxed. She was
desperate to pee: there was nothing unseemly about that, as long as she
didn’t show it. She really needed to take a piss soon! The pressure in
her bladder was reaching critical levels, constantly bringing her to the
verge of wetting her panties as she drove along. She tried to hold her
muscles contracted as long as possible before she relaxed them for a
short break. But she couldn’t help it: every time she did this, she
remembered the lust this had created earlier and she felt her body
shudder with pain and pleasure alike.It didn’t take long, and these
feelings had taken control of her inexperienced mind again. She forgot
about her desperation, and as she was driving past a discount store she
decided to stop and see if they had any interesting offers. It was
Thursday and they had just got this week’s delivery of specials, so
there was a chance for real bargains. Pushing the cart through the door
she was greeted by the chill of air–conditioning. She felt how she got
goose bumps, how her nipples firmed up and pushed against the fabric,
drawing a boy’s eyes on her well rounded large breasts as he was leaving
the store.Now the full blast of the AC–outlet hit her and her bladder
contracted. She was taken by surprise and almost lost control. She
shouldn’t have stopped! Clenching her pelvic muscles as tight as she
could she stemmed the flow starting to emerge from her urethra. There
was no escape now: she had to follow the flow of customers, people
pushing behind her to enter the store. In the twinkling of an eye, she
found herself inside the store ‘ there would be no way out but past the
shelves and through the checkouts. Should she just do the tour and leave
as quickly as possible? She turned round to check the situation. From
the corner of her eye, she saw the boy still standing in front of the
shop. Was he looking at her? She wasn’t sure ‘ somehow she felt so
vulnerable by her need to pee and her poking nipples visible to
everyone, she had the impression everyone was starring at her. Surely,
the boy was just reading next week’s offers hanging in the window! A
sudden urge made her bend over to avoid an accident. Her bladder was
really filled to the brim with fresh urine! She couldn’t remember when
she had been this desperate in public before. How could this have
happened?‘Don’t give yourself away!’ an inner voice admonished her, as
she was holding herself.She took her hands off her crotch and bent down
further. She pretended to fiddle with her shoe laces, using her crossed
thighs to press against her vulva. As she straightened up again, she
caught the boys look again. Was he blushing as he quickly turned away?
She remembered how her d’collet’ must have been exposed as she had bent
down. She blushed, too: so the boy had really watched her? Had he
noticed her distress? Or had he been gazing at her for a different
reason?Suddenly, the meaning of the thought of a young schoolboy
watching her came to her. Was he sexually interested in her? Had he been
starring at her breasts? This couldn’t be, she thought. She was
probably twenty years older than he! But still, somehow, the thought
turned her on. Her mind was too prepared for this kind of thoughts after
the experiments she had performed with her pelvic muscles. It felt good
to be someone’s sexual fantasy, she realized. Was it just imagination?
Probably, she was just misinterpreting the situation! How could she be
so focused on sexuality at the moment? This wasn’t her! She was confused
about herself. Probing, she glanced back ‘the boy was still standing at
the window, closer now, definitely starring into the shop. A hot wave
shook her body ‘ yes, he was starring at her. She had never felt so sexy
and desirable before.The pressure on her bladder had not ceased; and
now a violent spasm brought her back to reality. She had to find a
bathroom soon! She turned towards the aisle and directed her cart to the
area with the temporary offers. Sure enough, there was a small TV on
sale. It was a real bargain. Her niece would be visiting in two months’
time ‘ she might as well get the TV for the guestroom now. She couldn’t
offer a room without a decent TV to her niece, she thought.Approaching
the checkout area she heard an announcement: ‘Dear customers. We are
sorry to inform you about a breakdown of our register scanning system.
Our staff will have to enter the codes of the products manually for the
next half hour. We can only open half the checkouts at a time to fix the
hardware. Please excuse the inconvenience caused!‘It didn’t mean much
to her until she realized she was last in a line of five customers with
fully loaded carts. It took the cashier seemingly forever typing all the
bar code numbers by hand as in the meantime she felt her desperation
grow to almost unbearable levels.She tried to focus on something else.
But always her bladder managed to present its message in the forefront
of her mind. The pleasant tingling was long gone, being replaced by a
rather disagreeable twinge. She really needed to pee! She was desperate
for a piss now ‘ she realized she would not last much longer and started
to look for a customer’s toilet. She could stare as much as she would;
there was none to be found. These small discount shops were not obliged
to provide public facilities and their low cost concept didn’t allow
them to do it out of altruistic reasons.Anxiously, she clung to her cart
and watched the queue in front of her. It didn’t seem to move at all. A
spasm pushed her urethra forward, only at the last moment she managed
to clench it shut and avoid an accident. She felt the urge to touch
herself, to put a hand in her crotch to force her bladder to contain its
load of urine. The people in front of her moved a bit ‘ the first
customer had paid. Taking small steps, progressing as slowly as
possible, she tried to prolong the time of distraction to forget about
her humiliating need to pee. The next customer’s shopping had been
processed quicker and she found herself progressing another meter or
two.The draught of an AC–outlet blew past her now. The chill increased
the pressure on her bladder, she felt the urge to just let go and wet
her panties. It would feel wonderful to just let go ‘ like in the cold
sea, when you went swimming and released your urine to warm the spot
around you. She blushed at the thought. You weren’t supposed to urinate
into the sea, either! She held on. She had to hold on; she was not going
to humiliate herself in public, wetting herself. No, she was going to
hold on, however desperate she might be. It was her own fault, after
all! Never should she have got herself in this situation ‘ was it the
arousal she had felt earlier that let her forget to go to the toilet at
the supermarket? She felt her nipples stiffen, her breasts gently
pulling up, as her skin formed goose bumps once again. She focused her
concentration on these reactions of her body to the draught, trying to
get her mind off the desperate need to empty her bladder, the urge to
release the urine flood that was hiding inside her.It helped ‘ she was
entirely focused on her shivering body now, felt her nipples rubbing the
fabric of her bra, felt her dress softly caressing her skin. How long
ago was it, since her husband had touched her like this? It seemed like
an eternity since they had had intensive sex. Suddenly, she remembered
how that schoolboy of maybe eighteen years had watched her as she
entered the store. She imagined how he would be standing outside now,
looking straight at her through the window and seeing her nipples erect
in the cold. Would he know it wasn’t only the cold that was keeping them
erect now? She felt a wave of pleasure shake her body as she remembered
his stare. His desire for her turned her on, made her aware of her
stunningly well formed, large natural breasts, of her wide hips, how her
light summer dress pronounced her hourglass figure. Warmth spread
through her body, heat emanating from her vulva. She didn’t sense the
cold draught anymore, she didn’t feel the desperation ‘ it was just a
pleasurable tingle, an excited horniness, a lustful desire that filled
her now. She started to train her vulvar muscles again, to concentrate
on the arousal the minute movements of her labia, her clitoris, of all
parts of her vulva caused in combination with the fantasy of being
desired by a young boy. How innocent had she been at his age, how easily
had she been attracted by a smart guy!Finally, she had paid the TV and
loaded it into her car. As she sat on the driver’s seat, she felt
wetness in her panties. She was shocked: Had she unconsciously lost
control? Where did the wetness come from? Was she peeing herself? Had it
been the spasm when she had entered the store? Immediately, the need to
pee took control of her mind again. She had to fight hard not to lose
control. A hand in her crotch, she was pressing against her vulva now to
ease the pain of her full bladder. She felt urine pushing into her
urethra and firmly clenched all muscles to keep it inside. She got
nervous. She must not wet the car! What would her family say! But she
couldn’t pee anywhere near where she was, either. She had never liked
peeing anywhere but into a toilet and here she was in the middle of the
town in early afternoon. There was no way she could find a place to
release her urine in a decent way which she would reach faster than
home. She just had to pull herself together and master her body’s needs
for a couple more minutes. But this wetness in her panties was
distracting her. She just had to make sure she had not really peed
herself already!Glancing around, she made sure no–one was taking
attention of her sitting in the car. Then she pulled up her dress and
carefully touched her panties. Yes, they were moist! It came to her like
a shock, even if she had felt it all along. She pulled her dress up
further ‘ she had to take a look. This couldn’t be true! Little was she
aware that she already knew perfectly what had happened and that
unconsciously she was seeking for an excuse to truly examine the
situation. She opened her legs as far as possible in the limited space
of the driver’s seat. Then she bent forward to look at her now uncovered
white panties. Yes, they showed a small wet stain. Hesitatingly, she
touched the panties with her hand, slightly rubbing up and down her
slit. ‘Feels good!’ ‘ this thought briefly shot into her conscience and
vanished again. Still, she didn’t know the damage fully, yet. She would
have to put her hand into her panties, she reasoned. Her dress was now
pulled up to her bellybutton and tentatively, she put her hand into the
seam of her panties. A quick glance outside: no–one was looking. She
pulled down her panties a bit and lowered her hand into them further.
Yes, her slit was definitely wet, she found as she gently rubbed along
it. She probed a bit further. Where did the wetness come from? Was it
pee? Her finger found its way into her vagina. It was wet ‘ a slimy kind
of wetness, she found. A sudden insight came to her: it was cum, she
was wet with sexual arousal, and she was masturbating in public! It had
nothing to do with pee, after all.Hastily, she withdrew her hand and put
her dress back in place. She was shocked at her own daringness. She
wasn’t even used to masturbating at home, and sex had always been more
of a means to please her husband than to create wonderful feelings for
herself. And now she was caught in a spiral of arousal and craving for
more she had not experienced in her life before. She was confused, as
she started the car and pulled out of the parking. Her mind was
spinning, she couldn’t hold on to any single thought. On the way home,
she briefly had the impression to see the boy who had looked at her at
the store ‘ she was hallucinating in the middle of the day!The confusion
which had overcome her held on as she pulled into her property. She had
forgotten her bladder again and decided to unload the car immediately ‘
the frozen stuff had already been in the trunk for too long. And oddly,
she didn’t once think about her predicament at the store nor her
current need to pee. She was so occupied with her task ‘ her mind still
swirling with newfound, unaccounted for feelings ‘ that she felt quite
okay until she had finished unloading. She had just parked the car in
the garage when her neighbor appeared at the fence and called her.
Inwardly cursing, she turned towards her ‘ one had to maintain good
neighborhood relations after all.Walking to the fence, she felt with
anxiety how her bladder cramped and called for immediate release. So
close to her toilet and still being denied relief was absolute torture
to her. But she had always been proud about her strong bladder and she
would never have admitted to anyone how badly she had to go to the
bathroom. So she put on a smile and started a chat with her neighbor,
unconsciously hopping from one leg to the other, bending over every once
in a while and vividly showcasing her desperation in her facial
expression. Whilst she was convinced to appear rather inconspicuous, it
was clear for any casual onlooker to see that she was desperate to
pee.This went on for a long time, and the stronger her signs of
desperation grew, the more she became aware of it. Only politeness kept
her at the fence, hoping for her neighbor to let her go. How could she
be so rude to ignore her desperation and just keep chatting? She
couldn’t be blind to the obvious desperation, she thought, blushing at
the humiliation she was going through. Courtesy would require her
neighbor to end the chat and let her go! But it was not until her
neighbor’s phone rang that she would ‘ apparently reluctantly ‘ say
goodbye.First PartI was just walking home from school, when the
following story developed in my mind. You need to know that it was quite
a long way home and quite lonesome in its second half ‘ time enough to
make up an exciting story. For the avoidance of doubt: I was old enough
to be legally entitled to this kind of fantasies’Walking a street of
small semi detached houses ‘ almost deserted at this time of day ‘ I had
just pulled out some sweets from my pocket when suddenly I heard
someone shouting: ‘Hey you!‘I turned my head.‘Yes, you!‘I saw a lady in
her late thirties standing at the door of the house I had just passed.
Her look told me that she was talking to me ‘ so I turned round and
asked: ‘Yes, Ma’am?’‘Come here for a second, please!‘The ‘Please’ was
barely audible. She sounded rather commanding ‘ it was more like an
order. At the same time she was walking towards the fence. She wore a
slightly more than knee long summer dress with a large flowery print
pattern as you wore them in those days. It was a light type of fabric
adapted to the nice weather. Instinctively, I walked towards her.She
seemed intimidating to me, a head taller than me and definitely very
well rounded. Her appearance made me feel weak and helpless in a certain
way. She had large breasts which definitely caught my attention and her
hips left room for fantasies. Her waist was well defined, giving her a
very female appearance. Despite my awe, I felt attracted to this
voluptuous body. My desire of her body and the obvious inaccessibility
of it made her appear even more powerful and aloof to me.‘Did you lose
anything?’ she asked in an almost friendly voice.I was startled. I had
not expected such a kind voice ‘ it made me feel closer to her than I
had felt I could be. I looked around but couldn’t find anything.Only now
I realized it was the lady I had watched in the store. Already then she
had seemed like a passing dream to me. Had she noticed me there? I had
tried to behave inconspicuously and diverted my stare when she turned
round towards me. What did she want from me? Why was she stopping me in
the road and talking to me? Was she angry at me? Had she found my look
obtrusive? Had I misbehaved by starring at her? I blushed at the thought
that she might have noticed my interest in her body ‘ my upbringing did
not allow me to openly desire woman like that, it was considered to be
rude. I felt bad conscience take control of me.‘Look here!’ she said
less friendly, pointing at the edge of her hedge, two meters in front of
us.I was disappointed. Her chilling voice and her posture destroyed all
my hope. I had definitely lost her sympathy!‘You’d better pick that up
and throw it in the bin!‘My look followed her pointing gesture: A used
paper tissue and a sweet wrapper were lying there. I must have lost the
wrapper when pulling out the sweets as I passed the house. I blushed
even more. I felt caught. Normally, I didn’t throw away my garbage like
that ‘ and as it had happened accidentally, I had been seen and was
being told off. Told off by a woman I had seen before, I had watched so
closely and imagined so vividly during the last half hour that I felt I
knew her. Now she was standing in front of me like a punishing nemesis.
What an embarrassing situation!Hesitantly, I walked towards the candy
wrapper and bent down to pick it up. The lady came closer and bent over.
She was so close to me, I could feel her breath on my neck: ‘Take this,
too, and follow me!’ she ordered, pointing at the tissue.Fantasies
started spinning in my head. I was not used to standing this close to a
woman! A woman I desired! Barely able to concentrate, I did as I had
been told. Was she aware that the tissue was not mine? Did she make me
take it as an additional punishment? I felt so humbled! As she had
indicated, I followed her to the front door. She stepped to the side and
ushered me in, bending over a bit. I felt uncomfortable, standing in a
stranger’s entrance hall, having been caught in a naughty act, awaiting
retribution. My secret longing did not make things better. The
psychological gap between my object of desire and me was growing as I
had proven unworthy of her. On the other hand, I was excited to be close
to this overwhelming lady, her dominant air impressed me and made her
body even more desirable. And only the chastisement I was going through
brought her body so close to me, so I was happy to accept the
punishment.I didn’t know the lady but from the discount store. I had
neither seen her before, nor after. I didn’t know what had happened in
the last half hour since I had seen her for the first time. I didn’t
know she had been standing at her fence, chatting with her neighbor. I
had no idea of the prior events: How, when she came home from the
supermarket, she was desperate to have a pee, how she had been holding
on all the way through the shop, hurrying from aisle to aisle at speed.
She had almost lost control when she had learned that half the checkouts
were closed due to hardware update and the queues seemed endless to
her. Reaching the car, she had sighed in anticipation of getting home
quick and running to the bathroom first of all. The pressure on her
bladder had eased a bit as she sat down and her mental confusing from
the emotions she had gone through occupied her mind as she rolled
towards home. Arriving home, instead of rushing to the toilet, she had
decided to unpack the car first. To her dismal, her neighbor had seen
her as she was done unloading and had parked the car ‘ and called her
for a chat. Her bladder had hurt; the pressure had been getting
unsupportable. But she couldn’t refuse to answer and so they had spent
at least the last quarter of an hour conversing about latest
neighborhood gossip.Nor did I know her secret discoveries during the
shopping trip, the craving slowly taking hold of her unconscious mind,
the desires she wasn’t even fully aware of herself. I did not know how
her desperation had grown steadily as she was forced to chat with her
neighbor; and how in the end she had kept hopping from one leg to the
other ‘ and how still her neighbor wouldn’t cease talking. How she had
wondered if her neighbor would never notice her predicament and let her
go. How to her relief, finally the neighbor’s phone rang and they said
goodbye.She had been running to her front door when she saw me drop my
wrapper.Completely desperate and almost wetting her panties, she had
considered to ignore me and dash for the loo. But she remembered how she
had discussed the problem of littering with her neighbor and cursed:
she had to deal with me first ‘ her neighbor would have seen everything
from her window and reproach her if she didn’t act.A convulsion let her
bladder contract. She bent over and fought the spasm, successfully. Her
sphincter was still holding tight, she silently rejoiced. But
immediately the pain from her overstretched bladder took control of her
brain again. She had not recognized me yet, too strong was her
desperation. She needed to get over with this quick! In no mood to
argue, she summoned me to her and had me pick up the refuse. She was not
going to touch it! Too late she realized that now I was standing in her
entrance hall waiting to be shown to the bins. The proximity of the
toilet almost made her lose control. It was torment she went through.
Again a delay ‘ she cursed inaudibly and, bending over, briefly put one
hand in her crotch to ease the pain. Together with exasperation, irate
rage took hold of her. It all was this little brat’s fault!She showed me
into her kitchen and opened a cabinet under the sink, drawing out the
waste bins. I did not hesitate and got rid of the rubbish in my
hand.‘Not like that, little lad!’ the lady scolded, stepping closer.
‘Can’t you see there are several compartments for different kinds of
refuse?‘She was standing behind me, and as she now bent over to show me
the different recycling compartments, I was forced to bend down until my
nose almost hit the bins if I wanted to avoid getting in her way,
infuriating her even more. I could feel the fabric of her dress brush my
neck as she pointed her finger at the bin destined for non–recyclables
where I had disposed of my litter. My heart started to throb
harder.Towering over me, her breasts almost touched my back. Somewhere
in the back of her head, memories of the scene at the discount market
flashed through her mind, mixing her desperation with the pleasure of
being desired. Some part of her deplored that I had bent down so far,
not allowing her breasts to touch my back. But the excitement of
exerting power and enforcing her will added a thrilling third dimension
to her adversary emotions of desperation and wrath on one hand and a
craving lust on the other hand. Yet underneath the piercing pain of her
overstretched bladder, none of these emotions was able to work its way
to her consciousness.‘Take the candy wrapper and put it in the plastic
bin!’ she ordered, indicating with her hand ‘ as suddenly something fell
into the bin. ‘Damn you, now my earring fell into the bin, too. You’d
better get that out quickly!’ she cursed. She had unwittingly been
playing with it to distract herself from the immeasurable pain and
desperate need to pee.Her need had grown insurmountable by now. She felt
her bladder twinge. A short spurt pressed through her urethra, pushing
past her clenched sphincter muscles. She felt warm wetness between her
labia. She had started to wet herself! Yes, she felt how the pee soaked
into her panties.She was angry at her neighbor, at herself and of course
at me. Why did this have to take so long? She could have been at the
toilet twenty minutes ago. Her anger at me rose. Why did this pupil
litter in her front yard? Even now it would have been time for her to
reach the toilet in time. Why was he too stupid to use the right bins?
Was he actually mocking her? She felt a strange desire to punish me for
everything she felt at the moment as her emotions unconsciously mixed.
If only this lad could feel her pain, she thought! If only he would
undergo the embarrassment and humiliation she experienced as she was
starting to wet herself again! Yes, she felt another drop of urine
escape her bladder, followed by another and again another.I was so
intimidated; I didn’t even consider objecting to her order. I felt her
anger. A strange mixture of excitement and fear made my heart race. I
wanted to please her, to calm her down. And still I wanted to feel her
anger, hoping for her to get close to me again, to feel the warmth
emanating from her voluptuous body. I was aware that only her anger
brought her this close to me, that otherwise she would have been
unattainable for me.Taking off my backpack and kneeling in front of the
bins drawer was done in the twinkling of an eye. I searched the bins to
first place the candy wrapper in the right container and then look out
for the lost earring. My vision was blurred by commotion. What did the
earring look like? What was I actually looking for? My mind reeled, I
couldn’t concentrate.A brush of fabric let me look up ‘ the lady’s dress
had briefly swished past my head as she was positioning herself at the
right corner of the bins. Thus, she could see what I was doing from an
angle. She pulled up the front of her dress to avoid it touched the
bins. From my vantage point, I realized, I could see her panties if I
looked up at her. Enough light passed through the thin fabric of her
dress to clearly show her white cotton panties. I was so eagerly
starring at them; I didn’t realize the lady was looking right in my
face. Instead, I tried to figure out if the darker spot between her legs
was due to a shadow or if her pubic hair was shining through. Or was it
a wet spot?Her anger was growing as she saw how I starred at her
crotch. Couldn’t that boy get his work done and go? Did he have to
interrupt his work to stare at her? Was he enjoying her desperation? Had
he detected the wet spot? Was he even gloating at her humiliation? She
got furious.Suddenly, she recognized me: It was the boy from the
discount shop! A wave of unwarranted pleasure shot through her veins ‘
yes, he definitely desired her. This was why he was starring at her
crotch! At the same time she realized her vulnerability. He was starring
at her panties as she was starting to wet herself, to humiliate herself
‘ not only in front of a stranger, no, in front of a boy who had
watched her before. It infuriated her even more. Was he dawdling to
enjoy her weakness? Was he making fun of her? No, she wouldn’t let him
get the better of her! She would show him who’s the master. He would not
get away with this! Again, a spasm made her cringe. She felt her body
give in to nature’s call. She would soon be peeing all over the place,
and it was this little brat’s fault!‘Have you found the earring yet?’ I
heard her commanding voice, quiet but vibrating with ire.I gave a jerk
and started to rummage through the rubbish again. But I couldn’t get her
panties off my mind. As I was mindlessly rummaging in the bins, a
shadow told me the lady was bending down towards me again. I didn’t
realize she was fighting off another violent spasm of her bladder aching
to release its content immediately. Why didn’t she say anything, I
wondered, and as I looked up, she was standing straight again. Suddenly,
she took a side step forwards with her right leg such that the corner
of the bins–drawer was straddled by her. What was she up to? Why didn’t
she comment on my work anymore as she had done before?I turned my head
and to my delight I saw that she was gathering her dress higher. Enough
so, that I got an unobstructed view at her panties from just half a
meter’s distance. I completely forgot I had only wanted to check if she
approved of my work. Instead, I starred at her crotch again. And yes,
these panties had a wet spot; I could clearly see it now. Intrigued, I
continued to stare. At the same instant, I realized the spot seemed to
grow. What was going on? She couldn’t possibly be wetting herself? I was
flabbergasted!The next seconds were some of the most exciting in my
life. The lady pulled up the dress almost to her hips and bent her knees
until I felt her left knee poking firmly into my right ribs. The wet
spot in her panties had become quite large by now and a few drops of pee
were running down her inner thigh. A few seconds later, she had secured
her dress in one hand and moved her other hand to pull her panties
aside. I shall never forget how I looked in awe at her black pubic hair,
splitting in the middle between her legs ‘ my first ever glance at a
woman’s inner labia.Probably less than a second later, a strong gush of
pee started to spray from her vulva, her stream slightly arching
forward. I didn’t realize it hit the bins only a few centimeters from my
face as she was forcefully emptying her bladder: I was so immersed in
what I saw, starring at her crotch.It must have been true desperation
that made her do it. Had she just arrived at home and been on her direct
way to the toilet when she saw me littering her front yard, I wondered?
I had not understood her frequently bending over as a sign of
desperation ‘ she had disguised it as gestures to point out the litter
and later the bins to me. But now it dawned on me that these might have
been signs of desperation. As I had taken off my backpack to be able to
search the bins for the wrapper and earring, she had taken a few steps
away from me ‘ had she intended to go to the toilet then? Apparently,
she had decided it was not safe to have a strange teenager in her
kitchen without supervision. At least, she had returned to watch me,
fighting her desperation in vain. Had I felt humiliated until this
moment, I sympathetically felt how humiliated she must be feeling now,
peeing herself in front of me. I felt sorry for her and somehow I was
ashamed of my arousal as I watched her. At the same time, the dominating
distance shrank and I felt closer to her than ever before.As soon as
she felt she wasn’t going to make it, she had positioned herself over
the bins and pulled up her dress. She didn’t care now what I would
think. There was no time for worries. Just in time she managed to pull
her panties aside before the full gush of her urine started. She was
pissing all over the place. What a mess it would have been, had she not
reacted so quickly! It would have soaked into her panties and then found
its way through the fabrics’ meshes, she imagined. The pee would have
run down her legs, pushed up her bottom, ran into her shoes, and
splashed all over the floor, springing from her panties as from a
sieve.She felt alleviation as the pressure on her bladder eased. She did
not mind now how she was spraying the garbage bins with her pee, how
she was exposing herself in front of me; she just enjoyed the feeling of
easing desperation and regaining control of her body. Oddly enough, she
felt somehow dominant and in control as she saw her urine shooting out
of her crotch in a neatly bundled stream of clear golden fluid, slightly
changing direction as her hips moved a bit. Fascinated, she watched its
origin. She didn’t look where it ended, just how it sprang from her
crotch and formed a nice arch, obediently following each of her
movements. It was freely flowing from her urethra since by pulling her
panties aside she had unintentionally parted her inner labia a bit. She
was thrilled in a strange way. She had never done anything like this
before and somehow the feelings of the day whirled through her mind as
she felt the pain go away. Pleasure, excitement, shame, domination and
control formed a potpourri of emotions, swirling together, mixing and
fading away as quickly as they appeared.Her stream was diminishing as
her bladder pressure decreased and she started to think again. She
looked down at the damage she had done and saw me kneeling in front of
her, starring at her crotch, oblivious to the world around me. My arms
which I had kept on the bins were sprinkled with her pee, and my t–shirt
was not exactly dry anymore. Strangely, she wasn’t shocked or
embarrassed as she would have expected. Instead she felt satisfaction
that her ordeal was over and that she had made me feel the consequences
of my laggard execution of her orders. Apparently, she thought, her mind
had gone to lengths to make her humiliation feel as an act of
controlled and justified punishment for me.As the last drops were
leaving her crotch and dripping onto the bins, I saw her pubic hair wet
with stray pee drops. I did not want to take my eyes off until I had to.
I had never seen a vulva before and I wanted to savor every moment. I
winced as she suddenly started to move. I felt caught. I didn’t want her
to know that I had spied on her when instead I should have been looking
for her lost earring. I blushed. And I diverted my gaze to concentrate
on my task again.The rubbish was drenched with pee now and I had to dig
through it to find the small earring that might have slid right to the
bottom. Surprised, I realized I didn’t really care about the pee ‘ it
was so closely related to the memory of her pussy that I actually felt
some kind of arousal as I was picking through the refuse, the
bitter–sweet odor of her fresh pee filling the air around me. What would
have happened if I had carried on searching whilst the lady was peeing
all over the place? I felt a strange tingle in my nerves as I imagined
how her pee would have gone all over my arms. It might even have hit my
head, as I would have been bending over the bins, I wondered. Would she
really have peed on me? Would she even have noticed? What would she have
done if she had noticed? I would never know’Remembering these seconds
of pleasure, when I saw her vulva gushing jets of warm golden pee
towards me, my mind was spinning in fantasies. This fluid had directly
come out of this lady’s wonderful pussy, I remembered, wild fantasies
evolving in my mind. It did not even take half a minute until I could no
longer concentrate on my task. Instead, I looked up to see if I could
steal another glance. I couldn’t resist the temptation. And I was
lucky’The lady had watched me as she was finishing her pee. She saw how I
starred at her in disbelief and astonishment, how I blushed as I felt
caught. Again, she felt strangely elated as she saw my blush ‘ wasn’t it
showing how I secretly desired her? But no, this must be a mirage of
her duping fantasy. Her mind was aching to find a way to get out of the
embarrassing situation. How could she avoid being the humiliated one?
She could not risk losing her commanding position relative to me; she
had to keep in control. She had seen how I blushed and then started to
dig into the bins ‘ and she wondered what was going on in my mind. She
saw the refuse was drenched in her pee and how I had to pick through it.
This appeared strangely satisfying to her, it made her feel in charge
and control. With her pee she had made his task even more humiliating to
him, augmenting the punishment for his misbehavior, she thought. Or was
that boy tricking her? Maybe he would even suddenly ran away, she
wondered? She moved closer to avoid my immediate escape, still holding
her dress up to keep it clean. Now, she had one leg behind my back, a
little towards the left side, and the other leg was right next to me on
the right.Therefore, as I lifted my head to try my luck on another
glance at her vulva, I almost banged it into her crotch: she was this
close. I just had to turn my head to the right and I got a close–up view
of her wet pubic hair. This was my lucky day! I made out her inner
labia hidden behind a curtain of black curly hair, dripping wet with
pee. Her fleshy labia shone in a beautiful tone of red, still slightly
parted. At this moment, I didn’t care for anything but to keep looking. I
would have loved to touch, but with my hands soiled in the bins below
this was definitely impossible.Meanwhile, she was coming to a conclusion
how to proceed: ‘I am very angry at you!’ she scolded. ‘If you had not
thrown your litter in my front yard, this mess would not have happened.
Instead, I would have gone to the toilet straight away as I intended
before you interrupted me with your outrageous behavior. I hope you are
aware that this is all your fault and responsibility!‘As I didn’t know
what to reply, I remained silent.‘You’d better take of your wet t–shirt
now and clean this mess!’ she ordered, angry at herself for getting into
this situation. She felt she had to dominate me to control the
situation.To get out of my t–shirt, I had to bend forward again, pulling
it from behind and over my head. Holding it in my hands, I sat there,
not knowing how to continue.Meanwhile, she had gotten over her initial
shock and began to find the situation rather arousing. There was this
longing stare, the shy blushing, the desire radiating from my face as
well as the submissiveness and begging for mercy of me kneeling in front
of her. It turned her on to be the object of my devotion. She had never
before in her life been in a position where she dominated other people
and this situation was strangely elating to her.She had been watching
for a while. As she saw the t–shirt was quite clean and dry and how I
sat there almost underneath her, looking up (into her crotch rather than
her face), she had an idea: ‘What are you starring at, huh?’ she
blustered. ‘Take your shirt and wipe my legs dry first of all!‘I blushed
at the notion that I had been caught gazing at her again. But then her
second sentence was absolutely to my taste: I would have to look at her
when I was drying her legs, wouldn’t I? I took the t–shirt, made sure my
peed on hands were fully covered with it and used the dry parts of it
to gently rub her legs from the knees upwards. When I got close to her
crotch I hesitated. She hadn’t said anything about drying her pubic hair
and I didn’t know how sensitive this area was. Would she want me to
clean it, too? I got excited at the thought of it. Carefully, I moved
closer and closer, touching her pubic hair ever so little as I was
drying the upper inner side of her thighs.‘Pull down my panties so you
can finish your work!’ she commanded. ‘But make sure they don’t touch my
legs ‘ they are wet!‘So I dropped the t–shirt on my lap and carefully
took hold of her panties, using one hand to take the wet crotch of the
panties out of her hand to avoid it touching her thighs and pulling down
the seam with the other hand. I didn’t care at all that I was touching
her pee ‘ I was so aroused by seeing her crotch and being actually
allowed to look at it that nothing else mattered. She had stepped back a
bit and closed her legs slightly so I could move her wet panties all
the way down. After she had stepped out of them she said: ‘Now, take
your shirt and dry my crotch. But be careful!‘My heart was throbbing in
my mouth. I was so exhilarated. I chose another clean spot on the shirt
and carefully dabbed the topmost part of her thighs, moving on to dry
her wet pubic hair almost one by one, making sure not to touch her
labia. I just didn’t dare to touch them, I didn’t know how she would
react and I definitely wanted to make this moment last as long as
possible. As I was doing this, I didn’t notice that I was leaning
against the wet bins, soiling my pants. My concentration was focused
totally at diligently drying her pubic hair. My body was pulsing in
excitement.‘Use this to gently clean my labia now.’ She said, handing me
a fresh tissue.This was even better, I thought! I put down the shirt
and very cautiously dabbed her inner labia, making sure to soak every
remaining drop of pee into the tissue. Believe me, it took a long
time!Unfortunately, everything ends and I had to realize that there
simply was no more pee visible on her pussy. And I would not have dared
to spread her labia and search the inside. So I finally stopped dabbing
around and she reacted by saying: ‘Very good! Now find my earring and
clean the bins.‘Her dress fell down to her knees again as she released
her hold and stood next to me, watching. I dived back into the garbage
and only after rummaging for quite a while I found the earring at the
bottom of the paper recycling container. It was lying in a centimeter
deep puddle of pee. I fished it out and handed it to her after dabbing
it with my t–shirt.Whilst she was washing her earring, I did not know
how to clean the bins, so I took my already partly wet t–shirt and
swiped the pee off their outsides and upper borders of each bin just to
be doing something.Together, we carried the refuse outdoors where I had
to empty it into the main bins using my hands to separate the clean
recyclables from the drenched remainder. Then, we hosed the bins down in
the garden and again I had to dry them with my t–shirt.As everything
was done, only my clothes remained soiled. The lady (I still didn’t know
her name and she probably did not intend to tell me) made me undress
and put my clothes into the washer. It was an embarrassing situation,
being naked in front of a lady for more than an hour, waiting for the
washing/drying cycle to finish. And she didn’t do anything to ease my
situation ‘ instead she had me stand in the room whilst she sat on a
chair, watching me. Somehow, I had the impression, she enjoyed it. Did
she take it as compensation for her humiliation before? At least she
didn’t do anything to ease my discomfort. Hopefully, she wouldn’t notice
how excited I had been? I didn’t find out’Walking home, I dreamt on
about this wonderful experience and wondered if she had noticed that I
actually had liked it.
By: Alpian