Fay stood naked in her bedroom
and looked at herself in her full-length mirror. Although 22-years old,
her youthful, clear looks often made people think she was a few years
younger, and her wild mass of copper, wavy hair did little to make her
seem any older. She was only 5'3", and loved to dress in cute clothes,
favouring over-the-knee socks and short skirts with t-shirts or tight
blouses. This only served to show off her curves -- an eye-popping set
that meant that not many guys ever looked at her face anyway! Her slim,
shapely calves and soft, round thighs led on to a deliciously round and
full bottom and tidy, ginger-fuzzed pussy, before narrowing into a
petite waist and then on to her proudest feature -- her firm,
pink-nippled boobs which were a tremendous 32FF and all natural. All of
this made getting men (or women) very easy -- but it also made finding
someone interested in more than just tearing her clothes off quite
tricky. Ever since losing her virginity four years earlier she'd been
very sexually active (earning her some unflattering names at college)
but had always ended unsatisfied. She'd had sex with lots of men and a
fair few ladies, and a lot of it had been good, but after a few weeks
she was always bored and looking to move on and she was starting to
wonder what the problem was.
Pouting at the image of herself, Fay sighed and started to dress. It was Saturday and she had the apartment to herself, but she fancied going out for a walk. Loosely tying her hair back, she rummaged through the mess of clothing scattered around her room. She pulled on some white, satin bikini style panties, cut full over her peachy bum, and a matching bra a size too small so that her huge breasts formed a cleavage that was positively mesmerizing. Next some white, cotton over-the-knee socks and a short, red tartan skirt followed by a black, low-necked vest that showed her chest. Finally, some black pumps. Checking her reflection again, she smiled: as ever, she'd have guys falling over themselves. The thought brought a slight blush to her normally pale cheeks, but she was done with guys, at least for a while. She'd split with her last boyfriend during the week and was not sure what to do next in her personal life.
Trotting down the steps to the street, Fay struck off in the direction of the park. It was a warm day, but the sun was not too strong so she was not worried about sunburn -- her pale, creamy skin didn't really tan. As she meandered, she thought about her relationships. Sex was always the reason they failed, and she was always the one who did the splitting. It wasn't that she was against sex -- far from it, she'd have it five times a day if she could. It was just that it always got boring, and she wasn't really sure what she wanted to do to keep it interesting. All the people that she'd slept with had simply wanted to play with her boobs and then fuck, which was fine, but she wanted more...she wanted dirtier. Dirtier? Where had that come from. She'd arrived at the park, which was quiet. She found a bench shaded by a large oak, and sat down to continue her thoughts.
Fay's upbringing had been very uptight, very middle-class and talking about sex was very much off the table. Her daddy would be horrified if he knew his little girl had been fucked by three men within a week of turning 18, so nothing like that was ever talked about. For Fay, sex had always been a strictly vanilla experience. But just thinking that word, thinking 'dirty', had made her cheeks blush and her nipples tingle. Was this her problem, she pondered, was it that she was the dirty slut that her college room-mate (who'd discovered her boyfriend fucking Fay) had alleged? The more she thought, the more it seemed right. Her best relationships had been the ones she knew were wrong -- guys who already had a girlfriend, a tutor, other girls. They'd all got boring eventually, but maybe she'd just not gone far enough.
As she suddenly became conscious of the fact that she was sitting on a public bench idly stroking her thighs and heavy breasts, Fay suddenly stopped and looked around. Thankfully nobody was nearby, but she knew that she was on the right path now, if simply thinking about trying something new was enough to have her off in an erotic trance. Setting off walking again, she mulled over what she should try. It was a thought that had never occurred to her -- sex had always been something that she was pursued for so constantly that initiating it never been an issue. But if she did initiate something, what did she want to happen? Out of the park now, she looked up, wondering where to go next, and her mind was instantly made up for her. Across the road, on the corner of a quiet intersection, was a seedy looking, dark blue-painted shop. Outside hung a simple sign: XXX, over 21s only. A sex shop! Where could be better?
Without pausing to lose her nerve, Fay dashed over the road and pushed the door open, which quietly shut behind her. After the sunshine outside, the store seemed dimly lit, and she stopped to look around, scanning the wares on offer. To her left was a wall of magazines, the covers all seeming to show blonde, tanned women with their obviously enhanced breasts out. In front of her were several aisles of DVDs and to her right was a frankly astonished looking guy of about 30, sitting behind the counter and looking entranced by the beautiful, curvy redhead in her painfully cute-but-sexy outfit.
"Ahhh...excuse me, but are you 21?" he managed to croak.
"22, actually," Fay replied sweetly. "I'm just browsing." She sounded confident, but actually her heart was hammering, so she turned her back on the man and walked purposefully down the first aisle and started to look at the DVDs.
Although simply being in this place was exciting her, the material on offer was disappointing -- movie after movie of pretty, blonde girls getting screwed. They all seemed to offer threesomes, which was a place to start, she supposed, but wasn't really what she was after -- not that she knew what she was after. Frustrated, she glanced up to look at the man again. As with most guys, he was trying to stare at her without being caught, and was failing hopelessly. He looked quite attractive, actually, slim, brown-haired, scruffy, maybe 5'10" -- not the slovenly old man she'd imagined would be in here. A thought suddenly hit her, and before she could decide against it, she acted on the impulse and strode over to the counter.
"Hello, I wonder if you can help me?" The man dragged his gaze from her deep cleavage to look her in the face.
"Ummm, sure, what can I do?"
Fay frowned slightly, but decided to push on. "Well, I'm not sure. I was looking for something...unusual, maybe?" He raised an eyebrow. "Well, maybe not unusual, but something naughtier than the DVDs you've got. Something, I don't know, dirty?"
There, she's said it. Her pussy was tingling, her nipples were almost throbbing and her face felt like it was red with embarrassment, but she hoped she looked less uncomfortable than the guy behind the counter did!
"Ah, ok," he paused, nonplussed. Gorgeous girls simply did not come into sex shops and ask for 'something dirty' -- well, they didn't other than in the sort of DVDs that she'd decided weren't good enough. "Well, we have some of the kinkier stuff over here." He slid off the stool he'd been reading on (a real novel, Fay noted, not a porno mag) and walked around the corner to the corner of the shop furthest from the door. Fay chewed her bottom lip, nervous now, but followed him. He continued, pointing at various sections of the shelves. "So, there's bondage, foot fetish stuff, bukkake, older guys, pregnant girls, watersports, spanking..."
"What's bukkake?" interrupted Fay. The assistant looked like he couldn't decide if he was confused or amazed, but he shrugged and handed her a DVD.
"Well, simply it's loads of guys cumming on a girl's face."
Fay studied the box and then handed it back. "Thanks. And watersports?"
He took a deep breath and shook his head slightly, before turning his back to her whilst he pointed at some DVD boxes. "There's different stuff, really, but it all boils down to, uhh, pissing. Guys on girls, girls on guys, drinking it, doing it outside, doing it in clothes..." He tailed off and turned back to her, but Fay didn't notice. She was lost in thought, his words crashing around in her head. Watersports! Now, that sounded naughty -- and dirty!
The assistant, who was called Andy, took this opportunity to study her. She really was the most fantastically gorgeous girl he'd laid eyes on -- pretty face, hair in coppery trails down her back and a body to make Jessica Rabbit pout at the unfairness of it! Andy coughed, to get her attention back, and continued with his pitch. "We've toys too, all the usual vibrators and dildos, plus handcuffs, paddles, canes...whatever you may, ummm, want, really." He shrugged and waited for a response from the redhead.
Fay's mind was buzzing. She'd never been as turned on in her life, and could not decide which way to turn. She felt hot and distracted, as she tried to pick out what had excited her most from what the assistant had been saying. She wanted almost all of it, and didn't know what to buy first and...and she'd left her purse at home. However, before she could even start to feel disappointed her sexually overcome brain supplied an answer -- after all, vanilla sex with dozens of guys may not have been kinky, but it had taught her that most men were powerless in front of her, even if she'd rather be powerless in front of them (now where had that thought come from?).
"Right," she started, "it's like this. I want to try some new stuff -- and I really like the things that you've been showing me. But, I've not brought my purse. Now, ever since I walked in here you've been looking down my top, so I figured we could maybe make a deal?"
"A deal?" Andy murmured.
"Yes, a deal. I already told you I was looking for something dirty, and you're a better looking guy than I expected to find in here. So, tell me, what do you like on these shelves?"
She'd taken a step closer to him, and Andy could almost feel the heat coming off her. This was just simply unreal, but he'd never been a man to look a gift horse in the mouth (although he'd never met a gift horse in the shape of a fantastic, sex-mad redhead with massive boobs).
"What do I like? Why, what deal did you have in mind?"
Fay paused, realising that he sounded more assertive now. However, she'd come this far. "The deal I've got in mind, "she stepped closer, her soft tits which were straining her top now brushing against his chest, "is that you can do to me whatever you like and in return I can have whatever I like from the shop. Deal?"
She moved closer again, her boobs now pressed against him and he could smell her gentle, musky scent. Stretching up (he was seven inches taller than her) she kissed him, and whispered "Serious."
Andy turned, marched to the door and quickly flicked the catch, locking them in. He turned back to face her.
"I'm Andy. What's your name?"
"Fay," she answered quietly.
"Well, Fay, you said you wanted naughty and dirty, so here's the deal. I want you to take off your top and your bra so that I can see your fucking massive tits. Then I want you to bring me the cane that I just showed you. I'm going to spank you and cane you on your ass whilst you bend over the counter," he pointed to a spot. "You seemed to like the wetting DVD, so I hope you need to go to the toilet, because I am going to keep spanking you until you piss into your panties. After that, well, I've not decided. If you agree to that you can have the cane, and you can have the DVD. Well?"
Fay looked down and thought. This was so wrong, so sluttish, so naughty and rude and...dirty. Looking up she stared fiercely at Andy, her jaw set. "You'd better make it hard." With that, she hauled her vest off, dropping it to the ground, and unclasped her bra. Her huge, soft breasts swung free, wobbling slightly but so firm and proud. Giving him a moment to admire them she plucked the thin, whippy cane off the fall and walked towards him. Andy's eyes were glued to her chest -- he wasn't entirely certain that he hadn't died and gone to heaven.
Stopping in front of him, Fay proffered the cane, which he took and set down on the counter. Before he could speak she gave him an insolent pout and turned to lean over the counter. Her tits were crushed into the counter top and her back was arched, her chubby bottom offered up and waiting with her legs straight. Andy stepped forward and flipped her skirt up, revealing her white panties, the satin material stretched taut across her cheeks. He dragged his palm across her buttocks, cupping them and feeling the weight of them. Fay was in a turmoil. She'd never been spanked in her life, let alone by a complete stranger in exchange for some goods. It basically made her a whore. A dirty whore. She closed her eyes as the thought rushed over her and made her even more turned on. What on earth was wrong with her?
It was the last coherent thought she had for a while. Deciding to forego any warm up, Andy laid a firm slap across her left bottom cheek, then a harder one across the right. As her skin was so pale, a light pink blush was immediately raised and the impression of his palm was clear. Fay winced and exhaled sharply, and before there was a further reaction he spanked again, four swift smacks to each cheek, the crack from each resounding around the store.
"Owwww" cried Fay softly under her breath, and she started to cry softly. The spanking hurt, but at no time was she regretting the deal she'd offered. She was so horny that nothing seemed out of the question. The smacks kept falling, sharp and hard, keeping to a rhythm of Andy's devising, sometimes alternating cheeks, sometimes landing a few on one and then a few on the other. He covered her whole bottom with spanks, from the cheeks to the fold at the tops of her thighs where her ass curved into her legs. Spank. Spank. Spank. Spank. Spank. Spank. Spank. Spank. Spank. Spank. Spank. Spank. The tattoo of slaps onto her now reddened bottom continued. Her cheeks were glowing hot, blotchy and red and the sting was getting as much as she could bear. Remembering the deal, Fay realised that he intended to keep spanking her until she pissed in her pants. Tears were now running down her face, and she was sobbing and snivelling with the increasing pain in her behind. At the same time, the crotch of her knickers was already wet, but with her pussy rather than pee. She felt like she was made of sex.
Spank. Spank. Spank. Spank. Spank. Spank. Andy continued, his arm like a piston as he slapped and smacked her firm, round bottom, the full cheeks bouncing and wobbling with the impact of his hand. He wasn't sure how much more she could take. For her part, nor was Fay, and she was doing her best to concentrate on going to the toilet, but she'd not gone to the toilet in her panties since she was little, and never whilst bending over the counter in a sex shop and being spanked by a stranger!
Fay tried to ignore the hand falling repeatedly onto her scorched ass and focused all her attention on her bladder. She'd not been to the loo at all, so how hard could it be? She was not going to be able to sit down for a week, at this rate, when, finally, with a choked gasp, she seemed to burst. Andy stopped spanking immediately as hot, yellow piss flooded from her lips, soaked the crotch of her panties and bubbled through the material between her thighs. Streams ran down her legs, soaking her over-the-knee socks and staining them yellow.
"You're so bad, so dirty," she heard Andy say as she strained to keep peeing. She was dimly aware that he'd moved, she heard a swish and then, as her piss continued to soak her clothes and splash into a pool on the floor, a burning stripe exploded across her ass as Andy caned her.
"Nooooo," she cried, but she didn't try to get up. Her left arm was now curled under her on the counter, squeezing and grasping at her tear-wet boobs, and her right was reaching between her legs, rubbing frantically at her cunt. He caned her again, then again, the whippy cane slashing across her stinging behind and leaving red stripes across her already burning cheeks. Fay continued to try to pee, as the cane marked her thighs, her legs treading gently, her pumps squelching as they filled with her pee, her hand a blur at the front of her pissy panties. Suddenly, powerfully, her orgasm took her, and she collapsed, shuddering across the counter, gasping and trembling. Andy stopped caning her and just watched her, as she collected herself. Her thighs and ass were an angry, weal-marked red, her panties and socks were soaking wet and yellow with her pee, tears and snot had run from her face onto her swollen breasts.
Unsteadily, Fay stood up and turned to face him, still catching her breath. "Thank you," she half whispered. "That was the best orgasm I've ever had."
Lee swallowed, feeling dazed himself. "You're...you're welcome. I guess." He waved vaguely at the shelves. "Help yourself."
To Be Continued...
Pouting at the image of herself, Fay sighed and started to dress. It was Saturday and she had the apartment to herself, but she fancied going out for a walk. Loosely tying her hair back, she rummaged through the mess of clothing scattered around her room. She pulled on some white, satin bikini style panties, cut full over her peachy bum, and a matching bra a size too small so that her huge breasts formed a cleavage that was positively mesmerizing. Next some white, cotton over-the-knee socks and a short, red tartan skirt followed by a black, low-necked vest that showed her chest. Finally, some black pumps. Checking her reflection again, she smiled: as ever, she'd have guys falling over themselves. The thought brought a slight blush to her normally pale cheeks, but she was done with guys, at least for a while. She'd split with her last boyfriend during the week and was not sure what to do next in her personal life.
Trotting down the steps to the street, Fay struck off in the direction of the park. It was a warm day, but the sun was not too strong so she was not worried about sunburn -- her pale, creamy skin didn't really tan. As she meandered, she thought about her relationships. Sex was always the reason they failed, and she was always the one who did the splitting. It wasn't that she was against sex -- far from it, she'd have it five times a day if she could. It was just that it always got boring, and she wasn't really sure what she wanted to do to keep it interesting. All the people that she'd slept with had simply wanted to play with her boobs and then fuck, which was fine, but she wanted more...she wanted dirtier. Dirtier? Where had that come from. She'd arrived at the park, which was quiet. She found a bench shaded by a large oak, and sat down to continue her thoughts.
Fay's upbringing had been very uptight, very middle-class and talking about sex was very much off the table. Her daddy would be horrified if he knew his little girl had been fucked by three men within a week of turning 18, so nothing like that was ever talked about. For Fay, sex had always been a strictly vanilla experience. But just thinking that word, thinking 'dirty', had made her cheeks blush and her nipples tingle. Was this her problem, she pondered, was it that she was the dirty slut that her college room-mate (who'd discovered her boyfriend fucking Fay) had alleged? The more she thought, the more it seemed right. Her best relationships had been the ones she knew were wrong -- guys who already had a girlfriend, a tutor, other girls. They'd all got boring eventually, but maybe she'd just not gone far enough.
As she suddenly became conscious of the fact that she was sitting on a public bench idly stroking her thighs and heavy breasts, Fay suddenly stopped and looked around. Thankfully nobody was nearby, but she knew that she was on the right path now, if simply thinking about trying something new was enough to have her off in an erotic trance. Setting off walking again, she mulled over what she should try. It was a thought that had never occurred to her -- sex had always been something that she was pursued for so constantly that initiating it never been an issue. But if she did initiate something, what did she want to happen? Out of the park now, she looked up, wondering where to go next, and her mind was instantly made up for her. Across the road, on the corner of a quiet intersection, was a seedy looking, dark blue-painted shop. Outside hung a simple sign: XXX, over 21s only. A sex shop! Where could be better?
Without pausing to lose her nerve, Fay dashed over the road and pushed the door open, which quietly shut behind her. After the sunshine outside, the store seemed dimly lit, and she stopped to look around, scanning the wares on offer. To her left was a wall of magazines, the covers all seeming to show blonde, tanned women with their obviously enhanced breasts out. In front of her were several aisles of DVDs and to her right was a frankly astonished looking guy of about 30, sitting behind the counter and looking entranced by the beautiful, curvy redhead in her painfully cute-but-sexy outfit.
"Ahhh...excuse me, but are you 21?" he managed to croak.
"22, actually," Fay replied sweetly. "I'm just browsing." She sounded confident, but actually her heart was hammering, so she turned her back on the man and walked purposefully down the first aisle and started to look at the DVDs.
Although simply being in this place was exciting her, the material on offer was disappointing -- movie after movie of pretty, blonde girls getting screwed. They all seemed to offer threesomes, which was a place to start, she supposed, but wasn't really what she was after -- not that she knew what she was after. Frustrated, she glanced up to look at the man again. As with most guys, he was trying to stare at her without being caught, and was failing hopelessly. He looked quite attractive, actually, slim, brown-haired, scruffy, maybe 5'10" -- not the slovenly old man she'd imagined would be in here. A thought suddenly hit her, and before she could decide against it, she acted on the impulse and strode over to the counter.
"Hello, I wonder if you can help me?" The man dragged his gaze from her deep cleavage to look her in the face.
"Ummm, sure, what can I do?"
Fay frowned slightly, but decided to push on. "Well, I'm not sure. I was looking for something...unusual, maybe?" He raised an eyebrow. "Well, maybe not unusual, but something naughtier than the DVDs you've got. Something, I don't know, dirty?"
There, she's said it. Her pussy was tingling, her nipples were almost throbbing and her face felt like it was red with embarrassment, but she hoped she looked less uncomfortable than the guy behind the counter did!
"Ah, ok," he paused, nonplussed. Gorgeous girls simply did not come into sex shops and ask for 'something dirty' -- well, they didn't other than in the sort of DVDs that she'd decided weren't good enough. "Well, we have some of the kinkier stuff over here." He slid off the stool he'd been reading on (a real novel, Fay noted, not a porno mag) and walked around the corner to the corner of the shop furthest from the door. Fay chewed her bottom lip, nervous now, but followed him. He continued, pointing at various sections of the shelves. "So, there's bondage, foot fetish stuff, bukkake, older guys, pregnant girls, watersports, spanking..."
"What's bukkake?" interrupted Fay. The assistant looked like he couldn't decide if he was confused or amazed, but he shrugged and handed her a DVD.
"Well, simply it's loads of guys cumming on a girl's face."
Fay studied the box and then handed it back. "Thanks. And watersports?"
He took a deep breath and shook his head slightly, before turning his back to her whilst he pointed at some DVD boxes. "There's different stuff, really, but it all boils down to, uhh, pissing. Guys on girls, girls on guys, drinking it, doing it outside, doing it in clothes..." He tailed off and turned back to her, but Fay didn't notice. She was lost in thought, his words crashing around in her head. Watersports! Now, that sounded naughty -- and dirty!
The assistant, who was called Andy, took this opportunity to study her. She really was the most fantastically gorgeous girl he'd laid eyes on -- pretty face, hair in coppery trails down her back and a body to make Jessica Rabbit pout at the unfairness of it! Andy coughed, to get her attention back, and continued with his pitch. "We've toys too, all the usual vibrators and dildos, plus handcuffs, paddles, canes...whatever you may, ummm, want, really." He shrugged and waited for a response from the redhead.
Fay's mind was buzzing. She'd never been as turned on in her life, and could not decide which way to turn. She felt hot and distracted, as she tried to pick out what had excited her most from what the assistant had been saying. She wanted almost all of it, and didn't know what to buy first and...and she'd left her purse at home. However, before she could even start to feel disappointed her sexually overcome brain supplied an answer -- after all, vanilla sex with dozens of guys may not have been kinky, but it had taught her that most men were powerless in front of her, even if she'd rather be powerless in front of them (now where had that thought come from?).
"Right," she started, "it's like this. I want to try some new stuff -- and I really like the things that you've been showing me. But, I've not brought my purse. Now, ever since I walked in here you've been looking down my top, so I figured we could maybe make a deal?"
"A deal?" Andy murmured.
"Yes, a deal. I already told you I was looking for something dirty, and you're a better looking guy than I expected to find in here. So, tell me, what do you like on these shelves?"
She'd taken a step closer to him, and Andy could almost feel the heat coming off her. This was just simply unreal, but he'd never been a man to look a gift horse in the mouth (although he'd never met a gift horse in the shape of a fantastic, sex-mad redhead with massive boobs).
"What do I like? Why, what deal did you have in mind?"
Fay paused, realising that he sounded more assertive now. However, she'd come this far. "The deal I've got in mind, "she stepped closer, her soft tits which were straining her top now brushing against his chest, "is that you can do to me whatever you like and in return I can have whatever I like from the shop. Deal?"
She moved closer again, her boobs now pressed against him and he could smell her gentle, musky scent. Stretching up (he was seven inches taller than her) she kissed him, and whispered "Serious."
Andy turned, marched to the door and quickly flicked the catch, locking them in. He turned back to face her.
"I'm Andy. What's your name?"
"Fay," she answered quietly.
"Well, Fay, you said you wanted naughty and dirty, so here's the deal. I want you to take off your top and your bra so that I can see your fucking massive tits. Then I want you to bring me the cane that I just showed you. I'm going to spank you and cane you on your ass whilst you bend over the counter," he pointed to a spot. "You seemed to like the wetting DVD, so I hope you need to go to the toilet, because I am going to keep spanking you until you piss into your panties. After that, well, I've not decided. If you agree to that you can have the cane, and you can have the DVD. Well?"
Fay looked down and thought. This was so wrong, so sluttish, so naughty and rude and...dirty. Looking up she stared fiercely at Andy, her jaw set. "You'd better make it hard." With that, she hauled her vest off, dropping it to the ground, and unclasped her bra. Her huge, soft breasts swung free, wobbling slightly but so firm and proud. Giving him a moment to admire them she plucked the thin, whippy cane off the fall and walked towards him. Andy's eyes were glued to her chest -- he wasn't entirely certain that he hadn't died and gone to heaven.
Stopping in front of him, Fay proffered the cane, which he took and set down on the counter. Before he could speak she gave him an insolent pout and turned to lean over the counter. Her tits were crushed into the counter top and her back was arched, her chubby bottom offered up and waiting with her legs straight. Andy stepped forward and flipped her skirt up, revealing her white panties, the satin material stretched taut across her cheeks. He dragged his palm across her buttocks, cupping them and feeling the weight of them. Fay was in a turmoil. She'd never been spanked in her life, let alone by a complete stranger in exchange for some goods. It basically made her a whore. A dirty whore. She closed her eyes as the thought rushed over her and made her even more turned on. What on earth was wrong with her?
It was the last coherent thought she had for a while. Deciding to forego any warm up, Andy laid a firm slap across her left bottom cheek, then a harder one across the right. As her skin was so pale, a light pink blush was immediately raised and the impression of his palm was clear. Fay winced and exhaled sharply, and before there was a further reaction he spanked again, four swift smacks to each cheek, the crack from each resounding around the store.
"Owwww" cried Fay softly under her breath, and she started to cry softly. The spanking hurt, but at no time was she regretting the deal she'd offered. She was so horny that nothing seemed out of the question. The smacks kept falling, sharp and hard, keeping to a rhythm of Andy's devising, sometimes alternating cheeks, sometimes landing a few on one and then a few on the other. He covered her whole bottom with spanks, from the cheeks to the fold at the tops of her thighs where her ass curved into her legs. Spank. Spank. Spank. Spank. Spank. Spank. Spank. Spank. Spank. Spank. Spank. Spank. The tattoo of slaps onto her now reddened bottom continued. Her cheeks were glowing hot, blotchy and red and the sting was getting as much as she could bear. Remembering the deal, Fay realised that he intended to keep spanking her until she pissed in her pants. Tears were now running down her face, and she was sobbing and snivelling with the increasing pain in her behind. At the same time, the crotch of her knickers was already wet, but with her pussy rather than pee. She felt like she was made of sex.
Spank. Spank. Spank. Spank. Spank. Spank. Andy continued, his arm like a piston as he slapped and smacked her firm, round bottom, the full cheeks bouncing and wobbling with the impact of his hand. He wasn't sure how much more she could take. For her part, nor was Fay, and she was doing her best to concentrate on going to the toilet, but she'd not gone to the toilet in her panties since she was little, and never whilst bending over the counter in a sex shop and being spanked by a stranger!
Fay tried to ignore the hand falling repeatedly onto her scorched ass and focused all her attention on her bladder. She'd not been to the loo at all, so how hard could it be? She was not going to be able to sit down for a week, at this rate, when, finally, with a choked gasp, she seemed to burst. Andy stopped spanking immediately as hot, yellow piss flooded from her lips, soaked the crotch of her panties and bubbled through the material between her thighs. Streams ran down her legs, soaking her over-the-knee socks and staining them yellow.
"You're so bad, so dirty," she heard Andy say as she strained to keep peeing. She was dimly aware that he'd moved, she heard a swish and then, as her piss continued to soak her clothes and splash into a pool on the floor, a burning stripe exploded across her ass as Andy caned her.
"Nooooo," she cried, but she didn't try to get up. Her left arm was now curled under her on the counter, squeezing and grasping at her tear-wet boobs, and her right was reaching between her legs, rubbing frantically at her cunt. He caned her again, then again, the whippy cane slashing across her stinging behind and leaving red stripes across her already burning cheeks. Fay continued to try to pee, as the cane marked her thighs, her legs treading gently, her pumps squelching as they filled with her pee, her hand a blur at the front of her pissy panties. Suddenly, powerfully, her orgasm took her, and she collapsed, shuddering across the counter, gasping and trembling. Andy stopped caning her and just watched her, as she collected herself. Her thighs and ass were an angry, weal-marked red, her panties and socks were soaking wet and yellow with her pee, tears and snot had run from her face onto her swollen breasts.
Unsteadily, Fay stood up and turned to face him, still catching her breath. "Thank you," she half whispered. "That was the best orgasm I've ever had."
Lee swallowed, feeling dazed himself. "You're...you're welcome. I guess." He waved vaguely at the shelves. "Help yourself."
To Be Continued...
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